The 8 Best AdPlexity Alternative In 2024 (Handpicked)

Търсите най-доброто Алтернативи на Adplexity? Да, пазим ви гърба. 

Не става въпрос само за работа с какъвто и да е инструмент, но се предлагат някои обещания, които са необходими, за да се засили конкуренцията. Много инструменти на пазара могат да ви помогнат да намерите вашите конкуренти, така че да можете да наблюдавате техните маркетингови методи.

AdPlexity - Най-добрият шпионски инструмент за реклами

In this way, you can learn about marketing and its information so that you can improve your marketing promotion.

Some Affiliate marketing tools that can help you run a business are landing pages, creating ad copy, etc. They all give the best results.

It is inconvenient to spend hours with A/B testing on ads, landing pages, etc., just to see the results. For any marketer or a businessman, watching can be a costly or time-consuming task, and also, if none of the tracks are working properly.

Here, Adplexity will give you what you don’t have. It will provide you with access to a messaging database that can help you market companions.

By using them as native ads, display ads, and Facebook ads, among other things, you can create your own success story.

Какво е Adplexity?

Adplexity is a tool that allows you to monitor and track your competition’s most profitable advertising campaigns on various traffic sources. The best way to stay ahead of your competition is to use Native advertising.

Keeping track of your competitors can be difficult, but Adplexity can help you in various ways. It provides insights on what works best for your competitors, allowing you to save time and money.

Adplexity is different from other competing and spy tools in the market because of its benefits, such as uncovering profitable campaigns running on native ads traffic sources, including платформи за електронна търговия, mobiles, and desktops.

It analyzes campaigns running in more than 32 countries and allows you to download JavaScript, CSS, and landing pages with images from the user interface. It also shows the target of all major and popular devices, such as Mac computers, Androids, Windows, etc.

Moreover, Adplexity helps you find ads that promote affiliate offers from hundreds of networks. Its special feature lets you search by keyword, publisher, affiliate networks, etc.

You can buy multiple ad networks like AdNow, ContentAd, Yahoo Gemini, etc., and it pulls information from more than 32 countries, including major markets like Australia, Canada, and the US.

Spy tools give you a better understanding of the advertising landscape and provide a replacement level of understanding, making you aware of what is happening around you.

By using spy tools, you can follow your competitors and try to make out the landing pages they are using for their sales. You can even access the quality of the products and services they offer.

List Of 8 Best Adplexity Alternatives

1) Анстрекс

Анстрекс is a hard intelligence tool that helps you to spare your native ad campaigns and gives you push notification ads.

It deserves unique features like taking a screenshot of the landing pages of each ad, giving you the capability of searching multiple things, and also giving you filters and operators.


Pros and Cons: Anstrex 


  • Инструмент, който ви помага да шпионирате с най-голямо количество мрежи за реклами и държавите, които поддържа. 
  • Тези, които са нови тук, имат предимството на 2 дни от политиката за връщане на пари. 
  • Навигацията става по-лесна благодарение на добре организираното табло. 


  • Обикновено Anstrex не си прави труда да определя конкретните целеви страници на GEO, които са били използвани. 
  • It Offers a pretty steep learning curve, so it aids beginners in adding spy tools. 

2) PowerAdSpy

Този шпионски инструмент е друг добър избор, ако не искате да използвате Adplexity, тогава можете да преминете през него PowerAdSpy. Позволява ни да видим всички живи и минали реклами, независимо дали са в Instagram, Facebook, Google и т.н. 

You can also replicate the strategies of your campaigns and businesses.

If you need more customers, this tool helps you win ads from all over the world in just a second. With this tool, you can search the domain, fan page, winners, etc.

PowerAdSpy overview

You can use demographics landing pages and landing pages for the ads. It also helps people get into online store businesses like WooCommerce, Shopify, etc. PowerAdSpy can help you grow your email list fast. 

It can show you the exact funnels which can target the audience.

This software is one of the first and largest software systems in the world, and it runs social media advertisements. Approximately 50 million ads were listed in over 20 countries.

Pros and Cons: Power Adspy


  • Получавате безплатен пробен период! 
  • Супер лесен за използване. 
  • Информацията, която получавате, е придобита от 15+ държави. 
  • Можете да шпионирате данни на множество платформи. 


  • Няма правилен начин да ви насочи как да използвате инструментите. 
  • Изглежда малко надценена. 

3) MyDirectives

This tool is a good alternative to MyDirectives. Many competitors use it to discover winning campaigns, uncover top landing pages, and generate new advertising leads.

They can also collect interesting ads, find new keywords and advertisements, and generate new advertising leads. 

MyDirectives дава достъп на повече от 16 милиона души, за да могат да публикуват и конвертират данните по-добре за конкретна страна. Като проследявате конкретни ключови думи с функции за проследяване на реклами, можете да видите всички реклами и да получавате сигнали за нови реклами. 


You can get access to contact information, as more than 25,000 advertisers are indirectly in contact with them. Advault gives you an amazing feature: You can find products that affiliate and promote native networks.

On this platform, you can directly affiliate with marketers as MyDirectives campaigns and have a direct investment.

Pros and Cons: MyDirectives


  • Вземете ключови думи с лекота и бъдете нащрек с цялата реклама. 
  • Интересно участие на функции. 


  • Тази платформа е малко твърде скъпа. 

4) WhatRunsWhere

Този рекламен инструмент ви помага при изграждането на печеливши и дигитални стратегии. WhatRunsWhere е известен още като всеобхватен инструмент за рекламно разузнаване. Инструментът гарантира, че всички изображения и текст, от които се нуждаете, могат да стигнат до вас с най-добрия ефект за вашите долари. 


WhatRunsWhere ви дава мощен анализ на всички данни, които искате. Той предлага данни за мобилни дисплейни реклами, настолни дисплеи и др.

Този инструмент има мрежов обхват в 5 държави с 500 мрежи там. Основните му пазари са Канада, Австралия, САЩ, Великобритания и др. 

Pros and Cons: WhatRunsWhere


  • Предоставен е демонстрационен видеоклип, който може да помогне на начинаещите да се научат как да използват платформата и да я стартират правилно. 
  • The filters and options, like the segments, help you find the information you’ve been looking for. 
  • The ones who are interested in филиал на маркетинга can affiliate the ads as you like here. 


  • Тази услуга е малко скъпа. 
  • The coverage area for this site is limited to 5 countries in the entire world. 

5) SpyOver

This tool is a native ad monitoring and analytics service that draws around more than a hundred countries, and it looks at more than 5.5 million ads on the networks. SpyOver ще ви даде нови и актуални продукти. 

This tool is based on impressions for a particular period in a certain country and on impressions for certain devices. It also allows its clients to download landings and ads with a single click and analyze the activities of their competitors online. 


The tool also gives you creative data and collects that data from SpyOver. Based on the data you get from the tool, improve existing profitable bundles. It also helps you save time and money in this process.

Pros and Cons: SpyOver 


  • Може да покрива над 15 вида мрежи. 
  • Изтеглянето на функцията за реклами е доста интересно! 
  • The system of filtering according to the language makes things easier.


  • Малко твърде скъпо. 

6) Забавление

This tool is a comprehensive intelligence platform that displays the ads that turn raw data by crawling millions of pages via detecting, analyzing, and processing more than 8 million advertisements every day.

рекламен удар gives a launch for more than 40 data centers for our Adbeat intelligent crawlers. 

It also covers approximately hundreds of services to collect the ads. Once everything is done, the data is cleaned and converted into a simple virtual decision-making insight.

Adbeat also works for your competitors as a more profitable publisher with landing pages and converts to run more profitable campaigns. 

рекламен удар

This mobile tool covers four different types of devices, including desktops. Adbeat offers digital ads so that you can see directly what your competitors do and how they do it.

This tool also allows you to visit traffic sources so that you can learn how publishers run ads. 

Many agencies use this tool to exceed their clients’ expectations. This tool gives them more value so that they can buy networks and publishers and use them. You can also use this tool for free and enjoy lots of amazing insights for a long time.

Pros and Cons: Adbeat


  • Прилична функционалност за търсене. 
  • A proper range of networks and displays that are native to desktops and smartphones. 
  • The insights that are often viewed as complex and impressive cannot be found in any other place. 


  • The product can be pretty expensive. So, a couple of small companies and the people who are just getting started won’t be so suitable for this platform. 

7) Buzz за естествени реклами

Native Ad Buzz is another tool that is used as an alternative to Adplexity.

By adding text, strategies, and images and also working online, you can launch this tool successfully for your business. You don’t have to struggle alone with this tool. It allows you to find out everything in just a minute without wasting any time. 

Buzz за естествени реклами

Give you the best results for you. Through this tool, you can save your favorite campaigns and ads. This tool avoids the costly mistakes done by legwork. NativeAdBuzz също така ни позволява да филтрираме пет устройства като Android, IOS и т.н. 

Pros and Cons: Native Ad Buzz


  • You can create your own library to store all the ads and related campaigns that interest you. 
  • Рекламите могат да бъдат филтрирани според устройството, което използвате, тоест вашия мобилен телефон, настолен компютър и таблет. 


  • Пробният период за 7 дни изисква да плащате $7 за всеки ден. 

8) Adspy

Този шпионски инструмент е най-мощният инструмент, известен като Adspy. AdSpy ви помага да хоствате най-голямата база данни от социални медии по целия свят. 


It gives you the best advertisers for innovating, and you can use their data and search for it. This tool spies on around 88 million ads from all over the world.

In this way, you can search for global trends and save money on testing. 

Pros and Cons: Adspy 


  • Вижте кои продукти и реклами напредват. 
  • Обслужването на клиентите е на разположение 24/7. 
  • Find all the ads you want using a simple keyword on Facebook! 


  • Тежката цена на плана. 

Въпроси и Отговори

🔍 Why might someone seek an Adplexity alternative?

Individuals or businesses might look for alternatives due to cost concerns, different feature needs, or a desire for tools that focus on specific ad formats that Adplexity may not cover comprehensively.

🛠️ What key features should I consider in an Adplexity alternative?

When searching for an alternative, important features to consider include extensive data coverage across various ad formats, a user-friendly interface, real-time tracking capabilities, in-depth analytics, and responsive customer support.

🚀 Which alternatives offer unique features not available in Adplexity?

Some alternatives might provide enhanced functionalities such as improved user experience design, additional data points on ad performance, or specialized analytics for emerging digital platforms.

⏱️ How do these alternatives compare in terms of speed and efficiency?

Depending on the provider, some alternatives might offer faster update cycles or more efficient data processing, which can be crucial for marketers needing timely data for quick decision-making.

🌍 Can I use these alternatives for analyzing international ad campaigns?

Many alternatives to Adplexity support global campaign tracking, offering insights into ad performance and strategies across different countries and regions, making them suitable for international marketing strategies.

Бързи връзки:

Conclusion: Best Adplexity Alternative 2024 

Do you want to spy on your competitor or just want to be an attribution in real-time also? These alternatives and competitions can help you out in making your success. If you can use a tool then why to start your ad campaign. 

Това може да е най-доброто ви предложение, така че извън кариерата ви Анстрекс is the best option to choose your own business with many different features.

It gives you many reasons to give you more time to make your decision easy and to make your career best.

Кашиш Бабър
Този автор е потвърден на

Кашиш е завършила B.Com, която в момента е последовател на нейната страст да учи и пише за SEO и блогове. С всяка нова актуализация на алгоритъма на Google тя се гмурка в детайлите. Тя винаги е нетърпелива да учи и обича да изследва всеки обрат и обрат на актуализациите на алгоритъма на Google, навлизайки в тънкостите, за да разбере как работят. Нейният ентусиазъм по тези теми може да се види в нейното писане, което прави нейните прозрения едновременно информативни и ангажиращи за всеки, който се интересува от непрекъснато развиващия се пейзаж на оптимизацията на търсачките и изкуството на блоговете.

Разкриване на филиал: При пълна прозрачност – някои от връзките на нашия уебсайт са партньорски връзки, ако ги използвате, за да направите покупка, ние ще спечелим комисионна без допълнителни разходи за вас (никакви!).

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