GST Calculator: Calculate GST Online in India

GST Calculator
Gross Price:


The Goods and Services Tax, abbreviated as GST, is a type of tax imposed by the Indian government at the national level. On the internet, there are several GST Calculators that may be used to figure out how much GST would cost.

The GST is a nationwide tax imposed by the Indian government on dealers, makers, and consumers of goods and services.

GST is evolved from the notion of Value Added Tax (VAT), which means it is applied at each stage of the supply chain and the consumer is responsible for paying the GST amount levied by the last dealer or supplier.

More information on the GST

GST was adopted primarily to ensure tax collection uniformity. The GST scheme collects tax in a lump sum at the end of the manufacturing process for goods or services. GST is collected in five slabs: 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28%, with different commodities and services falling under different tax slabs. There are however some commodities that are exempt from the GST. You may learn more about them here.

In India, there are four different types of GST. They are as follows:

The Central Products and Services Tax, or CGST, is a tax levied by the federal government on intra-state goods and services and is administered by the CGST Act. Both CGST and SGST are normally charged at the same rate.

The State Products and Services Tax, or SGST, is a tax levied by the state government on goods and services supplied inside the state and is administered by the SGST Act. Both SGST and CGST are normally charged at the same rate.

The central government collects the Integrated Products and Services Tax, or IGST, on interstate supply of goods and services as well as imports. The IGST is collected by the federal government and then distributed to the states.

The Union Territory Goods and Services Tax, or UTGST, is imposed on the supply of goods and services in any of India’s seven union territory. The UTGST is collected at the same time as the CGST.

What is GST Calculator and how does it work?

Calculator for GST India is a simple tool for calculating the appropriate GST amount on goods and services purchases. It also allows you to see how much GST is included in a product’s pricing. To use a GST calculator, provide the following information:

Calculate the cost: You must choose whether to compute GST using the GST exclusive price or the GST included pricing.

Amount total: The product’s price (included or exclusive) Tax bracket: The GST tax bracket in which the goods is taxed.

The GST calculator will display the following results based on the entered values:

Total GST Amount: The amount of GST that applies to the product’s original price.

GST Amount: The price of the product, including or excluding GST.

There is no need to utilise a formula. The calculator automatically applies the appropriate formula and provides the most accurate results.

Reverse GST Calculator

GST reverse charge will be charged if a vendor who has not applied for GST supplies products to someone who is.

Instead of paying the fees to the provider who is not registered under GST, the receiver will pay them directly to the government.

The dealer who is GST registered and must pay reverse charge should create his own invoice for the products and services he has purchased.