How to Connect With the Most Influential Bloggers In Any Niche 2024?

Fini le temps, «construis-le et ils viendront».

Have you ever wanted to chat with those super popular bloggers who seem to know everything about your favorite topics? It might feel a bit scary or confusing on how to start talking to them, right?

Well, I’m here to share some simple steps on how to connect with these influential bloggers in any niche.

Whether you love cooking, gaming, fashion, or anything else, there’s a way to get in touch with the top voices in that space.

It’s all about knowing where to look and how to reach out.

Comment se connecter avec les blogueurs les plus influents dans n'importe quel créneau

If you are wondering how to read and implement the strategies that I’m going to explain in this guide, Are you ready? Let’s jump into the details.

Comment se connecter avec les blogueurs les plus influents de n'importe quel créneau ?

1. Make a List of Influential Bloggers

Comment se connecter avec les blogueurs les plus influents dans n'importe quel créneau

This is the #1 step. Create a list of all the bloggers who have a strong influence on the type of audience you want.

Vous devez tirer parti de leur réseau. Si vous êtes nouveau dans le domaine des blogs et que vous ne savez pas par où commencer, voici le moyen le plus simple de trouver des blogueurs influents.

Utilisez Alltop pour trouver les meilleurs blogueurs. Alltop est la plus grande plate-forme qui vous aide à trouver les meilleurs blogs dans presque tous les créneaux.

It not only gives you a list of all the great blogs but also shows you their recent posts. This serves you in two ways: it helps you find influential bloggers and provides better content ideas to post.

Vous pouvez également trouver les meilleurs blogs de votre niche en tapant «[votre niche]» + les meilleurs blogs.

Par exemple, «fitness» + meilleurs blogs ou «fitness» + meilleurs blogs vous donne une liste de tous les liens qui couvrent les meilleurs blogs marketing.

Comment se connecter avec les blogueurs influents dans n'importe quel créneau

Create a spreadsheet on Google Sheets and make a list of 40 to 50 top blogs in your industry, including their names and email addresses.

Maintenant, cela m'amène au point suivant.

2. Find Their Email Addresses

C'est là que la plupart des gens luttent.

Trouver un adresse e-mail on the web is hard, especially if you are trying to get emails from influential bloggers. Most of them just don’t reveal their email address publicly. The reason is they are always busy, and they get hundreds of emails every single day.

So, how can you find an email address? Here’s the crazy stuff: go sign up for their email list!

Almost every blogger collects emails from their blog audience, so subscribe to the blogs that are on your hit list. And almost every blogger sends “welcome emails” to their subscribers—viola! You have their working email address.

Répondez simplement et commencez à interagir avec eux.

Here’s the thing—don’t send them spam pitches like “Please link to my pages,” “Here’s how you can help me,” etc. Instead of seeking help, do them a favor by offering free help. Figure out what’s missing on their blog and explain how they can fix that. Plain and simple, right?

Instead of asking for help, you’re offering it. This is a big deal because 90% of bloggers get “I want help” email pitches. If they see “I want to help YOU” emails, you can instantly grab their attention.

3. Tweet Their Stuff

Once you’ve made the list of the most influential bloggers in your industry, start following them on Twitter.

Whether you know it or not, almost every influential blogger prefers to engage with their followers on Twitter over Facebook.

If you are spending most of your time on Facebook or any other platform, stop doing it and spend your time on twitter. You will find the majority of the influencers actively tweeting on Twitter, so you can’t miss out on that opportunity to connect.

Another simple yet effective way to find and connect influencers on Twitter is by using Topsy.

Connectez-vous avec les blogueurs influents dans n'importe quel créneau

Enter any of the most popular articles in your niche on Topsy. It will instantly give you a list of all the tweets that shared the article. Simply click on the “Influential Only” tab to get a list of Twitter influencers in your industry.

Commencez à les suivre et dites-leur si vous avez un type de contenu similaire. Ils seront intéressés à le tweeter s'ils le trouvent utile pour leur public. Assurez-vous de tweeter leurs contenus et de dialoguer avec eux avant même de demander de l'aide.  

4. Leave Thoughtful Comments

Blog commenting – although this is the old-school method of getting noticed by other bloggers, it still works like a charm.

The only thing is that you need to leave smart and thoughtful comments instead of “hey, nice post, ya” type of stuff.

Whether you agree it or not, leaving great comments on meilleurs blogs is the simplest yet fastest way to grow your blog. It gives you the initial momentum to expand your network by increasing your online visibility.

Assurez-vous de vous abonner aux mises à jour par e-mail des blogs que vous aimez lire pour recevoir des notifications instantanées lorsqu'ils publient de nouveaux articles.

De cette façon, vous pouvez être le premier commentateur. Souvent, vous obtiendrez une grande attention si vous laissez des commentaires significatifs sur leurs messages après avoir lu les messages.

Here are a few simple tips to get noticed with your blog comments.

  • Allez sur Gravatar et ajoutez votre image. Tout le monde veut voir votre visage!
  • Always use your full name instead of your blog name (some people still use that to spam!)
  • Ne laissez jamais un commentaire de blog sans avoir lu le message en entier. DÉJÀ!
  • Incluez toujours le nom de l'auteur en laissant des commentaires.
  • Partagez vos idées personnelles ou posez des questions pour poursuivre la conversation dans les commentaires du blog.
  • Répondez aux autres commentateurs qui ont déjà laissé un commentaire significatif ou posé une question.

Conseil: Ne laissez pas de commentaires uniquement pour augmenter votre trafic. Considérez les commentaires de blog comme un moyen de créer des relations, pas du trafic. Peu de blogueurs influents donnent toujours un shout-out to the commenters qui laissent des commentaires à valeur ajoutée supplémentaire sur leurs blogs.

5. Email Them Regularly

Vous voulez connaître le conseil n ° 1 pour augmenter rapidement le trafic de votre blog? Écrire un e-mail. Cliquez sur envoyer! The only hardest part is getting your emails opened and read!

Writing effective emails is not easy, especially if you are new to the blogosphere.

  • Never write a demanding email asking for help. It’s the surefire way to get your emails into the trash or the spam box.
  • Always include the names of the influencers you are emailing to. Spell-check your emails for typos. Proofread your emails twice.
  • Your subject line is the key to getting your emails opened. Make them short, personal, and sweet.
  • N'écrivez pas d'e-mails «moi moi» qui parlent de VOUS uniquement. Vos e-mails doivent toujours concerner vos personnes cibles, pas vous. Arrêtez de vous vanter et utilisez les e-mails pour établir des relations.
  • If you don’t get a response after 2 to 3 days, follow up. Most people respond to you at this point. Ask them gently about your previous email instead of bashing them.
  • Keep your emails short and simple. If you are sending an email to someone for the first time, “don’t write long and boring emails.” No one actually has the time to read long emails. Keep them short and concise.

Astuce supplémentaire : Before sending an email to someone you don’t know, here’s the rule of thumb to follow: always think of “what’s in it for them.” What do they get when they read your emails? If you follow this simple rule, you will get higher chances of opening and response rates than anyone else.

6. Keep Adding Value to the Influencers

Whenever you write a new publier sur votre blog, link to the influencers who have relevant content. Just email them to tell them that you mentioned their articles.

Demandez un tweet ou partagez-le s'ils trouvent votre contenu intéressant. Ils peuvent ne pas créer de lien instantané avec vos contenus ou tweeter à votre sujet au début. Mais lorsque vous faites cela assez souvent, vous attirerez leur attention tôt ou tard. La persistance est la clé ici.

Keep sending compliments through emails, tweets, or videos whenever they post amazing content on their blogs. Who doesn’t like compliments?

Buy their products or get their online courses if they offer them. Make sure to become their “fan boy” before even seeking their help.

Once they realize you are their most loyal reader, they will definitely look for ways to help you, either by mentioning you on their blog or tweeting about your best stuff.

7. Create Website Review Videos

Retour au 2011, Derek Halpern used this technique to connect with the top marketers’ bloggers. He simply offered “free website reviews” and discussed all the pitfalls of a website to increase its conversion rates.

He made 5 to 10-minute videos talking directly to the top bloggers in the marketing niche, and almost every time, he discussed the same things in every other video.

Still, he got the momentum, and most people online started seeing Derek as the marketing guru who was good at filling website leaks.

Website reviews still work like a charm. However, most bloggers or marketers do not use them, so you can give them a try, find your website’s pitfalls, and create a video explaining how you can improve it.

The best part is that you don’t always have to have personal relationships with other bloggers to make website video reviews work. Simply analyze a website, make a video review, and email the blog owner to tell where their website is leaking.

If they find it useful, they will definitely give you a shout-out or help you in some other way. That’s how you can build strong relations with other bloggers in your niche. Sounds great? Implement it right away.

Petite astuce: vous pouvez utiliser SEMrush to perform quick site audits for any site. If you want to know more about this, I highly recommend that you check out ce guide détaillé.


📈 What makes a blogger Influential?

An influential blogger has a significant following, high engagement rate, and is recognized as an authority in their niche. They influence their audience’s opinions and decisions.

🎁 What can I offer influential bloggers?

Offer them something valuable such as unique content, a product to review, or an opportunity to reach a wider audience. Make sure it aligns with their interests and audience.

🔍 How do I stand out in my outreach efforts?

Personalize your communication, be concise yet specific about your proposal, and demonstrate genuine interest in their work. Following them on social media and interacting with their content can also help you stand out.

💡 What are some effective collaboration ideas with bloggers?

Guest posting, giveaways, interviews, and social media takeovers are some effective ways to collaborate. Ensure these ideas are relevant to their audience for the best impact.

🚫 What are common mistakes to avoid when reaching out?

Avoid generic messages, not doing enough research, being too pushy, or offering something that doesn’t align with their values or audience interests.

Liens rapides:

Conclusion: Connect With the Most Influential Bloggers In Any Niche

I wish I could tell you that if you follow a few of the strategies mentioned above, you will have more chances of quickly building relationships with the influencers.

But in reality, it’s not simple. It takes time to connect, and you need to spend a lot of time getting to know others.

Getting their emails open and read is the biggest hurdle for any beginner. Once they learn to write captivating emails, connecting with influential bloggers becomes easy.

Make sure to spend most of your time connecting with others through emails, and you will be astonished by the results you get over time. Also, remember one thing: Most of the time, you don’t get responses from other bloggers.

They might be busy or simply ignore your emails. Just don’t give up and follow up with them again after 2 to 3 days to increase your chances of getting responses.

Alors, que pensez-vous de la connexion avec les influenceurs? Avez-vous d'autres stratégies pour vous connecter avec les blogueurs occupés? Veuillez partager vos opinions dans la section des commentaires ci-dessous.

Anil Agarwal
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Anil Agarwal possède blog où il blogue sur divers sujets concernant le blgging, le référencement, le marketing d'affiliation, les réseaux sociaux et l'hébergement Web, etc.

Divulgation d'affiliation: En toute transparence - certains des liens de notre site Web sont des liens d'affiliation, si vous les utilisez pour effectuer un achat, nous gagnerons une commission sans frais supplémentaires pour vous (aucun!).

Commentaires (1)

  1. J'adore cet article. Je lis votre blog assez souvent et vous sortez toujours avec de bonnes choses.
    Je partage cela sur mon Facebook et mes abonnés ont adoré.
    Continuez votre bon travail.

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