BitLaunch Review 2024: Is This Cloud Hosting Service Right for You?


Општа пресуда

БитЛаунцх је веома глатка, брза и сигурна услуга и даје вам слободу да их плаћате по сату, што је карактеристика коју већина људи тражи. Штавише, изузетно је једноставно и брзо креирати налог на БитЛаунцх-у јер вам је потребна само ваша е-пошта за регистрацију.

Оут оф 10


  • Odmah pokrenite servere
  • Visokokvalitetni cloud serveri
  • Platite kriptovalute za VPS sa BitLaunch-a
  • Trenutno automatsko podešavanje
  • Хуман Фриендли
  • Девелопер Реади


  • Potrebno je više opcija cena
  • Нема подршке уживо



Looking for BitLaunch Review, you are at the right place.

Да ли сте забринути за своју приватност и безбедност на мрежи? Да ли желите више контроле над окружењем за веб хостинг? Да ли желите да платите хостинг са Битцоинс или Црипто?

Да ли желите да добијете висококвалитетан хостинг пакет са подршком и функцијама које је тешко пронаћи?

Решење: BitLaunch servers are set up in a data centre located in Panama, which means your data is safe and secure from prying eyes. Setting up servers can be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive.

When your website needs to be accessed by millions of visitors in the world, you need fast, reliable, and secure services. BitLaunch web hosting services are able to deliver these features at affordable prices.

Zaključak unapred: 

БитЛаунцх je usluga hostinga u oblaku čiji je primarni fokus „privatnost“. Njegovi posebni i jedinstveni atributi ga izdvajaju od ostalih provajdera hostinga. BitLaunch se može odmah pokrenuti putem e-pošte i započeti. Ima visokokvalitetne servere u oblaku koji postavljaju VPN za nekoliko sekundi. Interfejs koji je jednostavan za korišćenje i pojednostavljen proces BitLaunch-a čine proces podešavanja vašeg servera bezbolnim i lakim.

Možete ih plaćati po satu i putem kriptovaluta kao što su Ethereum, Bitcoin, itd. БитЛаунцх ne samo da pruža servere za hosting od sebe, već i od drugih popularnih hosting provajdera kao što je Vultr, ДигиталОцеан, Linode itd.

БитЛаунцх преглед

BitLaunch Review 2024: Start Paying With Crypto For VPS

BitLaunch’s services are anonymous, which makes them extremely safe and secure.

It also offers API for developers who want to build tools or automate server provisioning with BitLaunch.

The company proffers an affiliate program along with a 20% recurring commission on conversions from the user.

БитЛаунцх преглед

BitLaunch is a very smooth, fast, and secure service and gives you the freedom of paying them on an hourly basis, which is a feature most people look for.

Moreover, it is extremely simple and quick to create an account on BitLaunch as you just require your email for registration.

VPS Hosting From BitLaunch:

Pre nego što nastavimo da kopamo dalje, hajde da razumemo kakav VPS is? So, VPS, a.k.a. Virtual Private Servers, are the servers that let the user have a virtual server that is solely maintained and operated by hosting companies like BitLaunch.

The user need not share any personal and anonymous information with anyone while using these servers because they offer the best security.

A trusted and safe VPS system will keep all your transactions secure, anonymous, and encrypted.

However, users remain ignorant of the benefits of a funded VPS system, which is why there is more demand for trusted VPS services. This has also enhanced the use of cryptocurrencies in payments because they are safe and easy.

Is it Easy To Get A Virtual Server?

Постоји разлог зашто БитЛаунцх has been ranked higher than other hosting providers. The reason is that BitLaunch provides a free launch start-up and costs around $10 per month.

It proffers lucrative plans that are beneficial for both businesses and individuals. It comes with the regular 2.40GHz CPU, 1 GB RAM, and SSD space.

U poslednje vreme, BitLaunch je pokrenuo Anonymous Amsterdam VPS sa dodatnim serverima u Americi, Velikoj Britaniji, Singapuru i Evropi.

Карактеристике БитЛаунцх хостинга 

BitLaunch Review- Features

1. BitLaunch’s Veb hosting preko kriptovalute

Payments via cryptocurrencies have gained a lot of importance in ensuring reliability in trading and transactions.

There are several reasons for this, the primary being that crypto is much more reliable than the usual currency, and there are several platforms these days that support cryptocurrency payments.

According to user reviews, BitLaunch has more advantages and is simple to use, as it allows cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., to be used on BitLaunch, Linode, Vultr, and DigitalOcean servers.

2. Decentralized Systems

БитЛаунцх даје потпуну контролу и независност над свим производима. Има неколико централизованих система које одржава, управља и контролише један ентитет. БитЛаунцх гарантује да су сви његови системи децентрализовани.

3. BitLaunch one-click Apps

БитЛаунцх offers the best flexibility to its clients and customer services without any curbs. They have a one-click anonymous hosting as well for apps like Опенвпн, self-hosted WireGuard VPN hosting, and Telegram.

Experts from the digital security department recommend WireGuard VPN over OpenVPN, which is preferred by many users.

Thus, BitLaunch ensures that it follows the advice of digital experts and works in accordance with them. Moreover, WireGuard VPN is designed with fewer lines of code and avoids susceptibilities.

BitLaunch provides one-click functionality to users so that they can use VPN protocols like WireGuard.

4. Easy Access for Users

BitLaunch allows users to access its servers very easily because there are no limitations or restrictions. This feature allows users to carry out transactions using cryptocurrencies.

BitLaunch smartly bridges the gap between efficiency and the needs of the market, which is why it is the leading hosting service at present.

5. Reliable Bitcoin VPS Hosting

BitLaunch’s flexibility and personal offerings make it super reliable for hosting Bitcoin VPS, and this is what a majority of clients around the world do. Localized cloud servers cannot offer this feature.

6. Fast Provision of the Server

BitLaunch boasts of providing the fastest servers to users. As soon as you log in, it welcomes you with the option of a free trial. A majority of the users reply to them on the chat and get instant replies.

Create the Server With BitLaunch

With only five easy steps, you can create the server.

Step 1: Select a Host 

Možete odabrati bilo koji host od BitLaunch, Vultr, Linode ili DigitalOcean.

Select a Host

Step 2: Select the Image or App 

BitLaunch nudi mnogo izbora:

Bitlaunch plati kriptovalutom

Linode – Linode offers a variety of Linux distributions like Gentoo, Arch, openSUSE, and Slackware.

ДигиталОцеан – DigitalOcean provides some great apps like WordPress, LAMP, tradicionalni veb stekovi i LEMP.

Vultr – Вултр provides the capability to set up fully licensed cPanel servers and windows – Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012.

BitLaunch Servers – They offer private networks to the users and have one-click apps like Open VPN and WireGuard. They let you buy a VPN with Bitcoin and the whole transaction will be anonymous.

Корак КСНУМКС: Изаберите регион

BitLaunch provides three regions: Los Angeles, London, and Amsterdam. These are the best locations for a vast range of clients spread over the United States and Europe.

Users who want an Indian or an Asian host then would prefer shifting to some other host because BitLaunch does not cover as many regions as other hosts.

Step 4: Select a Size

Одаберите величину

BitLaunch servers come with a good variety of specs at very affordable prices. They proffer servers that are CPU optimized from DigitalOcean.

Step 5: Set Authentication

It is extremely simple to set up authentication without waiting for an email and a password. For best security, an SSH key is used. Within seconds, you will receive the server’s IP address, and you can log in using the SSH key.

Корак 6: Хардвер

BitLaunch requires essential hardware, including SSDs for speedy storage, KVM virtualization, and a large amount of RAM.

Is Cryptocurrency Essential in Web Hosting? 

Making payments and conducting transactions using cryptocurrencies is not very easy or secure because BitLaunch has designed automated services so that developers can easily manage the servers.

Thus, it is easy for the users to carry out account transactions with particular transaction amounts. The API is simple to use and gives the choice between normal currency and cryptocurrency.

The developers use the Lightning Network to automate payments.

How to Use Cryptocurrency for Payment?

битлаунцх црипто впс

Payments with Cryptocurrency have been made very easy with BitLaunch. It is a very simple and fast process. You can top up as much as you want, requiring you to pay at least $20.

This minimum amount is set to reduce the wrong use of the process. Once you choose to pay via Bitcoin, you will be given a QR code, the amount of bitcoins BTC to send, and an address.

After checking and confirming things, the money will go into your account. Sometimes, the process may take a little longer as per the fee and wallet, but the overall process is smooth.

Naplata po satu

Најбољи део БитЛаунцх is that it lets you pay on an hourly basis, i.e. you will pay them only for the number of hours that you have used the server.

You need not block your money by paying for one month straight because you cannot be sure for how long you would require the server. This is the best deal for people who like changing the VPN IP time and again.

The most important thing to note here is that you have to avoid reaching the $0 balance mark. If your server is in use and this happens, it will get destroyed and will come to you like an abrupt surprise.

So, pay heed to their messages and emails to avoid interference in the work. If required, you can request them to let you go for some time with a negative balance, too, but the decision is pure of Bit Launches.

БитЛаунцх Битцоин ВПС Уптиме

These are UptimeRobot stats of one of our websites, which is hosted on BitLaunch. 100% uptime looks impressive (and it mostly is).

Уптиме сцреенсхот хостинг Уптиме сцреенсхот хостинг Уптиме-Перформанце-оф-хостинг

Да ли БитЛаунцх хостинг заиста убрзава веб локацију?

Хостовање резултата брзине Гоогле странице

Гоогле хостинг статистике брзине странице

Да, наши резултати брзине странице, познатији као основни резултати веб витала, изгледају прилично добро када смо хостовали нашу веб локацију БитЛаунцх хостинг. Основни веб витални показатељи су важни фактори рангирања за рангирање ваших веб локација на највишим позицијама.

GTMetrix ocena A i ocena performansi od 97% bi trebalo da budu dovoljni da dokaže koliko brzo БитЛаунцх je, posebno imajući u vidu činjenicu da je ovo samo njihov najosnovniji paket!

Gtmetrix rezultat

Bitlaunch: VPS Hosting Pricing Plans

Planovi Bitcoin VPS servera Plaćajte bezbedno i lako sa Bitcoin-om

Decentralizovana plaćanja

Centralized systems are operated and maintained by a single entity, such as the government, a company, or an individual. On the other hand, decentralized systems are not controlled by any single entity.

Such systems cannot be destroyed because they are operated by a network of members who work based on mutual consent.

BitLaunch, being a decentralized payment system, allows the use of cryptocurrencies. BitLaunch supports more than ten cryptocurrencies.

BitLaunch’s Pros and Cons


  • Не постоји учешће банке или посебног субјекта који може одбити или зауставити плаћање.
  • Moreover, they are centralized, too. But decentralized payments make them anonymous, fast, and smooth.
  • Услуге децентрализованог плаћања попут криптовалута дају корисницима приступ услугама које се налазе у Индији или Индонезији. На овим местима, ВПС услуге које нуди БитЛаунцх не подржавају традиционалне системе плаћања.


  • Ограничене информације на веб страници
  • Nema garancije povrata novca

Why BitLaunch For Your Business :

Поред тога што има неке од најбољих сервера доступних у Панами, БитЛаунцх нуди линију пакета за веб хостинг који су компатибилни са ПЦИ и ХИПАА, што ваше податке чини безбедним од хакера.

BitLaunch Review- Stats

The security is top notch, and the privacy is high. It offers 99% uptime at an unbeatable price. Bitlaunch will never sell or share your data with any third parties for any reason.

The BitLaunch platform is extremely affordable for anyone willing to put up with its limitations. BitLaunch gives you all the benefits of cloud computing while offering high performance and reliability.

Imagine browsing from anywhere at any time without worrying about lag or speed issues!

Možete da dobijete rešenje koje ste dobili iz kutije bez kupovine prethodno instaliranog softvera ili bez potrebe da ga sami instalirate. Obezbeđivanjem skupa unapred konfigurisanih rešenja, u mogućnosti ste da se fokusirate na razvoj svojih veština umesto na instaliranje softvera.

Also, when it comes to privacy and security, you don’t have to worry about anything because you control everything through the dashboard feature.

Најбоље БитЛаунцх алтернативе

1) блуехост


Founded in 2003, Bluehost has been a pioneer in Hosting services for decades. It has been one of the fastest-growing organizations since 2003, providing trustworthy and fairly cost-effective web hosting services.

They provide a number of products and services in their portfolio to assist you to develop that great website whether it be for personal use, as a freelancer, or a thriving business.

Their builder tools for developing websites are incredibly user-friendly and recognized. Bluehost’s forte is in digital marketing integration to websites, which provides a wonderful platform for learning and expanding for small- to large-scale organizations.

Листа функција Блуехост 

  • Потпуно прилагодљив цПанел и прилагођен корисницима
  • Brojni ugrađeni alati za razvoj dobre veb stranice
  • Бесплатни градитељи сајтова
  • Besplatne adrese e-pošte specifične za domen
  • Скоро 100% рекорд рада
  • Алати за брзо поновно учитавање страница
  • Integracija sa Cloudflareom za brzo učitavanje sajta
  • Бесплатан ССЛ сертификат
  • Добре безбедносне функције за ваше веб локације

2) Влакови

Cloudways- Overview

У погледу веб хостинга, чини се да је Цлоудваис у рангу са најбољим и најсјајнијим компанијама за веб хостинг. У поређењу са другим провајдерима ВордПресс хостинга заснованим на облаку, они су пронашли начин да понуде невероватне услуге по фер цени. Цлоудваис, високо детаљна хостинг платформа, тврди да може да убрза ВордПресс блогове.

The features that will be discussed in the following paragraphs make your job a lot easier. Cloud-based services allow them to release new features and updates quickly.

Using their services, you may develop your business and improve your website’s performance. Reload times, high performance, and security are Cloudways’ primary goals.

Cloudways is offering a two-day trial edition of their product on their official website if you want a little more confidence in their product before making a full purchase.

Цлоудваис Феатурес 

  • Pogodna migracija sajta
  • Побољшане брзине сервера преко ЦДН -а
  • Функција аутоматског лечења за брже решавање проблема
  • Usluga zasnovana na oblaku
  • Šifrovani SSL
  • Два Фактор Аутхентицатион
  • Instalirajte aplikacije jednim klikom



Hostinger started in 2007 as, they were a completely free web hosting service and there were surprisingly no adverts running on their platform.

Hostinger is a brand that was created in 2011 as a web hosting company. By the year 2014, they had already boasted a user base of more than ten million users, and now they have around 40 million-plus users.

One of the reasons for them to grow at such a rate was their bungles of free features and updates provided at that time, and now they have become one of the most famous paid web hosting companies.

Хостинг Карактеристике 

  • Tvrde da imaju vreme učitavanja od 356 ms.
  • 30-дневна политика поврата ако нисте задовољни производом
  • КСНУМКС / КСНУМКС корисничка подршка
  • Kreator veb lokacija i ime domena uključeno u paket
  • Izuzetno odličan korisnički interfejs
  • Високо конкурентне цене

Неке брзе статистике веб хостинга:

  • There will be even more than 330,000 web hosting providers in the world in the year 2021.
  • Only a quarter of the 1.8 billion websites registered on the Internet as of 2021 are operational. 15.5 per cent of the Internet’s registered websites are currently active. The top ten web hosting providers dominate 56.4% of the worldwide web hosting industry.
  • Хостинг провајдери у Северној Америци су најбројнији на свету.
  • Више од 50 милиона домена је регистровано у Сједињеним Државама, што чини око 27% свих веб домена. По броју имена домена регистрованих у Кини је на другом месту после Сједињених Држава (16 милиона).
  • WordPress is used to build 34% of all websites. GoDaddy is a popular US web hosting provider.
  • Сједињене Америчке Државе имају највише имена домена на свету (107,346,685 домена).
  • More than $171 billion will be spent on web hosting services in the United States by the year 2027, according to a CAGR of 15.5%. There will be over $60 billion in revenue generated by the web hosting sector by 2020, up from $33.5 in 2016.
  • Between 2019 and 2026, the managed VPS subsector is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 16.5%, and the cloud hosting subsector is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 18% between 2019 and 2025.
  • The shared hosting subsector is predicted to increase at a yearly pace of 10.3%. By 2021, the US web hosting business is expected to generate $25,517 million in revenue.
  • By 2025, 49% of all internet data is expected to be stored on the cloud. In 2022, worldwide IP traffic is estimated to reach 4.8 ZB annually.

Подаци у овом чланку су прикупљени из следећих извора: Финд Стацк, Хост Адвице, Хост Сортер, Финанцес Онлине, Статиста и још много тога.


🚀 What types of hosting plans does BitLaunch offer?

БитЛаунцх нуди низ планова, укључујући дељени и наменски хостинг. Наши дељени хостинг планови нуде велику вредност за новац, док наши наменски планови хостинга нуде врхунске перформансе и контролу.

🧐 How reliable is BitLaunch?

БитЛаунцх је веома поуздан. Наши сервери се покрећу најновијом технологијом и имају 24/7 корисничку подршку и надзор. Наша гаранција времена непрекидног рада осигурава да ће ваша веб локација увек бити на мрежи и да ће радити без проблема.

🤑 What payment methods does BitLaunch accept?

Прихватају главне кредитне картице, ПаиПал и Битцоин.

👀 Does BitLaunch offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes, they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for all of our hosting plans. If you are not satisfied with the service you have received, simply contact them within 30 days, and they will provide a full refund.


Zaključak: BitLaunch pregled 2024 

верујем БитЛаунцх je nesumnjivo najbolji hosting provajder na tržištu jer sam se zaista iznenadio kada sam video njegove neverovatne karakteristike i cenu.

BitLaunch offers the most advanced cloud hosting platform on the market, offering customers everything they need to host a single server securely and privately.

BitLaunch platforma je izuzetno pristupačna za svakoga ko želi da se suoči sa njenim ograničenjima. Po ceni od 0.01 USD po gigabajtu, to je u okvirima pristupačnosti za nova preduzeća koja možda razmišljaju o postavljanju sopstvenog servera umesto da ga iznajme od veće kompanije.

Veoma je lako započeti sa BitLaunch-om po veoma niskim cenama i pruža ogromnu vrednost za potrošen novac.

Its USP is the high level of security it offers, its decentralized systems that keep the transactions anonymous, and the hourly billing of the services. It offers fast provisioning, a vast range of choices, and exclusive customer support on a user-friendly interface.

Did you like the BitLauch review? Share your own BitLaunch reviews in the comments below.

Јитендра Васвани
Овај аутор је верификован на БлоггерсИдеас.цом

Јитендра Васвани је практичар дигиталног маркетинга и реномирани међународни говорник који је прихватио начин живота дигиталних номада док путује широм свијета. Основао је две успешне веб странице, БлоггерсИдеас.цом & Agencija za digitalni marketing DigiExe од којих су се његове приче о успеху прошириле на писање „Инсиде А Хустлер'с Браин: Ин Пурсуит оф Финанциал Фреедом” (20,000 примерака продатих широм света) и допринос „Интернатионал бестселер Аутхор оф Гровтх Хацкинг Боок 2”. Јитендра је дизајнирао радионице за преко 10000+ професионалаца у дигиталном маркетингу широм континената; са намерама које су на крају усидрене ка стварању утицајне разлике помажући људима да изграде свој посао из снова на мрежи. Јитендра Васвани је снажан инвеститор са импресивним портфолиом који укључује Имагестатион. Да бисте сазнали више о његовим улагањима, Пронађите га на ЛинкедИн, Twitter, & фацебоок.

Откривање подружница: Потпуно транспарентно - неке од веза на нашој веб страници су партнерске везе, ако их користите за куповину, зарадићемо провизију без додатних трошкова за вас (ништа!).

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