Top 11 Productivity Techniques For Bloggers In 2024 (Must Read)

大多数博主都了解提供常规, 高质量的内容 to their readers, but it’s not always easy to keep up with demand.

Even the most productive bloggers struggle to achieve their goals from time to time.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, there are various strategies you can use to manage your time and make content production more efficient.

The following eleven productivity and time management techniques will make creating blog content a less stressful and more efficient process.


11 Productivity Techniques for Bloggers In 2024


This is the exact same technique I use as a book author: Blocking out one, two, four hours, or even entire days to make sure that I am productive in 创建内容. The same goes for blogging.

Make sure you set aside blocks of time purely devoted to writing content. Find out what time of day you’re more creative and use this time to focus on writing.

For many people, the best time is in the morning, but choose times when you have more energy and stick to this routine.


许多博客作者的问题在于,他们通过设定不切实际的目标来使自己陷入失败。 例如,他们打算写作三个小时,而当他们达不到时,他们会觉得自己失败了。

It’s hard to convince the lazy part of your brain to commit to writing for three hours non-stop. Instead, commit to writing for 30 minutes before taking a break.

This makes it easier to get going. Use a timer and take a break after achieving each 30-minute goal.


When I talk about homework for bloggers, I am talking about 课题研究关键字管理. You should do this once so that you have a list of keywords for which you need to write blog posts.


我这样做的过程是通过使用 SEMrush and then tracking the performance of how my blog posts are ranking over time.

Still, you should at least use Google关键字规划师, Google Suggest, 甚至 Pinterest搜索 to narrow down keywords and topic ideas for your blog posts.


Working to deadlines can help you focus on completing posts on time. Without a fixed deadline, you’ll find excuses for not finishing each piece of content.

There will always be things you want to change, but you need to know when to call your work finished. Having a deadline will help you focus on delivery.

Commit to a frequency that doesn’t bring down the quality of your writing. It’s better to write one great piece of content every week rather than three average posts.

I personally try to blog once a week and try to get my next blog post ready one week in advance.

When I have time, I try to create more posts for the blog post queue, but at a minimum, I will ensure that a blog post is ready one business day before its weekly due date.


编辑日历 sound daunting, but since you already know the topics you want to write about and the deadlines for when you want to write them, you have the basis to stay better organized through creating an editorial calendar.


Organization is a key part of maintaining a successful blog, and an 您内容的编辑日历 对于计划您的工作至关重要 内容营销策略 and managing your time.

幸运的是,有很多 生产力工具 out there to help you stay on track. For example, tools like Trello体位法 提供一系列项目管理工具,包括编辑日历。


Now that you know what topics you want to write about, you should be able to make a simple 3 to 5 point outline of your writing. These bullet points will then become your H2 titles inside your blog post.

So, before you start writing any piece of content, create an outline.

When you have a structure from the outset, you’ll find it easier to write and focus on the topic being addressed.

With long-form content, break it down into smaller sections and focus on completing one section at a time.


Almost everyone has to fight distractions.

Your mobile phone, email notifications, and 社会化媒体 can all kill productivity. To help you focus, set aside specific times to check your phone and emails.

Use a browser extension such as Simple Blocker to block certain sites for specific time periods. Keep your working space tidy. It will all help you achieve your goal of being more productive.


写作过程包括各种学科,例如 产生主题思想, creating outlines, writing, editing, and proofreading.

Try batching similar tasks together. For example, spend an hour generating ideas and then another hour outlining each post.

Separating the more creative tasks from the analytical tasks can boost productivity in the long run.


Many bloggers make the mistake of trying to do everything at once.

They write and edit at the same time, for example. It doesn’t help. It’s important to allow yourself to write a bad first draft. You can set aside time later for editing.


While it’s tempting to monitor the number of words in each post, and while this can be necessary for certain projects, it can interfere with the creative process.

Some topics require more in-depth analysis, while others can be tackled using fewer words.

限制字数可能会导致内容浅而无法吸引读者。 每段内容的长度取决于主题,必须提供多少新信息以及您的营销目标。

While I do think that Google rewards content that is longer rather than shorter, sometimes there is not a lot to write about.

In those instances, you might want to combine two 博客文章 topic ideas into one.

On the other hand, if your blog post is too long, it might make sense to divide them into two. But only decide on this after you’ve already written the piece to maintain your productivity.


When you’re struggling to create fresh content, it’s worth reviewing older blog posts and other content delivered in different formats.

For example, are there 以前的帖子 需要更新吗? 您发布的信息图也许可以扩展为更深入的文章。 因为您已经完成了初步研究,所以可以加快内容制作的速度。

Once you’ve created tens or hundreds of blog posts, you can begin filling your editorial calendar with republishing older blog posts with revised information.

This is especially the case if you find strategic blog posts going down in rankings and want to maintain search engine traffic for them. 


If you work too hard and for too long, it will only lead to burnout. You’re more productive if you take regular breaks and make time to relax in some way.


After you’ve finished a blog post, leave it alone for a while. Reward yourself by doing something you enjoy. Take a walk. Watch a movie.

照顾好心理健康与照顾身体健康同样重要。 更重要的是,当您回来时,它将使您从全新的角度看待您的工作。



最后,如果您确实想提高生产力,则需要考虑获得帮助。 是否还有其他具有独特专业知识的团队成员可以为您的发展做出贡献 内容营销 努力?

Remember that there is strength in numbers, so two people could work together on one piece of content to get the job done more efficiently.


If you have the resources, it’s also worth considering hiring 自由撰稿人. Freelancers can give your content a fresh perspective and can also deliver content relatively quickly.

This way, you can make progress faster, especially if you don’t have many blog posts on your site.

如果您以前从未雇用过自由职业者,则可以在常规演出网站上找到他们,例如 FiverrUpwork.


🕒 What are the best time management techniques for bloggers?

Using methods like the Pomodoro Technique, time blocking, and setting specific blogging hours can help manage your writing schedule efficiently.

📝 How can I plan my blogging content more effectively?

Adopt a content calendar to plan your posts in advance, use tools like Trello or Asana for organization, and batch-create content to save time.

🔍 How can I reduce distractions while blogging?

Turn off notifications, use website blockers during writing time, and create a dedicated workspace to minimize distractions.

🚀 What productivity tools are essential for bloggers?

SEO tools for research, graphic design software for creating visuals, and writing aids like Grammarly can boost productivity and content quality.

🤝 How can collaboration improve productivity in blogging?

Partnering with other bloggers for guest posts, sharing responsibilities, and brainstorming ideas can increase content output and bring fresh perspectives.

🧘 What role does self-care play in a blogger's productivity?

Prioritizing self-care through adequate rest, exercise, and mindful practices can enhance focus, creativity, and overall productivity.


Conclusion: Productivity Techniques for Bloggers 2024

Every blogger, even myself, will struggle with content production from time to time.

This is why it’s important to use strategies that make the process more efficient. Increasing productivity boils down to time management, proper planning, collaboration, and setting clear deadlines.

在您上课时请牢记这些技巧 内容创作 process, and you’ll be able to achieve more and still remain in control of your content output.

Over time, all of this will become muscle memory, and that’s where all of your efforts will be rewarded by having an extremely effective process for writing blog posts that help you meet all of your marketing objectives.

Any other productivity tips for bloggers that you would add? Please comment below and share your freelancing productivity technique with us.  

莉安娜·索恩(Leana Thorne)
该作者已在 上经过验证

作为一名经验丰富的专业人士,Leana Thorne 将 10 年的编辑经验和创意指导技巧带到了她在 BloggersIdeas 担任营销和品牌内容编辑的角色中。 她是视觉叙事、数字内容策略和为跨各种数字媒体平台的活动制作高转化率副本方面的专家——所有这些都旨在提高创造力,同时保持品牌一致性。 除此之外,她还致力于通过全球会议和研讨会分享有关搜索营销实践的知识,主题包括国际搜索营销策略; 内部搜索引擎优化; 社交媒体技术; 企业 SEO - 始终表现出对在线搜索优化工作不可动摇的兴趣。

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  1. 嗨,一个非常好的内容。 几乎没有遗漏任何关于这个话题的东西,一个清晰的东西让每个人都明白,这就是这篇文章的内容之一
