Getsitecontrol Review 2024: Is It The Best Website Popup Builder?

Gitt Kontroll

Allgemeng Uerteel

Ech hu wierklech gÀr wéi Getsitecontrol en einfach ze benotzen Popup Builder ubitt! Et ass onheemlech wéi vill Personnalisatiounsméiglechkeeten et ginn, an et mécht mech wéi wann ech eppes wierklech eenzegaarteg a speziell produzéiere kann. Ee vun de Standout Feature vu Getsitecontrol ass sÀi userfrëndleche Popup Builder, deen onlimitéiert Personnalisatiounsoptiounen ubitt.

Vun 10


  • BĂ«lleg PrĂ€isplĂ€ng am Verglach mat aneren Plugin PlĂ€ng.
  • A simple dashboard for controlling all seven widgets.
  • Widgets are highly customizable.
  • Widgets are beautiful and responsive.
  • Doesn’t affect the site loading speed.
  • Unlimited locations to place widgets.


  • MĂ©i PrĂ€isoptiounen nĂ©ideg.
  • Monthly payments which can become expensive especially.


PrÀis: $ 9

An dĂ«sem Getsitecontrol Review kucken ech op ee vun de populĂ€ersten Popup Widget Builder verfĂŒgbar a bidden e kompletten IwwerblĂ©ck iwwer seng SchlĂ«sselvirdeeler an Nodeeler. Ass et richteg fir Äert GeschĂ€ft? Loosst eis erausfannen.

Egal ob Dir e Blog oder en Online Store besĂ«tzt, Dir wĂ«sst datt Traffic op der WebsĂ€it net genuch ass fir Äert GeschĂ€ft ze wuessen.

I have personally experienced how difficult it can be to captivate the attention and interest of website visitors. According to statistics, the majority of visitors to a website rapidly depart and may never return.

If I want to increase conversions and encourage visitors to respond to my calls to action, I must take a proactive approach.

Realizing that website visitors have a short attention span, I realized it was crucial to find methods to keep them on my site for longer.

Providing incentives such as newsletters or exclusive deals has proved to be an effective way to encourage customers to remain and investigate my offerings.

WÀrend ech erkennen datt Pop-ups heiansdo als opdrénglech ugesi kënne ginn, sinn ech komm fir hir Potenzial ze schÀtzen fir meng WebsÀit Besucher wÀertvoll Informatioun ze ginn. Pop-ups kënnen hiren Interessi stimuléieren an datt se méi wëllen vun deem wat ech ze bidden hunn wann se richteg ausgefouert ginn.

Dëst ass wou Getsitecontrol an d'Bild kënnt. Et bitt eng Vielfalt vu personaliséierbare Popups, déi mir et erlaben mat de Besucher vu mengem Site ze interagéieren an se ze coaxéieren fir ze handelen. Den intuitiven Dashboard mécht et einfach d'Elementer z'Ànneren fir meng spezifesch Ufuerderungen z'erreechen.

ZousÀtzlech erlaabt d'FÀegkeet fir A / B Experimenter ze maachen, meng WebsÀit ze optimiséieren a sÀi Potenzial ze maximéieren.

Bottom Line Upfront 😍

Gitt Kontroll is a helpful tool for website owners. It offers widgets like pop-ups, slide-ins, and floating bars. These widgets have features like commenting, ad management, and email lead capture. They also allow social media follow buttons. Getsitecontrol is adaptive, and each widget can be modified to complement the site’s aesthetics. The platform’s targeting capabilities show widgets based on location, device, referral source, and browsing activity. It is a revolutionizing tool that helps optimize websites by increasing email signups, improving sales, and gaining insights through surveys.

Loosst eis mat enger Getsitecontrol Iwwerpréiwung am Detail ufÀnken mat Features & PrÀisdetailer.

Getsitecontrol BewÀertung

Getsitecontrol BewÀertung 2024

Gitt Kontroll is a no-code popup builder. It is designed for those who want to optimize website conversions without dealing with the code.

You can easily create custom widgets – a.k.a. online forms or call-to-action banners – and display them to your website visitors at the right moment. Getsitecontrol offers a unique set of professionally looking widgets for website optimization.

With the help of their full-featured yet easy-to-use widgets, you can promote certain pages of your website and fuere Verkéier to them, increase newsletter sign-ups, set up surveys and polls, collect feedback, and get more website visitors converted into customers.

Getsitecontrol BewÀertung

Getsitecontrol Widgets si sou einfach ze implementĂ©ieren datt Dir Ären IT net Ă«m HĂ«llef braucht ze froen.

You can get them up and running in no time, and they will perfectly complement your website’s overall look and structure.

Firwat mat Getsitecontrol goen?

  • Works fast and reduces reload times on your websites.
  • Very reasonable pricing from its competitors.
  • The free content available is way more convenient than the many paid services available online.
  • All your widgets are managed from one platform.
  • Einfach ze benotzen.
  • Known to provide great customer support to its users.

Widgets Available On Getsitecontrol:

  • abonnĂ©ieren
  • Promo
  • Kontakt
  • Follow
  • Ëmfroen
  • Deelen Optiounen
  • Chatbots

Getsitecontrol Widget Features

Getsitecontrol Stats

  • The user controls how widgets look on the websites. From the control panel, you can select the in-built themes that work for you.
  • Dir kĂ«nnt all Texter op de Widgets personalisĂ©ieren an se no Äre VirlĂ©iften ausgesinn a fillen.
  • Users can control how the widgets look and pop up on the website for viewers. A free module can help users understand how this feature works. You can even schedule the widgets and when you would like them to pop up.
  • With the option to control who sees or uses the widgets, you can create a market as per your liking and also target the audience you want to. Increase your reach online by targeting the right people using GetSiteControl.
  • The automated email responses and Marketing Integratioun will help you reach as many people as possible, thereby scaling your business and reaching the right target audience.

Wat Dir kënnt erstellen mat Getsitecontrol:

Hei sinn nëmmen e puer Beispiller:

GetSiteControl provides you with all the tools to create highly targeted popups that will help improve your conversion rates.

The popup builder has great features and an easy-to-use interface, so it’s perfect for beginners who want a taste of what’s possible without having any technical knowledge or experience in building web forms!

Getsitecontrol Umeldungsformularen

  • E-Mail Abonnement Formen
  • Online Ëmfroen & Ëmfroen
  • Promotiouns Banneren
  • Exit-Absicht Popups
  • Kontakt & Feedback Panelen
  • WebsĂ€it UkĂ«nnegung
  • Cookie Notifikatiounen
  • a mĂ©i!

For each widget, you’ll be able to set display triggers and make sure that the right people see the right message.

For instance, you don’t want to display an email opt-in form to someone who has already subscribed, right? Or you might want to display a coupon code to returning customers only to thank them for coming back and boost loyalty.

Getsitecontrol comes with a gallery of popup templates, but nothing is set in stone. The tool is so versatile you can tailor any form precisely to your needs.

For example, a contact form template can be easily turned into a callback request form, a complaint form, or a technical support form in just a few clicks.

Natierlech kĂ«nnt Dir och den Design personalisĂ©ieren. De ganzen Zweck ass Getsitecontrol Widgets an en integralen Deel vun Ärer WebsĂ€it ze maachen, dĂ©i ausgesĂ€it wĂ©i wann et geduecht wier do ze sinn.

How To Install Getsitecontrol Into Any Website?

1. Umellen Fir Getsitecontrol

Mellt Iech op Äre Getsitecontrol Kont un. Wann Dir nach kee Kont hutt, ee Schaf erstellen.

2. Copie de Code

klickt op d ' Code installĂ©ieren uewen op der SĂ€it.

getsitecontrol detailléiert Rezensiounen

Dir gesitt e StĂ©ck Code deen un de Code vun Ärer WebsĂ€it bĂ€igefĂŒĂŒgt muss ginn.

getsitecontrol detailléiert Installatioun

DrĂ©ckt de Kopie ze Numm KnĂ€ppchen fir de geliwwerte Code ze kopĂ©ieren.

3. FĂŒĂŒgt de Code op Äre Site Code

Öffnen de Code vun Ärer WebsĂ€it a fannt de Schluss </body> Tag um Enn vun der SĂ€it:

getsitecontrol detailléiert Installatiounen

Paste de Code deen Dir vun Getsitecontrol kopĂ©iert hutt direkt virun der </body> tag, as shown above, and save the changes. That’s it! The Getsitecontrol script has been added to your site, and you can now create and edit widgets on your Getsitecontrol dashboard.

WĂ©i kĂ«nnt Dir Vum Getsitecontrol profitĂ©ieren?  

Getsitecontrol Publikum gezielt

Elo datt Dir eng Iddi hutt wat Gitt Kontroll is let’s see what exactly it can help you with and what makes it stand out.

The thing is, popups and online forms aren’t new. However, depending on how you use them on your website, they can either multiply your income or damage user experience.

The team behind Getsitecontrol believes that the key to success is the right combination of copy, creativity, and, most importantly, audience targeting.

Firwat ass Zilsetzung sou wichteg? Well wann Dir Ären Call to Action am falsche Moment weist, wĂ€ert et net effektiv sinn. Als Resultat verpasst Dir eng KonversiounsmĂ©iglechkeet an e potenzielle Client. Ganz onglĂ©cklech, ass et net?

To give you examples, we’ll review some of the marketing goals you’ll be able to achieve by means of proper targeting.

1. Grow Your Email List Faster

Long gone are the days when people would be willingly looking for your email subscription form. Ironically, email marketing is currently thriving, showing the highest ROI among all digitale Marketing Channels.

So, how do you get website visitors to join your mailing list without being too pushy? The secret sauce includes two ingredients:

  1. Weist Är Abonnement Form op engem Popup fir sĂ©cherzestellen datt et tatsĂ€chlech gemierkt gĂ«tt
  2. Bitt e relevante Leadmagnet: en Ebook, e Cheat Sheet, e PDF oder eng Remise

Gitt Kontroll allows you to create stylish, non-obtrusive email opt-in forms that will appear when your visitors are ready to subscribe.

For instance, you can display them after a person has spent a few seconds on a webpage, scrolled down a certain amount of your content, or clicked the link.

Bitt en Ureiz fir ze abonnĂ©ieren, a wann Dir eng E-Mail LĂ«scht vun enger anstĂ€nneger GrĂ©isst opbaut, kĂ«nnt Dir Traffic op Är WebsĂ€it generĂ©ieren mat Newslettere. Dann, mat e bĂ«ssen E-Mail Marketing Magie, kĂ«nnt Dir Abonnenten an repetitive Clienten konvertĂ©ieren.

2. Boost Ären Online Store Verkaf

The reality of modern eCommerce business is intense: special offers happen every day. While this is exciting for customers, sometimes great deals just go unnoticed, which is not good for sellers.

Dat ass wann Getsitecontrol Widgets praktesch kommen.

You can place attention-grabbing popups, slide-ins, and sticky bars to make sure your website visitors don’t miss your sale or free shipping offer.

Create different announcements for different pages or publish sitewide messages – that’s up to you.

3. Vermeiden Shopping Cart (oder WebsÀit) Verloossung

While we’re on the topic of eCommerce, here is another challenge every store owner is familiar with. Shopping cart abandonment.

According to the latest research, the amount of abandoned carts is almost 70%! One way to reduce that number for your business is by using exit-intent popups.

Wann iergendeen op den AusgangsknÀppche geet, kënnt Dir se stoppen andeems Dir eng Remise oder e Kaddo ubitt. Och dat Bescht fir esou eng Offer ze weisen? Popups.

Gitt Kontroll allows you to add exit-intent popups like the one above to any page of your website, including your shopping cart. The number of abandonments you can prevent depends entirely on your offer.

4. LĂ©iert Äert Publikum kennen

Surveying your audience is crucial if you’re working on conversion optimization. It helps you create a better marketing persona and adjust your customer journey accordingly. Pop-up surveys can be a surefire tactic for gaining those valuable insights.

With Getsitecontrol, you can survey website visitors based on their user behavior (pages they’re visiting, the amount of time they spend on your site, or clicks they make on images and links) and characteristics.

For instance, you might want to invite only specific segments of your audience to participate in a survey.

Dir kĂ«nnt souguer eng Exit-Intent Ëmfro erstellen an d'Leit froen firwat se Är WebsĂ€it oder eng bestĂ«mmte SĂ€it verloossen!

Getsitecontrol Key Features

mat Gitt Kontroll, Dir kritt de Fonktiounsset, deen Dir soss méi benotze musst plugins fir.

Hei sinn d'Features déi Dir wëllt iwwerpréiwen:

Getsitecontrol Key Features

1. Template gallery – benotzt pre-entworf WebsĂ€it Formen a Popups als Ausgangspunkt an ajustĂ©ieren se dann op Är Besoinen

2. Mobile-friendly popups – customize the sizing and the look of your popups for mobile or create mobile-only popups for your website.

3. CSS editor – tailor the design of popups to the colour theme and the style of your website with a built-in CSS editor

4. Large collection of Unsplash images - Wielt hĂ©ichwĂ€erteg Stock Biller fir Är Popups aus der agebauter Galerie

5. Direct links to forms – erstellt direkt Linken op Är Formulairen an deelt se per E-Mail, Messenger oder soziale Medien.

6. Precise targeting – weist Är Uruff un Handlung un de richtege Publikum am richtege Moment mat Multi-Level Targeting Astellungen

7. Multi-page forms – Break laang Questionnaire op verschidde SĂ€iten a kreĂ©iert Soumissioun Erfolleg SĂ€iten.

8. A/B testing – Laf gesplĂ©ckt Tester fir ze kucken wĂ©i eng Uruff fir Handlung mĂ©i Engagement brĂ©ngt an d'Konversioune mat DatenbasĂ©ierter Resultater optimisĂ©ieren

9. Integratioun - konnektĂ©ieren Abonnement Formen op Är E-Mail Marketing Software an integrĂ©iert Getsitecontrol mat Google Analytics an Zapier Apps

Getsitecontrol PrÀisplÀng

Here’s a clear breakdown of the three subscription plans you offer, highlighting their features and capacities:

1. Creator Plan – $9/month

  • Includes:
    • Access to third-party apps
    • Standard creator features
    • Priced at $1.90 per 1,000 sent emails
    • Allows up to 20,000 monthly widget views

2. Pro Plang - $ 19 / Mount

  • Includes:
    • Access to third-party apps
    • All features from the Creator plan
    • Additional professional features
    • Priced at $1.90 per 1,000 sent emails
    • Allows up to 100,000 monthly widget views

3. Pro Max Plan – $29/month

  • Includes:
    • Access to third-party apps
    • All features from the Creator and Pro plans
    • Priced at $1.90 per 1,000 sent emails
    • Offers unlimited monthly widget views

Each plan is designed to cater to different levels of user needs, from basic functionality in the Creator plan to extensive capabilities in the Pro Max plan, which supports unlimited widget views for larger scale operations.

Getsitecontrol Installatioun

Gitt Kontroll works on any website platform, including Blogger, Weebly, Joomla, Shopify, Bigcommerce, Squarespace, an anerer. Fir d'App op Är WebsĂ€it ze verbannen, alles wat Dir braucht ass e klenge Skript an de Code vun Ärer WebsĂ€it direkt virum Schluss ze kopĂ©ieren an ze pechen tag.

Och wann Dir nach ni mam Code behandelt hutt, maach der keng Suergen. Dir braucht null technesch FÀegkeeten fir dat. Follegt just dem Getsitecontrol seng detailléiert, step-by-step Tutorials an Dir sidd bannent Minutte gemaach.

Installatioun mat Getsitecontrol

If you’re on WordPress, it’s even better. Install the dedicated plugin vum WordPress plugin Verzeechnes, an et wĂ€ert d'Installatioun fir Iech ausfĂ©ieren. NotĂ©iert datt de Code asynchron lued, dat heescht datt et d'Geschwindegkeet vun Ärer WebsĂ€it net verlangsamt.

Wann Dir Getsitecontrol op Är WebsĂ€it verbĂ«nnt an de Kont opstellt, fĂ©iert de userfrĂ«ndlechen Dashboard Iech duerch Popup-Schafung.

 Is Getsitecontrol Better Than Other Popup Builders?

Getsitecontrol has pictures, designs, and images that can be used to make widgets and popups. The designs are different from other tools. This means that it is good for you to use Getsitecontrol.

Is a Getsitecontrol Account Required to Use a WordPress Popup Plugin?

Dir braucht e Getsitecontrol Kont fir Widgets ze bauen an z'Ă€nneren. Dir kĂ«nnt Iech gratis vun hirer WebsĂ€it umellen. DĂ©i plugin Wierker de Kont op Är Site ze konnektĂ©ieren, awer nĂ€ischt anescht.

Getsitecontrol Client Rezensiounen

Getsitecontrol Client Rezensiounen


👀 How Do I start using GetSiteControl?

Initially, you have the option of going for a 7-day trial version of GetSiteControl. Once you are happy with the kind of services offered, you can pay for the product and get onboard. During the free trial itself, you can start creating widgets for your websites and test them out as per your preferences. You only need to create a login to start GetSiteControl; your credit card information is not asked for when you enroll for the free trial version.

🧐 Can I use GetSiteControl as I am not a Developer?

You need not be a coder or developer to start working with GetSiteControl. They provide you with a simple code with instructions on how to update it on your website. The installation process, then, is as simple as installing Google Analytics. There is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to get working on GetSiteControl. The interface is very user-friendly and easy to use.

đŸ€” How many widgets can I create?

Et gĂ«tt keng Limite fir wĂ©ivill Widgets Dir op Äre WebsĂ€iten erstellen kĂ«nnt. Fir alles wat se wĂ«ssen, kĂ«nnt Dir Är ganz WebsĂ€it mat Widgets ausfĂ«llen. Et ass ganz Ären Uruff wĂ©i Dir se wĂ«llt placĂ©ieren a benotze fir Äre Virdeel fir maximal Leads a Konversiounen ze fĂ©ieren.

🚀 Will I need to edit my website’s code often?

Only while you will be setting up your account will you update the code. After it is done and you are logged in and working, you need not keep updating the code on the website again and again. However, once you start working on a new website then, this process will be repeated again.

đŸ”„ Can I get GetSiteControl on my client’s website?

Dir hutt d'FrĂ€iheet d'GetSiteControl Widgets op all WebsĂ€it ze benotzen dĂ©i Dir gĂ€ren hutt. Egal ob Dir fir Iech selwer schafft oder digital Marketing fir verschidde Clienten verwalt, dĂ«st mĂ©cht keen Ënnerscheed zu GetSiteControl. Dir kĂ«nnt Är Widgets op sou vill WebsĂ€ite benotzen wĂ©i Dir braucht.

👉 Does GetSiteControl offer an API?

Jo. Dir kĂ«nnt Daten op all DrĂ«tt Partei Apps a WebsĂ€ite sammelen an transferĂ©ieren. Dir kĂ«nnt mat anere Produkter konnektĂ©ieren a Linkklicken no Ärem Choix.

😅 Is GetSiteControl compatible with all devices?

GetSiteControl ass kompatibel mat all mobilen Apparater. D'WebsÀit ass fir mobil optimiséiert ginn an et wiesselt automatesch op de richtege Modus op wéi en Apparat et gëtt mat Zougang.

✅ Does GetSiteControl work with WordPress?

Jo. Et gi speziell Popups plugins verfĂŒgbar vu GetSiteControl fir Iech op WordPress ze schaffen. Dir kĂ«nnt op all WordPress Site schaffen mat der plugin.

đŸ«€ What data can be collected by the widgets?

Form Felder IP Adressen Locations OS Brower Apparat Typ DĂ«st sinn e puer vun den DonnĂ©eĂ«n, dĂ©i mat GetSiteControl gesammelt kĂ«nne ginn. DĂ«st wĂ€ert Iech hĂ«llefen Äre Maart z'identifizĂ©ieren an Är Clienten besser z'erreechen.

😁 Is Getitecontrol legit?

With the help of getsitecontrol, you can create new leads and engage with your users. All widgets are conveniently bundled together in one place so that it's easier for everyone involved! You'll have access to an online dashboard where all these different things will be controlled too - no need trying figure out how each widget works on its own before adding more work onto yourself.

đŸ€‘ Is Getsitecontrol free?

Jo, Dir kënnt d'Getsitecontrol Widgets gratis benotzen op WebsÀiten déi Cliente fir sech selwer gebaut hunn.

Quick Links:

Fazit: Getsitecontrol Review 2024 

I must say, as someone who has personally used Getsitecontrol, it has truly been a worthwhile investment. I would like to share the reasons behind my decision with you.

Ech wollt just mat Iech deelen wĂ©i vill ech gĂ€r Getsitecontrol benotzen. Hir Popups si sou mĂ€chteg an hunn mir wierklech gehollef meng Konversiounsraten ze erhĂ©ijen. Ech recommandĂ©ieren hinnen e probĂ©ieren! Ech gleewen wierklech datt Popups e wesentlechen Impakt op Är WebsĂ€it Besucher kĂ«nne maachen.

Si hunn d'Kraaft mat Ärem Publikum ze engagĂ©ieren an se ze encouragĂ©ieren fir ze handelen, egal ob et sech fir en Newsletter umellt, e Kaf mĂ©cht oder e Formulaire ausfĂ«llt.

In addition, Getsitecontrol can gather precious data from your website, such as details about your beloved site visitors and the special moments when they convert.

With this data, you can truly understand your website’s internal structure and how visitors interact with it. With this knowledge, you can make thoughtful decisions about how to enhance your website and create an even better user experience.

Ech hunn absolut gĂ€r wĂ©i dem Getsitecontrol seng Popups entworf sinn! Si hunn dĂ«s erstaunlech FĂ€egkeet fir mĂ©i Besucher op Ärem Site ze zĂ©ien an se wĂ«llkomm ze fillen.

Wann Dir Är Ziler mat aktuellen Resultater alignĂ©iert, ass et wierklech erstaunlech wĂ©i vill dĂ«s Popups hĂ«llefe kĂ«nnen de Gruef ze iwwerbrĂ©cken a mĂ©i Traffic op Är WebsĂ€it fĂ©ieren.

Gitt Kontroll ass e super Popup Builder. Et huet vill Features fir et Är ZĂ€it an Effort wĂ€ert ze maachen fir Popups ze bauen, besonnesch wann Dir Ă«nnert de Konkurrenten sicht wĂ©i BlĂ©i Leads.

Abhishek Pathak
Dësen Auteur ass op verifizéiert

Hey dat ass Abhishek Pathak, e Blogger & Digital Marketing Consultant. Hien huet ugefaang freelancing ronderëm seng technesch FÀegkeeten vun Online Optimisatioun, SEO, SMM, SMO an aner digital Saachen fréi vu senge fréie College Deeg. Nom Fachhéichschoul ofgeschloss huet hien geduecht, eng Aarbechtsplaz ze hunn war net seng Taass Téi. Hien hat de FrÀiberuffler Liewensstil ugeholl Also huet hien sÀin eegene Digital Marketing Blog ugefaang GeekyBuzz wou hien genial Saachen iwwer Freelancing deelt, Entrepreneursgeescht, GeschÀfter, Blogging an aner cool Nerd Saachen baséiert op sengen Erfarungen a Reesen.

Affiliate Offenbarung: A voller Transparenz - e puer vun de Linken op eiser WebsÀit sinn Affiliate Links, wann Dir se benotzt fir e Kaf ze maachen, verdénge mir eng Kommissioun ouni zousÀtzlech KÀschten fir Iech (keng!).

Hannerlooss eng Kommentéieren