Chargebacks911 Review 2024: Top Features & Pricing (100% Guarantee Fraud Protection)

Chargebacks911 レビュー


Chargebacks911は、包括的で広く使用されているチャージバック管理ソリューションを提供します。 彼らは、オンラインビジネスが不正請求を防ぎ、そもそも彼らからの損失を最小限に抑え、必要に応じて当局に報告することでこれらのスキームに参加する人々と戦うのを助けることができます!



  • 戦術的表現
  • 収益回復で$ 1,165,664,785を超えるパワー
  • Chargebacks911には、より多くの業界統合があります
  • アフィリエイト詐欺シールド
  • チャージバックアラートとVMPI
  • 100%不可知論者-既存のシステムと互換性があります


  • サポートはメールでのみ行われます
  • iOSアプリなし


価格: $


チャージバック can be a serious problem for businesses, as they can cause significant damage if not handled properly.

To combat chargebacks, it’s important to be aware of them before they occur and to have effective systems in place to deal with them when they do happen.

However, this can be challenging as there are numerous reasons why customers may initiate a chargeback, each requiring a unique solution.

Chargebacks911 has developed software that enables merchants to identify and prevent potential chargeback activity, as well as quickly respond to possible fraudulent transactions on their accounts.

By combining these two elements into one system – prevention and response – merchants can ensure that they don’t incur any losses or damage during the process and that all their sales remain intact.

It’s important to recognize that chargebacks are a crucial performance factor for e-commerce businesses, and they can negatively impact revenue and profits.

Therefore, if you own an e-commerce store, it’s critical to minimize your chargebacks to recover lost revenue and achieve desirable profits.

Chargebacks911 レビュー

Chargebacks911 Review 2024: What is Chargebacks911?

Chargebacks911 is a company that specializes in chargeback management for businesses.

With locations throughout North America, Europe, and Asia, they can provide you with expertise specific to your needs, no matter where you are located.

You’ll experience fewer compatibility issues when using their services because they use DCC technology and any other currency needed by card schemes across their coverage areas. This means less hassle when trying to get things done quickly without any delay.

チャージバック is a company that has protected over 10 billion transactions and recovered $1 billion in falsely disputed or stolen revenue.

Their clients range from just 12 merchants to 45,000 when they expanded their connection hub with 500 data integrations (Fi).

In addition, chargeback management was also extended to end-to-end lifecycle services for financial institutions/payment facilitators, which includes donations ($1M+).

The company also celebrates 200 students graduating from its non-profit educational program Paid For Grades. Chargebacks911’s success isn’t limited to helping companies protect themselves but also extends to giving back to the community.

Chargebacks911: Chargeback Remediation & Loss Recovery 

For those of you who don’t know what a chargeback exactly is, let me give a few examples to boost your understanding of it.


顧客がeコマースストアからギフトを購入し、親戚に送ったとします。 今では、XNUMXか月ほど経っても請求書の請求が認識されないことがよくあるので、銀行を通じて払い戻しを依頼します。 これにより、eコマースストアのチャージバックが発生する可能性があります。


詐欺を念頭に置いて顧客がサイトにアクセスすることがあります。 彼はブーツを購入し、それが配達されなかったと主張し、銀行に返金を要求します。

Both situations showcase unintentional and malicious customer approaches, but both end up in customer refunds, which may end up costing your company big bucks if the chargebacks aren’t handled properly. This can be done by employing the right tools and services. One of the most popular services to handle this unique and unattended aspect of e-commerce is Chargebacks911.

Why You Should Use Chargebacks911?

Chargebacks911 is an online chargeback management platform that helps e-commerce business owners analyze every chargeback through their store and decide the most effective way to handle it.

Chargebacks911 レビュー

The service is efficiently run by dedicated and skilled account representatives who thoroughly analyze the complex chargeback codes based on the situation at hand and help dispute the chargeback on your behalf if needed.

Chargebacks911’s user base and customers are spread across various countries, including the USA and major European countries.

About 60% of their customers come from the United States, with another 40% as 国際的な顧客.

They have international offices in the US and Europe, making their services readily available to a wide range of locations. They’re even fully compatible with Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).

Chargebacks911のCEO、Gary Cardone、 added, “Right now, we’re in a moment of history where the world is digitising at a staggering rate, causing an upward trajectory of global e-commerce, which is expected to grow 16.5% from 2020 to $2641.1 billion in 2021.

Chargebacks911 Merchant Solutions & Tools

Chargebacks911 offers a wide range of merchant solutions and other tools for satisfying customers and achieving profitable results for e-commerce businesses.

Chargebacks911 Merchant Solutions & Tools

All of these tools I’m going to tell you about are systematically arranged in a neat and intuitive dashboard which you can access by signing up with them 無料で!

1. Affiliate Fraud Shield

Chargebacks911’s Affiliate Fraud Shield, in a way, works like firewall protection for you.

The tool has been designed to detect and prevent the most common forms of affiliate fraud, thus mitigating and effectively preventing fraud from illegitimate アフィリエイトマーケティング ploys so that you don’t have to pay commissions on bogus sales. This reduces the threat to both your revenue and your processing rights.

2. Source Detection

Identifying the actual source that triggered the cardholders’ actions is important to effectively prevent and dispute chargebacks. Chargebacks911®’s Intelligent Source Detection is a patent-pending, state-of-the-art proprietary technology that analyzes and tells you which cause is to blame.

3. Merchant Review

独占的なChargebacks911®マーチャントコンプライアンスレビューは、マーチャントプロセスへの比類のない洞察を提供します。 このツールは、チャージバックを減らし、勝率を上げるための実行可能なステップを効率的に識別します。

4. Chargeback Representment

Chargebacks911®のTacticalChargeback Representation製品は、収益性と持続可能性が保証されるように戦略的に設計されています。

5. Chargeback Alerts


How Does Chargebacks911 Analysis Work?

Chargeback codes are complex, boring and hard to track. This is the primary reason why most e-commerce business owners often tend to overlook this aspect.

Chargebacks911 helps businesses break down dozens of complex codes into three easier ones:

Chargebacks911 Review- Integrations

True Criminal Intent

True criminal intent can be roughly explained by the example no. 2 I gave you at the beginning of this post. These forms of chargebacks are less frequent and often involve stolen identities, stolen cards, and other forms of fraud.




The most common forms of chargebacks are categorized as friendly frauds, which cover up to around 86% of the chargebacks.

This usually happens when the customer makes a mistake. Common examples include making a purchase with a credit card accidentally or not being able to recognize a charge, and the customer turning to their bank instead of resolving with the merchant.

Why Should You Try Chargebacks911?

I can provide you with a set of compelling reasons why I recommend Chargebacks911®.

By the end of this section, you will understand that Chargebacks911’s chargeback risk mitigation and profit recovery strategies are based on real-world experience and proven effectiveness, which sets them apart from similar services available in the market.


1. Chargebacks911 Focus Solely on Chargebacks

They are an end-to-end chargeback management service capable of tackling everything from prevention to recovering revenue via representation. The platform consists of highly skilled and experienced payment pioneers with over 145 years of combined industry expertise.

2. Solutions Are Tailored To Satisfy Every Customer



3. Work According To Clients’ Existing Systems

Chargebacks911’s native software and custom installations ensure that their solutions are 100% agnostic, flexible and seamlessly integrated with the client’s existing ビジネスモデル.

4. True and in-depth Analysis For Each Chargeback

Chargebacks911’s Intelligent Source Detection™ is a state-of-the-art mix of automation and human analysis that helps analyze and figure out the reason and source behind every chargeback your business encounters by providing the most relevant and accurate data available.


5. Global Coverage and Flexible Algorithms to Fit Every Need

Chargebacks911 is a highly flexible and scalable solution designed to adapt to the ever-changing financial/technological situation. Their service spans various business types and locations, covering 27 different verticals in various industries in over 85 different currencies.

6. 保証された結果

Chargebacks911のサービスは、パフォーマンスベースのROI保証を備えた市場で唯一のソリューションであるため、効果的にリスクが発生しません。 彼らは業界で最も高い勝率を断固として誇っています。

7. 100% Security Guaranteed

Chargebacks911 maintain the highest level of PCI1 and SOC 2 compliance to protect every customer with all established regulations and security standards.

8. Prompt and Ready to Work


9. Bigger Data for Better Decisions

Chargebacks911 has a reputation for being very proactive about preventing e-commerce fraud and has more industry integrations and partnerships than any other provider.

Chargebacks911: Pros and Cons


  • Reduces chargeback ratio effectively, enhancing profit margins significantly.
  • Uses advanced technology to identify and analyze chargeback sources.
  • Offers customized solutions tailored to specific ビジネスニーズ.
  • Performance-based pricing ensures costs align with actual value.
  • The experienced team provides expert insights and strategic advice.
  • Proactive fraud prevention strategies minimize future financial losses.
  • Comprehensive customer support is available via multiple communication channels.


  • Services can be costly for small-scale businesses.
  • Complete chargeback elimination is not guaranteed.


🛠️ How does Chargebacks911 work?

The company uses proprietary technology and expertise to identify the true source of chargebacks and fights unjustified chargebacks on behalf of merchants. They also provide strategic advice on how to prevent future chargebacks.

💰 What are the costs associated with using Chargebacks911?

Chargebacks911 offers various pricing models depending on the size of the business and the volume of transactions. They typically operate on a performance-based fee structure, meaning they charge a fee based on the amount of money they recover for you.

🤷 What makes Chargebacks911 different from other chargeback prevention services?

Chargebacks911 claims a high success rate due to its focus on both prevention and recovery. Their approach includes detailed analytics to understand chargeback triggers and customized strategies tailored to specific business needs.

👥 Who should consider using Chargebacks911?

Any business that processes credit card transactions and experiences chargebacks could benefit from their services. This includes e-commerce sites, traditional retailers, and businesses in high-risk industries.

📞 What kind of support does Chargebacks911 offer?

Chargebacks911 provides customer support via phone, email, and a client portal. They offer both technical support for their system and consultative support for chargeback management strategies.

🕒 How long does it take to see results after implementing Chargebacks911?

Some clients may see a reduction in chargebacks relatively quickly, within a few months. However, the full impact of their services, especially in terms of deep analytics and strategic changes, might take longer to manifest.


Conclusion: Chargebacks911 Review 2024

全体的に、私はお勧めします チャージバック911 to any online business owner who is constantly scratching their head at the site of chargebacks.

As we stated before, chargebacks are complicated and boring, so it’s good that we finally have a reliable company that prevents you from doing any of the work and brings back more money to your business.


彼らが持っていて採用している技術と技術は他のどこでも利用できず、何年にもわたる試行錯誤と成功を通して、 チャージバック911 has gained expertise that no provider can match.

この著者は で認証されています

Kashish は B.Com の卒業生で、現在は SEO とブログについて学び、書くことに情熱を注いでいます。 Google の新しいアルゴリズムが更新されるたびに、彼女は詳細を調べます。彼女は常に学ぶことに熱心で、Google のアルゴリズム更新のあらゆる展開を調査し、その仕組みを理解するために核心に迫ることが大好きです。これらのトピックに対する彼女の熱意は彼女の文章からも伝わってきます。彼女の洞察は、検索エンジン最適化とブログ技術の進化し続ける状況に興味がある人にとって有益で魅力的なものになっています。

アフィリエイト開示: 完全な透明性–当社のウェブサイト上のリンクの一部はアフィリエイトリンクです。それらを使用して購入すると、追加費用なしでコミッションを獲得できます(まったくありません!)。
