How to Open an Online Store With Wix In 2024?

ECommerce huwa mod tajjeb ħafna biex ibigħu l-prodotti tiegħek. It has become exponentially popular in the modern internet era.

More and more people log on each day to find websites that sell products they need. This is because ecommerce saves a lot of time and effort that goes into finding an outlet and going there for material purchases.

Kif tiftaħ ħanut onlajn b'Wix

I am sure you may also have had an awesome ecommerce idea somewhere down the road. Why did you dump it, then? Let me guess the reasons:

  • High Cost of Website Development.
  • No Knowledge of Coding and Programming.
  • It seemed like an Investment that was too Risky.

Ħafna min-nies li ħallew l-ideat tal-kummerċ elettroniku tagħhom kellhom waħda minn dawn ir-raġunijiet f'moħħhom. Ukoll, issa hemm soluzzjoni għal dan.

How to Open an Online Store With Wix In 2024?

But first of all, what is Wix? It is a web development platform based on cloud computing. You can create HTML5 and mobile sites easily and for free.

Its website builder is very simple, allowing users to build fully responsive websites without writing a line of code. Let’s cut to the chase:

Hawn kif tista 'faċilment tibni ħanut online billi tuża WixStores

Idħol f'Wix

Step – 1: Setting Up Shop

Waħda mill-iffirmar eħfef li qatt esperjenzajt! Ladarba tikklikkja fuq 'Create Your Website,’ this pop-up opens:

Ħlief is-sit fuq Wix

Now, you can easily sign up with your credentials or just sign in with Facebook and Google Plus.

It is as simple as that. You will not receive any other prompts about verification emails. You can start building your website then and there.

Step – 2: Għażla ta' Tema

Għażla ta' Tema ma' Wix

After signing in, you will be redirected to this window:

You have to select a theme. Now, you wish to design an online store. Just navigate down and click on the online store option as shown in the image below;

Now you can select from a variety of ecommerce layouts. For instance, I was interested in opening an online shop for athletic apparel, so I selected this theme.

Tista' tara t-tema biex tieħu idea tal-prospetti ġenerali billi tikklikkja fuq ħsieb, jew inkella tibda teditjaha billi tikklikkja fuq teditja. Hawn hu kif tidher il-preview tal-mudell:

Ladarba tkun rajt il-previżjoni, issa tista 'tibda teditja.

Step – 3: Editing and Saving

Editjar u Iffrankar fil wix

Ladarba tikklikkja fuq editja, se jinfetaħ id-daxxbord li ġej. Ħu ftit mument biex tħares lejn kemm hija komprensiva.

You can edit every aspect and element of the website without typing in a line of code. This is one of the best editing dashboards I have seen for website builders. I like it way more than GoDaddy’s, for sure.

Hawn taħt hija l-screenshot tal-għodod ewlenin fil-mod estiż:

  • Paġni: Żid/Neħħi/Immaniġġja l-paġni kollha fuq il-websajt tiegħek minn hawn
  • Disinn: You can tweak the overall design from here, like setting the background, customizing color schemes, and setting fonts.
  • Żid: This tool allows you to add any element to your page, such as text, images, or buttons. It can make the site highly interactive.
  • Settings: From here, you can check the major technical aspects of your website like:
    • SEO: You must know that this is the most important aspect of all. Good SEO means a higher rank on magni tat-tiftix, and that means more customers. You can now set it here.
    • Statistika: From here, you can connect your site to Google Analytics to analyze its traffic and more.

You also have the app tool, which allows you to bring interesting apps to your website to make it more interactive and dynamic:

Once you have edited enough, you can save the site. You will be prompted by the following:

Step – 4: Pubblikazzjoni

pubblikazzjoni tal-ħanut online wix

Once you feel your site is ready, you can publish it by simply clicking on publish. Wix will take care of hosting and other technical stuff.

You just have to promote and earn from it. You will get an address like

Step – 5: Titjib

Wix price plan

Once you feel that your site is doing well, you can upgrade to get your personal address like

Step – 6: Wix App Suq

Wix App Suq

Wara l-esperjenza personali tiegħi ma Wix, I have to say it is the ideal tool for internet enthusiasts and online newbies who want to develop websites and make a living from them.

It is based on a freemium-based business model. This means it won’t charge you anything unless you upgrade.

So go ahead, don’t wait… make your website now and earn a top dollar!

Wix: Pros and Cons


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface; no coding needed.
  • Over 500 designer-made templates for various industries.
  • A wide range of add-ons and third-party apps are available.
  • Built-in Għodod SEO to optimize site visibility.
  • Automatically creates a mobile-optimized version of your site.
  • Frequent platform updates with new features and improvements.
  • Offers a fully functional free plan with Wix branding.
  • Supports online store creation with business plans.
  • Extensive support through forums, phone, and email.


  • Cannot change templates after your site goes live.
  • Some users report slower loading speeds on Wix sites.
  • Displays Wix advertisements on free and basic plans.


💡 What products can I sell on my Wix store?

You can sell physical goods, digital products, and services directly through your Wix store, subject to Wix's terms and local regulations.

💳 Which payment methods can I accept with Wix?

Wix supports various payment methods including credit cards, PayPal, and offline payments like cash or bank transfer, depending on your location.

📦 How does shipping work on Wix?

Configure your shipping options in Wix by setting up regions, rates, and rules directly in your site's backend under the shipping settings.

📈 How can I promote my Wix store?

Use Wix’s built-in SEO tools, email marketing campaigns, and social media integration to reach a wider audience and promote your store.

💰 Are there any fees for selling on Wix?

Wix charges no commission on sales, but you'll need to subscribe to a business plan to sell products and might incur transaction fees from payment providers.

🛠️ Can I customize my Wix store?

Absolutely! Customize your store with Wix's drag-and-drop editor, adding product galleries, related products, and more, without needing to code.

Links Quick:

Conclusion: How Easy Is It to Start Selling Online with Wix?

Opening an online store with Wix is pretty straightforward. Just sign up, pick the “Online Store” option, and follow the steps Wix lays out for you.

You can sell almost anything, set up payment methods easily, and even sort out shipping details right there.

Wix keeps things simple, offering lots of ways to customize your shop, manage orders, and even promote your products.

Plus, their support is always there to help if you get stuck. It’s a handy way to start selling online without much hassle.

Jitendra Vaswani
Dan l-awtur huwa vverifikat fuq

Jitendra Vaswani huwa Prattiku tal-Marketing Diġitali u kelliem ewlieni internazzjonali rinomat li ħaddan l-istil tal-ħajja tan-nomad diġitali hekk kif jivvjaġġa madwar id-dinja. Huwa waqqaf żewġ websajts ta’ suċċess, & Aġenzija tal-Marketing Diġitali DigiExe li minnhom l-istejjer ta' suċċess tiegħu espandew għal awtur "Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom" (20,000 kopja mibjugħa madwar id-dinja) u kkontribwixxa għal "International Best Selling Author of Growth Hacking Book 2". Jitendra iddisinjat workshops għal aktar minn 10000 professjonist fil-marketing diġitali madwar il-kontinenti; bl-intenzjonijiet fl-aħħar mill-aħħar ankrati lejn il-ħolqien ta 'differenza impattabbli billi tgħin lin-nies jibnu n-negozju tal-ħolm tagħhom onlajn. Jitendra Vaswani huwa investitur b'qawwa għolja b'portafoll impressjonanti li jinkludi Stazzjoni tal-immaġni. Biex titgħallem aktar dwar l-investimenti tiegħu, Sib lilu fuq Linkedin, twitter, & facebook.

Żvelar tal-affiljat: Bi trasparenza sħiħa - uħud mill-links fuq il-websajt tagħna huma links affiljati, jekk tużahom biex tagħmel xirja se naqilgħu kummissjoni mingħajr spejjeż addizzjonali għalik (xejn!).
