ROI Calculator – How To Check ROI on Your...

Return on Investment Calculator
Total Gain on Investment
Return on Investment (ROI)
Simple Annual (ROI)
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)


An ROI calculator is a type of investment calculator that allows you to estimate your investment’s profit or loss. Our ROI calculator can also be used to compare the effectiveness of a few different investments. As a result, the ROI formula will come in handy while making a financial decision. It’s easier to predict the outcome of an investment if you know how to calculate ROI.

What is Return on Investment (ROI)?

First and foremost, you should be aware that ROI stands for Return on Investment. The return on investment (ROI) is defined as the ratio of the investment’s net gain to its net cost.

In other terms, the return on investment (ROI) compares the investment’s net revenue to the investment’s net expenses. Traditionally, ROI is expressed in percentage points. As a result, when a calculation gives a ROI of 0.1, financial analysts report it as ROI = 10%.

ROI is one of the most commonly used methods of analysing the economic implications of an investment, alongside other simple metrics of profitability (NPV, IRR, payback period). Its primary advantage is unquestionably its simplicity:

ROI may be used to gauge investment profitability because it is based on readily available data and its value is easy to grasp and interpret. Furthermore, because ROI is expressed as a percentage, it is simple to compare the outcomes of various investments. As a result, owing to ROI, you can select the most advantageous option.

Before we get into further depth about ROI, it’s important to note that the term “return on investment” can refer to a variety of financial metrics.

When referring to Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), Average Rate of Return, Return on Equity, or Earnings per Share, for example, you might use the term ROI. The most well-known and perhaps the most widely utilised is a metric known as simple return of investment, or simply return of investment (ROI).

By the way, it’s worth noting that, due to language ambiguity, it’s a good idea to know exactly how ROI is calculated before using it in real-world judgments. We also believe that there is just more reason to read our post from beginning to end. Difficulty in Application

It is true that ROI may be used to assess the profitability of practically any business. However, because of its wide applicability, it can be difficult to apply correctly. While the ROI calculation is straightforward, the true issue is from people’s lack of understanding of how to define ‘cost’ and/or ‘gain,’ as well as the associated variability.

For example, investor A might compute the ROI for a possible real estate investment using capital expenditure, taxes, and insurance, but investor B might merely use the acquisition price. Investor A may calculate ROI incorporating capital gains taxes for a possible stock, whereas investor B may not.

Also, other from the first and last cash flow, does a ROI calculation include every other cash flow in the middle? ROI is calculated in a variety of ways by different investors.

The most important distinction with ROI is that it has no time limit. Consider an investor who must choose between a diamond with a 1,000 percent return on investment and a plot of land with a 50 percent return on investment.

The diamond appears to be the no-brainer right away, but is this true if the gem’s ROI is evaluated over 50 years against the land’s ROI being calculated over several months? This is why, while ROI is a good starting point for analysing investments, it is necessary to enhance it with other, more precise metrics.

Formula for calculating return on investment

Without knowing how to calculate ROI, investors can’t determine the efficiency of their investments. As a result, the ROI formula is so important in investment decisions.

The return on investment formula is based on two pieces of data: the return on investment and the cost of investment. The following is the formula for determining ROI:

ROI = ( G – C ) / C


G – gain from investment

C – cost of investment

Annualized Return on Investment

The ROI Calculator includes an Investment Time input to overcome this flaw by using an annualised ROI, which is a rate that is typically more appropriate for comparison. When comparing the results of two calculator calculations, the annualised ROI figure is frequently more relevant than the ROI figure; the diamond vs. land example above is an excellent example of why.

In reality, investment risk and other factors are not reflected in the ROI rate, so while higher annualised ROI is desirable, it is not uncommon to see lower ROI investments selected due to lower risk or other positive factors. Many instances, such as when advertising a product, ROI cannot be quantified directly. In such cases, the ROI is usually calculated using the marginal sales benefit or brand recognition.

Return on Equity (ROE) vs. Return on investment (ROI)

Because return on investment (ROI) and return on equity (ROE) are sometimes misconstrued, it’s important going over the similarities and differences between the two.

To begin with, both ROI and ROE are basic approaches for determining the absolute profitability of an investment. Return on investment (ROI) and return on investment (ROE) are single-period approaches that do not have the same value over the whole investment term.

Furthermore, neither of these indicators includes a risk factor. Furthermore, neither ROI nor ROE account for TVM (which you can learn more about using our time value of money calculator).

The fundamental difference between ROI and ROE is that the former considers the total investment expenditure (which includes both own capital and debt), whilst the latter’s formula solely considers own capital.