Startup Weekend Delhi 22nd May 2015:Sponsored By Payoneer

Hey guys recently I was a part of this amazing startup event organized by I was a keen speaker there where I shared about my entrepreneurship journey how I started my blog and how I make money online through blogs. It was fun and I learned lot of things from young entrepreneurs there who want to do something of their own.

I met many young blood hardcore entrepreneurs who are very much passionate, I got so much motivation and positive energy by seeing their work. Bezuelen was gold sponsor for this event.

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What are Startup Weekends

startup weekend delhi 2015

Startup Weekends are 54­hour events designed to provide superior experiential education for technical and non­technical entrepreneurs. The weekend events are centered on action, innovation, and education. Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through testing, business model development, and basic prototype creation, Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos to a panel of potential investors and local entrepreneurs.  Participants are challenged with building functional startups during the event and are able to collaborate with like­minded individuals outside of their daily networks.

Who you’ll meet at Startup Weekend:

Startup Weekends attendees’ backgrounds are roughly

● 50% technical (developers, coders, designers)

● 50% business (marketing, finance, law).

Why people come to Startup Weekend:  

29% of Startup Weekend participants attend an event to network,

20% attend to develop/build a product

13% attend to learn how to create a new venture.

Event Schedule started from 22nd may to 24th may.

Some Pics from that event:

startup weekend delhi meet 2015 may 22nd startup weekend delhi meet 2015 for startups startup weekend delhi meet

startup weekend delhi 2015 22nd may IMG_0412 startup weekend delhi 2015 22nd may 1 startup weekend delhi 2015 22nd may 3

I hope you guys like these pictures for startup weekend event.  I totally loved this weekend bonanza and learned lot from all participants there. Do you wanna join such events let us know in comments.

Quick Links:

Jitendra Vaswani
Dësen Auteur ass op verifizéiert

Jitendra Vaswani ass en Digital Marketing Practitioner a renomméierten internationale Keynote Speaker, deen den digitalen Nomade Lifestyle ugeholl huet wéi hien ronderëm d'Welt reest. Hien huet zwee erfollegräich Websäite gegrënnt, AXNUMXA-FXS & Digital Marketing Agence DigiExe vun deenen seng Erfollegsgeschichten erweidert hunn fir "Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom" ze schreiwen (20,000 Exemplare weltwäit verkaaft) an zum "International Best Selling Author of Growth Hacking Book 2" bäidroen. Jitendra entworf Workshops fir iwwer 10000+ Fachleit am Digital Marketing iwwer Kontinenter; mat Intentiounen schlussendlech verankert fir en Impaktbaren Ënnerscheed ze kreéieren andeems d'Leit hëllefen hiren Dramgeschäft online ze bauen. Jitendra Vaswani ass en High-powered Investisseur mat engem beandrockende Portfolio deen enthält Imagestation. Fir méi iwwer seng Investitiounen ze léieren, Fannt hien op Ënneschtgaass, Twitter, & Facebook.

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