Print Aura Review 2024: Is It Worth The Hype? (Print On Demand)

Принт Аура Ревиев

Општа пресуда

Print Aura is a competent print-on-demand service that stands out for its extensive product range and customization options. It supports seamless integration with major e-commerce platforms, making it convenient for sellers to manage their stores.

Оут оф 10


  • Без чланарине
  • Разноликост производа
  • Корисна често постављана питања и ресурси
  • Приступачне цене у поређењу са конкурентима
  • Интегрише се са Схопифи, ВооЦоммерце, Етси и другима


  • Нема међународног праћења



The print-on-demand business is a very booming industry, and this number is increasing day by day with the introduction of Print Aura Review of the print-on-demand apps.

These Print on Demand apps ease your work and make the business fully automated so that you don’t have to worry about storage and shipping.

With the increase in the number of Print on Demand apps, it is now hard to choose the best app that will profit you on a larger scale.

I have written a number of articles previously about the best POD business apps but certainly missed this one.

Print Aura is another struggling but great POD app for startups and individual-demand businesses that want to keep their investments low to start their online business.

Принт Аура for you with all the good and bad aspects and how it works!! and I can assure you out of all Print Aura reviews on the internet, this will be an in-depth and detailed one.

Принт Аура Ревиев

Доња линија: Print Aura is an on-demand, white-label, drop-shipping solution that will help you turn your ideas into products under your very own brand. By becoming a partner with Print Aura, they will take care of the logistics for you so you can focus on other important things.

Принт Аура Ревиев 2024: (Штампање на захтев и испуњење веза)

Принт Аура works the same way as the other POD apps, but it has some slight differences in usability.

What amazed me the most was that it worked for all kinds of business owners. Print Aura is a white-label drop shipping business solution that will turn your creativity into an asset.

Принт Аура Ревиев

I have given a detailed review of the Print Aura app with all its features and how much it would cost you.

How Does Print Aura Work (Step By Step)

  • Create your Print Aura free account.
  • After logging into your Shopify store, you need to authorize the Print Aura app.
  • Now, create your first Prin Aura design using their mockup tool and check how your design looks on different products.
  • Add your product to Print Aura, and then select the product colour, size, type, and profit margin. The product will finally be added to the Shopify store.
  • You can use any one of the two available payment options Print Aura offers, which are automatic and deposit funds in Print Aura wallet.

Кључне карактеристике Принт Ауре

Print Aura Review- Features

1) Нема минималне поруџбине

The best part about Print Aura is that it does not have any rules regarding the number of orders. You can order even one T-shirt or 100, it doesn’t matter. Покрените свој посао with one t-shirt and no setup costs.

2) Робусно штампање

Print Aura uses the latest technology so that your design looks effective and attractive. It doesn’t even cost much for the orders. You just need to send the design, and the company will take care of the shipping.

3) Велики капацитет за штампање

Изнад цена, не постоји ограничење колико дизајна шаљете дневно. Било да се ради о 1, 50 или 100, компанија ће се побринути за ваше потребе штампања. Принт Аура за ову сврху користи плетене ДТГ штампаче.

4) Разноврсност производа

I chose to review Print Aura because of the variety of products that it offers to print. Most companies offer print-on-demand for T-shirts only.

5) Алат за моделирање производа

The mockup tool helps you edit the product and customize your design.

It uses a high-quality tool and displays a list of products on which you want your design. This tool allows you to choose the product colour and the brands that you want to sell.

Moreover, you can add images and text to the product. The mockup tool is the best tool I have liked out of so many tools in the POD apps.

6) Преокрети

The company’s fast turnaround or shipping promise is a big plus.

It promises to ship the orders within 3-5 business days, but in case of urgency, they can be delivered within 48 hours of the order. Isn’t that quick?

7) Глобална достава

Although the company is US-based, it ships products all over the globe. The shipping costs may vary from location to location.

The minimum cost of shipping starts at just $5.00. Moreover, the orders can be tracked, and you can either add the US address or your own address to the shipment.

8) Гаранција за производе

Usually, if a store delivers your product directly to the customer, there might be a risk of defects or malfunction.

Companies like Print Aura make sure the products they deliver are defect-free. Read the company return policy here.

9) Услуге брендирања

Print Aura is a white-label dropshipping kompanija, so the customers will never know that the products are shipped and printed by them. It does everything so that the products look genuine.

It offers complimentary services at no charge, such as custom packing slips and shipping labels.

However, there are some paid services, too, which include neck label removal, using hangtags, individual bagging, and stickers. You can also use business cards in the products.

Како функционише Принт Аура?

Принт Аура је лако започети и нема накнаде за регистрацију. Своје производе можете продавати на више платформи као што су Схопифи, ВооЦоммерце, Опенцарт, Етси и БигЦоммерце. Најбоље функционише са Схопифи продавницама.

Принт Аура Ревиев – Како то функционише

  1. Click on Sign-Up and fill in the details, such as your business name and website.
  2. After successful registration, you will be asked to install the shopping apps that you want to run your store in. You can install any of the preferred apps, such as Схопифи, БигЦоммерце, WooCommerce, и Сторенви. Такође, постоје водичи за инсталацију за ове платформе.
  3. If you want to create a new design, upload it to the Print Aura Mockup tool. You can even create a custom design using the mockup tool and preview it on the product. The mockup tool is of utter importance. You can set the image guide for the printable image.
  4. Производи које изаберете биће додати у вашу продавницу са штампаним производом.
  5. There are two ways to pay for your orders; one, when an order is placed, you will be charged only that time, or you can deposit the funds, and they will be deducted automatically when an order is placed.

When the order is placed, it is sent directly to Print Aura for the fulfilment process, and the tracking number will be produced by the store that is integrated with Print Aura.

Водећи рачуна о вашим потребама за брендирањем, ставља лого као и назив ваше компаније на производ тако да имају поверења да га шаљете ви.

Принт Аура Продуцтс

Постоји дуга листа производа који су дизајнирани помоћу ПОД апликација. Ове ПОД апликације обично не нуде велики избор производа. Принт Аура даје одећу шољама, одећу за малишане до мобилних навлака са прилагођеном штампом.

Принт Аура Ревиев- Производи

Ево листе производа:

  • T-Shirts & Garments;
  • Bags & Totes;
  • Phone cases;
  • Mugs;
  • Posters;
  • Embroidered Hats;
  • Infant, Toddlers & Youths;
  • Aprons;
  • Pocket T-shirt prints.

Принт Аура Ревиев - Цустом Пхоне Цасес ДТГ Принтинг Сервицес

Принт Аура Интегратионс

Print Aura integrates and installs various продавнице е-трговине so that they can be directly added to your store. The integration and installation of these apps are free and require nothing.

Принт Аура Ревиев- Интегратионс

  • Схопифи: Shopify is the most preferred platform for business owners. It gives you all the tools to modify the store. Just install the Shopify app on your Print Aura account and start selling.
  • ВооЦоммерце: WooCommerce costs nothing to start. It does require hosting from other hosting providers. Install WooCommerce on your WordPress site and on your Print Aura platform.
  • Етси: To start with Etsy, you will have to get approval first for the manufacturing list. Also, Print Aura uses the Etsy API so you will need an API key for the installation first.
  • БигЦоммерце: This T-shirt fulfillment app starts at $29 per month and doesn’t require any permission to install in the Print Aura.

Pricing: Print Aura!

The pricing wizard for Print Aura works the same way as most POD apps.

Pricing Print Aura!

Prices vary according to the product type, such as t-shirts, hoodies, or clothing. As sizes increase, the price of the product also increases.

Принт Аура Ревиев - Цене

As you customize your product more and add more colours, it will be added to the total price of the product. With each colour added to the product, the price increases by $3.

If you add your own images to the product, the product might cost more as the image might be of high resolution. Moreover, if you want to make changes to the branding options, the cost of the paid services may increase further.

За све детаље о ценама, погледајте чаробњака за доделу награда Принт Аура.

Print Aura: Shipping

The products’ shipping takes 3-5 days or even more for International shipping. However, if you want to rush the order within 2 days of the order, then it will cost you $2 extra per item for the shipping.

Принт Аура Ревиев- Цене испоруке

There is only one drawback for the Print Aura: tracking is only available for U.S. shipping. For international shipping, the product can only be tracked until it is in the USA, and after that, it can’t be tracked due to customs issues.

Компанија је навела неке земље у којима ће праћење и испорука бити враћени.

Предности и мане Принт Ауре


  • No membership fees.
  • Integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, Етси, И други.
  • Variety of Products.
  • Приступачне цене у поређењу са конкурентима.
  • Helpful FAQs and Resources.


  • Poor Customer Support.
  • No international tracking.

Принт Аура Ревиев & Тестимониалс

Print Aura User Reviews


👕 What types of products can I customize with Print Aura?

You can customize a wide range of products including t-shirts, hoodies, hats, bags, and more. Print Aura offers a variety of apparel and accessory options to suit different styles and needs.

🎨 How does the design process work with Print Aura?

Users upload their designs onto the platform, choose their preferred products for printing, and set up their specifications. Print Aura then takes care of the rest, from printing to shipping.

🚚 What are the shipping options and times with Print Aura?

Print Aura offers shipping worldwide with various delivery options. Shipping times can vary based on the destination and shipping method selected.

🛒 Is Print Aura integrated with any e-commerce platforms?

Yes, Print Aura integrates with several e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Etsy, and Storenvy, enabling seamless operation of your online store.

✨ What sets Print Aura apart from other print-on-demand services?

Print Aura distinguishes itself with no minimum order requirements, a wide product selection, and the ability to print on different areas of products, offering more customization options than many competitors.


Закључак: Принт Аура Ревиев 2024

Certainly, every software has flaws, and you have to deal with them. Принт Аура sounds good for newbies or those with a low-investment plan.

You might face some issues at a later stage or with delivery, but it is still a great way to kick off your POD business. You can shift to a better app later if you wish to, but Print Aura offers many pricing plans.

Цхристине Виллиамс
Овај аутор је верификован на БлоггерсИдеас.цом

Цхристине Виллиамс је искусна писац веб садржаја из Портланда Аффилиатебаи.нет а дању је писац, а ноћу читач. Њена страст према помагању људима у свим аспектима индустрије интернет маркетинга провлачи се кроз покривеност стручне индустрије коју пружа. Она покрива широк спектар ниша и дели чланке о популарним производима и услугама на мрежи. Она такође пише за многе водеће часописе попут Форбеса, НИ тимес и чврсто верује у то да се заједници враћа кроз своје садржаје.

Откривање подружница: Потпуно транспарентно - неке од веза на нашој веб страници су партнерске везе, ако их користите за куповину, зарадићемо провизију без додатних трошкова за вас (ништа!).

Коментари (КСНУМКС)

  1. Принт Аура је одлична Схопифи апликација

    Принт Аура Деливерс. Њихова опција производа, као и нијанси предмета је без премца.

    Ствари су се одвијале изузетно брзо (упркос пандемији!!!). Добио сам само сјајне оцене од купаца који су заиста добили ствари одштампане помоћу Принт Аура, што је оно што је заиста важно. Уживам што могу да укључим добро познату и лепу поклон поруку када је то потребно.

    Одвојите време да гарантујете да је величина графике одговарајућа, а такође сте спремни.

    Све што сам морао да помогнем увек је било брзо обављено, и још једном... усред пандемије.

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