Top 5 des meilleures alternatives en 2024 (premier choix)

Automation can be a big time-saver, especially when it comes to building your brand and increasing your fan base on social media. is a popular tool for this purpose, but in this article, we will discuss some alternatives to

If you’re not familiar with the concept of social media automation but find it intriguing, keep reading! is a technology stack that was designed to help people in the tech industry overcome the challenges of running ads and campaigns.

Often, it can be difficult to promote brands and products without the ability to travel and advertise in person. offers a solution to this problem.

Let’s Get Started with Best Alternatives.

About is an automation software built to help companies and brands launch and optimize their ads and campaigns on Facebook and then, later on, expand to various other platforms.

Seeing the different challenges faced by the individuals, the team brainstormed ideas and came up with the conclusion to build this platform.

From optimization to launching and also making eye-catching ads, the team succeeded and now helps over 600 companies and brands monetize from Pinterest to Facebook and Instagram.

Liste des 5 meilleures alternatives en 2024

1) Madgicx 

Madgicx, an AI-operated omnichannel platform for marketing, has creative intelligence and independent ad purchasing capabilities, which optimize ads across Instagram, Facebook, and Google.

It provides an advertising platform for all in one, which strategically optimizes and manages the campaigns related to ads.



  1. Test A / B - L' Test A / B feature of Madgicx is distinct from the others. It helps users compare the features and also test different variations of just one variable.
  2. Tableau de bord d'activité - Le tableau de bord des activités stratégiques fournit à l'utilisateur des détails sans précédent et les aide également à connaßtre les fonctionnalités cachées qui les aident à augmenter leurs revenus.
  3. Analyse ad hoc - La fonction d'analyse ad hoc de Madgicx aide l'utilisateur Ă  dĂ©poser n'importe quelle requĂȘte Ă  l'Ă©quipe Ă  tout moment.
  4. Rapports ad hoc – Ad hoc reporting is those reports that are generated as per the requirement in a format that is easy for the user to handle.
  5. Gestion de la publicitĂ© – The advertising management feature helps the user to determine the reach and extent of the product they are advertising.
  6. Analytique - Les diffĂ©rentes analyses fournies par Madgicx sont conviviales et permettent de les saisir facilement d'un simple coup d'Ɠil.

Avantages et inconvénients


  • Madgicx is a unique tool with 30+ features that stand out from other apps. It has the best bots and AI, along with many digital tools that help the user in every way. 
  • The experience of the existing users is very impressive. The use of Madgicx is very fast and user-friendly, which helps them work single-handedly and effortlessly in many aspects.
  • Madgicx hits all the areas, covering the user’s entonnoir de vente.
  • The user can stay relaxed without the stress of the budget being blown off, and the autopilot feature helps control and automate various things.
  • This is a brand-new feature that helps the user to view the creativity that they have put into the formation of the page and also provides a copy of an ad.
  • The mass creation feature helps the user create bulk campaigns in a very short period. The great and easy-to-use themes make the creation faster and better for the user, which is beneficial to them.
  • The expert panel present is very supportive and understanding. Their quick responses help the users in a very personalized way.
  • Madgicx saves the user a lot of time due to its variety of options and the fastest customer care. Being cost-effective, the user can invest money in various places.


  • The first and foremost issue that the user might face is the FAQ section. Since the FAQ section isn’t up to the mark, newbies might find it difficult to troubleshoot the issues they face, and there isn’t any other help that will clear up misunderstandings.
  • For newbies, the product takes time to familiarize oneself with. In the beginning, the user needs time to get acquainted with the insights, the dashboard, the automation techniques used, the Ad Launcher, and the proper functioning of Magicx.
  • L'outil est un peu sophistiquĂ© en raison des capacitĂ©s complexes du produit. Cela se concentre principalement sur la gestion du budget et joue un petit rĂŽle dans la comprĂ©hension du logiciel.

2) Skai

Skai est une plate-forme mondiale de premier plan pour les solutions de marketing dont le principal objectif est de développer et d'aider les spécialistes du marketing des médias sociaux et du commerce électronique à rencontrer leurs clients potentiels.


The creation and administration of social media campaigns and data-driven insights, alongside analyzing and amalgamating data from multiple sources through this medium, have become widespread in recent times because of clients’ altering preferences. 


  1. IntĂ©gration des mĂ©dias sociaux: Une convivialitĂ© publicitĂ© sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux management interface with easy navigation and no reliance on major platforms like Google makes it a preferable solution.
  2. Management de la stratĂ©gie: Skai has leading management resources that help every beginner carry out the work as per initial plans without having to be involved in too many setbacks.  
  3. Automatisation du marketing: Skai’s new automation feature helps clients avoid glitches during repeated actions. It allows for easy management of activities, rapid alterations, and performance checks. With this tool, clients can quickly make adjustments and avoid glitches.
  4. Tableau de bord personnalisable: Marketing analytics proposes dashboard customizations alongside performance and social media metrics. Any platform that offers you the option of customizing your own dashboard gets higher levels of attention. 
  5. Ciblage d'audience: Skai has greatly helped target its audiences based on their geographic variables, as well as leaving impressions on marketable areas where there are chances of gaining a profitable trade of commodities in demand offered by them.
  6. Suivi des mots clés: Helps manage keywords and increase trafic sur le site. Bulk editing and uploads to multiple social media platforms are possible. Filter keywords by location, date, time, and more for better optimization.

Avantages et inconvénients


  • C'est une plate-forme trĂšs conviviale qui offre une mise en page rapide et facilement navigable.
  • DĂ©veloppement d'algorithmes rigides pour atteindre des objectifs simplifiĂ©s et des moyens amĂ©liorĂ©s de dĂ©finir des campagnes
  • 24/7 customer support, along with monthly training, helps address issues and clear out glitches.
  • If you are looking for options like bidding management, portfolio management, or anything similar to location targeting, Skai is the best platform for campaign management.
  • Through its editor feature, it saves time by avoiding repetitive work. It is also a very preferable option when comparing with rival platforms and keeping track of multiple such channels.
  • Autonomous bidding and adjustment have made campaigning multiple times easier, allowing the company to run different objectives error-free.


  • Tools offered by Skai are not suitable for higher bidding. Bulk changes are difficult to make if the bidding is higher than that of your regular budget, hence making it complicated to set up.
  • The support system becomes extremely slow if you work with outsized accounts, and it malfunctions during product events. Getting technical support at such times negatively impacts customer engagement.
  • A few features of Skai, like the editor and desktop application, need to undergo a lengthy repair phase in order to sync smoothly with search engines.
  • No library that offers targeting settings, making it complicated and time-consuming to access new campaigns.
  • There is a lack of strategic guidance regarding specific reporting. Since it requires covering up a larger bandwidth, data analysis often needs to be put to rest due to a lack of availability.
  • Skai’s major problem has been its terminology and system hierarchy issue, which trusted vendors found to be very confusing.

3) Flux de mots

Founded in 2008, Wordstream is online advertising software that helps create, organize, and control social campaigns.

It assists advertisers in administering their Google, Facebook, or Bing ads campaigns, giving them a simplified experience in online marketing campaigns.


It’s a time-efficient way of enabling users to alter their ads with relevant data on their accounts.

With a number of free tools for agents, Wordstream is one of those simplest solutions that give you a dynamic ad experience.


  1. Keyword generation and analysis tools are best for top-notch sales funnels with custom pages de destination and customizable branding and reporting.
  2. Pay-per-click management has a very impactful effect. With sub-features like A/B testing, bid and budget management, and URL builders, PPC strategies have made the user experience trouble-free.
  3. A 20-minute work week is designed to make the digital marketing experience way simpler by better interface and processing and makes streamlining of optimization effortless.
  4. The call tracking feature of Wordstream helps record, report, and track calls alongside performance and scheduled reporting.
  5. Option de notifications automatiques pour aider l'utilisateur Ă  ĂȘtre mis Ă  jour Ă  chaque modification. 

Avantages et inconvénients


  • Facile Ă  utiliser avec une interface profonde qui aide Ă  crĂ©er des rapports qui peuvent ĂȘtre partagĂ©s avec vos clients directement.
  • Affine les annonces selon le plan de l'utilisateur et gĂ©nĂšre des annonces de meilleure qualitĂ© et sans rĂ©clamation pour atteindre la cible.
  • It makes controlling PPC marketing channels efficient in large platforms like Google Ads and Facebook advertising, resulting in the depletion of multiple tools in ad operations.
  • Small-budget businesses and agents can get well-optimized facilities that are proven to be extremely useful.


  • Le plus gros inconvĂ©nient de Wordstream est qu'il est trĂšs cher, hors de la ligue pour les petites entreprises surtout pas pour les dĂ©butants. 
  • Il est un peu dĂ©routant de comprendre les dĂ©tails et les domaines d'utilisation.
  • The users are required to do everything manually, from syncing to optimizing tasks. If they forget to make it live, all the data will be erased, and the user will mostly be asked to do it again.
  • Cela prend du temps lorsqu'il s'agit de comprendre les mots-clĂ©s avec lesquels l'entreprise de l'utilisateur est exploitĂ©e.
  • Duplication des annonces lors de la modification de toute annonce originale sur Wordstream au lieu d'apporter des modifications Ă  l'annonce principale. 

4) Plateforme de marketing Google

When we talk about Google, we immediately associate it with innovation and customer satisfaction, don’t we? Today, we’re talking about Google’s marketing platform.

Google’s marketing platform is an advertising tool that provides different services that can be used easily and without wracking your brain.

To name a few, it provides ad management and ad-serving solutions to companies that buy, formulate, or sell publicité numérique.

Google Marketing Platform

Google Marketing Platform combines Google Double Click ℱ and Analytics 360 products, encouraging companies to manage their customers’ journey from start to finish.

With a little previous understanding of simple outils de marketing, you can master using this tool! So great.


  1. Google Marketing Platform provides cross-device facilities. In other words, Google allows marketers to get a nicer view of their users’ journeys through different platforms/devices, from smartphones, iPads, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This function enables digital users to conduct better-quality campaigns that lead to more customizable experiences for the users.
  2. Apt Campaigns provided by Machine Learning; With this feature, Google attempts to support small businesses and enterprises that have much less capital than large-scale enterprises.
  3. It helps small-scale enterprises get the best results via online marketing with the least amount of time invested.
  4. Advertisers should still be aware that if an algorithm commands an attribute of their marketing or advertising attempts, having a human check in on the campaign regularly to establish its success is a necessity (regardless of how evolved the technology is). 

Pour et contre


  • Comme mentionnĂ© ci-dessus, Google nous apporte toujours le meilleur! Pour ĂȘtre clair Ă  ce sujet, voici quelques fonctionnalitĂ©s pour vous guider:
  • If an amateur like me can use it, hey, you can too! The point is that it is easy to operate and gives the best results.
  • A combination of different tools, the Google Marketing Platform combines analytics and reporting, advertising, tagging, and SEO all in one. Who would’ve thought technology would bring us to this?
  • The Google marketing platform assembles data from various sources in mere moments. 
  • The tool provides online tutorials for anyone who finds it difficult to operate.


  • Even though Google aims to provide the best for us, some people find it expensive and not affordable.
  • A survey has shown that it is less flexible than other ad servers they work with.
  • Google’s marketing platform lacks full channel optimization tools like a CMS and other personalization elements. There are test and target optimization products, but that’s about it.

5) MĂ©ta

Meta is another marketing tool that you can use to advertise your business and manage their company’s accounts and pages without even needing to share their login details on Facebook!

It has various benefits that we’ll discuss further ahead. 



  1. Appels Ă  l'action - Facebook launched calls to action (CTA) for pages in December 2014, allowing administrators to drive business objectives by including a CTA on the cover photo section of their page.
  2. Planifier des publications - The users can schedule posts ahead of their time. This allows them to be more efficient and in order. It saves time and allows them to be effective. 
  3. Suggestions de pages similaires - The users can increase their followers organically by making sure that their ‘similar page suggestion’ option is turned on. It is a great way to be true to yourself and your work. 

Pour et contre


  • Facebook for Business allows you to manage multiple pages and accounts from one business profile.
  • Facebook for Business lets you securely share other ad pages for business.
  • Different business objectives call for different permission levels, and Facebook for business allows you to do just that.
  • A great source of information; You can access valuable pixel data with just a few clicks. Isn’t that amazing?


  • Campaigns can be planned for only a short period of 6 months in the future. So, there is no possibility of planning an event or campaign for the year ahead.
  • The platform isn’t the most intuitive, and support documents are vague and hard to discover at best.
  • Facebook constantly changes its platform, and hence, metrics sometimes evolve or disappear. 
  • There is a long waiting period for ad approval.


đŸ€” What is Marketing automation for marketing and sales?

Oui, l'automatisation du marketing permet aux entreprises d'inciter les clients et les prospects Ă  augmenter leurs ventes avec des ressources limitĂ©es. D'un point de vue commercial, les outils d'automatisation convertissent les prospects potentiels en prospects tangibles avec des actions automatisĂ©es qui vous gardent en tĂȘte du reste du marchĂ©.

🧐 Does a user need to be tech-savvy to work on this software?

Non, un utilisateur n'a certainement pas besoin d'ĂȘtre un expert en dĂ©veloppement de logiciels. Le logiciel vous guidera avec des vidĂ©os et des FAQ. De plus, les interfaces sont faciles Ă  utiliser.

đŸ”„ Does one have to fill all the details manually for global level campaigns?

Non, ce logiciel synchronise rapidement les enregistrements des clients à partir de toutes les plateformes numériques et s'assure qu'ils sont toujours à jour et à jour, que vous gériez des campagnes pour des dizaines de millions de personnes.

Liens rapides:

Conclusion: Best Alternatives 2024

Voici quelques alternatives que vous pourriez utiliser pour atteindre vos clients potentiels. L'engagement avec les clients doit ĂȘtre basĂ© Ă  la fois sur des niveaux actifs et subliminaux.

Les alternatives mentionnĂ©es ci-dessus fournissent un contenu Web utile, des fonctionnalitĂ©s attrayantes, des annonces et des campagnes en masse et une portĂ©e mondiale dans une gamme abordable. 

But the best to be used for marketing is Madgicx, as the numerous easy-to-use features try to fulfill every client demand. AI automation helps beginners to promote their market at a global level.

Advertisers do not have to waste their time optimizing their ads manually. It is user-friendly, and the possibility of automation that makes your ads work better and better while you’re sleeping makes it one of the best software applications for e-commerce.

Kashish Babber
Cet auteur est vérifié sur

Kashish est diplĂŽmĂ©e du B.Com et suit actuellement sa passion d'apprendre et d'Ă©crire sur le rĂ©fĂ©rencement et les blogs. À chaque nouvelle mise Ă  jour de l’algorithme de Google, elle plonge dans les dĂ©tails. Elle est toujours avide d'apprendre et adore explorer chaque tournure des mises Ă  jour des algorithmes de Google, entrant dans le vif du sujet pour comprendre leur fonctionnement. Son enthousiasme pour ces sujets se reflĂšte dans ses Ă©crits, rendant ses idĂ©es Ă  la fois informatives et engageantes pour toute personne intĂ©ressĂ©e par le paysage en constante Ă©volution de l'optimisation des moteurs de recherche et de l'art du blogging.

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