ShippingEasy Review 2024 Features & Pricing: How Much Can You Save?


Општа пресуда

ShippingEasy is easiest online shipping automation platform, offering discounted USPS and UPS shipping rates and award winning support. Save time and money so you can focus on building your business! ShippingEasy is a great choice for businesses of all sizes seeking to optimize their shipping operations.

Оут оф 10


  • Integrišite bez problema
  • Платформа једноставна за употребу
  • Аутоматизујте токове посла
  • Prilagođene e-poruke za praćenje
  • Ogromni popusti na USPS usluge slanja kao što su prioritetna pošta, paušalna tarifa, regionalna cena, ekspresna pošta i međunarodne pošiljke
  • Flat Rate Green nudi velike popuste na manje, teže pakete


  • Potrebne su bolje opcije cena
  • Podržan je samo engleski jezik
  • Ponekad je sistemu podrške potrebno vreme da odgovori



У потрази за непристрасним СхиппингЕаси прегледом, на правом сте месту.

Ko nije upoznat sa e-trgovinom?

E-commerce business is one of the most amazing online businesses that help you make easy money. It gives you the freedom to work from anywhere.

Međutim, postoji veliki broj aplikacija koje prihvataju plaćanja i pomažu vam da prilagodite prodavnicu, ali ljudi se često suočavaju sa poteškoćama kada treba da isporuče proizvode.

Potrebno im je pravo rešenje za isporuku kako bi kupci dobili zadovoljstvo koje im je potrebno.

Zaključak unapred:

СхиппингЕаси is an online shipping platform that makes shipping hassle-free for growing businesses. It offers discounted shipping rates and automated shipping and allows you to focus on building your business.

Shipping can be a significant expense for any business, which is why ShippingEasy has partnered with FedEx, UPS, and USPS to offer discounted shipping rates.

ShippingEasy is designed specifically for eCommerce merchants and it is an awesome company to work with. Their staff are friendly, knowledgeable, and always ready to help.

You can try ShippingEasy for free and easily save time and money, so you can focus on growing your business.

ShippingEasy Recenzije kupaca

СхиппингЕаси Ревиев

Dao sam detaljan pregled СхиппингЕаси platform to keep the shipping and logistics going. In this review, you will find out how shipping can be made easy. It labels the products and seamlessly integrates with a number of shipping companies.

СхиппингЕаси преглед 2024: Да ли је СхиппингЕаси легалан?

Are you looking for a solution to automate your business? Are you tired of loading and uploading all of your products manually? Then, ShippingEasy is the solution for you.

ShippingEasy nudi trgovcima automatizovanu platformu za otpremu kako bi se mogli fokusirati na razvoj svog poslovanja, nudeći kupcima više vremena za kupovinu i manje čekanja na svoju robu.

Shop with a secure checkout using the most advanced security solutions available. ShippingEasy’s suite of features also includes automated bulk shipments.

It is a comprehensive online shipping platform that helps Развијте свој посао.

СхиппингЕаси Ревиев

There are some shipping apps currently, but they might not meet expectations. While exploring, I found ShippingEasy really useful.

СхиппингЕаси is a SaaS application and cloud-based software that simplifies the fulfilment of your business needs.

This company is headquartered in Austin, TX. Its cloud-based business solutions keep the postage rates low, and you can also plug in the existing USPS or FedEx accounts.

ShippingEasy provides an easy пословно решење by offering reasonable postage rates. However, the dashboard is too rough and does not give all the details for your orders.

Managing the orders is easy with this software, and it is done within seconds.

ShippingEasy Real Reviews

Real-time tracking is a big plus, and it integrates well with USPS and FedEx.

Communication between sellers and buyers is easy, and sellers can connect with buyers using the dashboard. Inventory management and order syncing also benefit business owners.

Features of ShippingEasy

ShippingEasy Review- Support

ShippinEasy gives easy automation for shipping and manages your orders with the automation. With this feature, you can manage orders, automate shipping with rules, organize packing rules, track shipments, and notify the recipients.

1. Place all Orders in One Place

In the dashboard, you can manage all the orders in one place. It integrates with all the major marketplaces, such as Shopify, Amazon, and Etsy. Similarly, you can integrate with the колица за куповину по вашем избору.

Once the orders have been placed, your orders are downloaded and quickly reported in real-time. You can also download the CSV file for the orders later.  You can split your orders and create the split quality for the orders.

You can set up the shipping rules for the automated workflow. If you want to sort your orders, set up the filters and sort your orders quickly. Categorize the orders and create a split quality, or combine and re-arrange your orders based on the filters.

Da biste napravili laku automatizaciju, možete da otpremite CSV datoteke na kontrolnu tablu i sa lakoćom upravljate svojim porudžbinama.

2. Automate Shipping

Set the Shipping rules for the orders and sort your work with ease.

If you have multiple locations for the delivery, set the delivery preference, and ShippingEasy will filter out the best carrier. Thus, you can map the carrier according to your preference for delivery.

Use the specific rules to create the shipping and set labels. You can use the print labels on products that you want to deliver.

You can create the rules for the delivery preference, size and weight of the product, and order delivery time.

In order to make your process fast and save time, print multiple batch orders and price labels at a time. There is also an option to add the insurance automatically to the orders and shipments.

In case, the product is lost, you will get the insurance for the product.

ShippingEasy alat za e-trgovinu

3. Print Labels, Packing Slips and Pick Lists

Sellers must also build trust with customers. Create the price labels and tags for an easy workflow. ShippingEasy prints the labels quickly and fully automates the workflow.

From the dashboard, you can print the labels, packing slips, picklists for the carriers, and customs forms for delivery.

ShippingEasy gives you the flexibility to choose the printer or print that you want the slip for. You can choose a thermal printer, laser printer, or both.

Takođe možete odmah da odštampate nalepnice za proizvode čije su porudžbine odmah poslate. Brzo odštampajte etikete i pričvrstite ih uz proizvod po vašoj porudžbini. Dolazi besplatno sa svakim planom.

Alat za automatizaciju SHIppingeasy

4. Get Rate Discounts

Preporučio bih korišćenje ShippingEasy jer daje sniženu cenu za svaku od špediterskih kompanija. Kada primite porudžbinu, kupci bi dobili ogromne popuste na USPS usluge slanja kao što su prioritetna pošta, paušalna cena, regionalna cena, ekspresna pošta i sve druge međunarodne pošiljke.

The products will also get shipping insurance discounts on each product, saving up your money. In the pricing plan, you will get the commercial plus discounts on your sales. If you have sales of above 50K per annum, then go for this plan.

What’s even more amazing is the pricing, which is based on the weight and dimensions. There is a Flat Rate Green which offers steep discounts on smaller and heavier packages. There is a Flat Rate Green calculator.

Fill in the dimensions of the product and zip code of the origin and destination and get the rates.

5. Напредно извештавање

Добијте детаљан извештај о продаји и поруџбинама на контролној табли. Напредно извештавање филтрира производе према продавници за испоруку, као и према опсегу датума. Креирајте прилагодљиве извештаје за све што вам је потребно.

Kreirajte segmente za otpremu ili kreirajte usluge slanja. Takođe možete izvesti podatke na osnovu različitih potreba; narudžbine kupaca i neotpremljene porudžbine ili druge stvari.

Shippingeasy alat za praćenje za Dropshipping

6. Easy Tracking and Returns

СхиппингЕаси шаље лако праћење и враћа се купцима. СхиппингЕаси се интегрише у вашу продавницу е-трговине и када примите поруџбину, детаљи пошиљке се директно шаљу купцима уз функцију праћења у реалном времену.

The customers receive the shipment details and delivery confirmations directly in their emails. ShippingEasy also adds the tracking number for each of the dropshipped products. If the customer isn’t satisfied with the order and wants to return it,  you can either attach the return labels with the item or produce the return label on demand.

Креирајте аутоматизацију и подесите поврате једним кликом. Унесите број поруџбине, цену испоруке, детаље поруџбине и све остале детаље тражене за враћање.

7. Аутоматске емаил кампање

Ne treba ti drugi софтвер за е-пошту маркетинга for creating email campaigns. Send emails to your customers and create more sales with automated email campaigns.

Send them the emails for the offers and the discount coupons if any.  You can also create upsells of these products and win back customers based on last orders.

Create and send the testing emails and set up the campaigns for the customers. Easily set, design, and test the email campaigns that you send to the customers.

It is fairly easy to create campaigns. Choose any template out of various email campaign templates and use designs, and customize it with the simple drag-and-drop editor.

Alat za praćenje e-pošte-ShippingEasy

8. Increase ROI with Product Recommendations

Creating upsells is a great way to increase your ROI. It suggests and recommends additional products to add to the customer’s arsenal.

You can either choose the products that can be recommended or randomly select a list of products for the recommendation. You can recommend the products on packing slips, emails, or order confirmations as you wish.

Similarly, you can expect a review of the products from the customers. You can set the rules for the review and request the review through email. This cumbersome task can be achieved by using triggered messages and scheduling the reviews.

9. Управљање залихама

The inventory management feature is available at an additional expense, but it is a big plus for e-commerce businesses. It takes care of tasks such as order fulfilment, eliminates out-of-stock products, and other tasks to increase customer satisfaction.

Инвентар за управљање

With automated inventory management, you can manage inventory across all sales channels and create a supplier database to remember where to reorder products.

You can also sync inventory with products and suppliers and set low-stock alerts to notify customers.

10. Connect with Suppliers

ShippingEasy creates a supplier database and connects it back to the suppliers. Thus, you can save up your inventory from the low stock and purchase orders with SKU.

You can create, purchase and send purchase orders on the fly and track the order’s status. Thus, you can manage all the suppliers in one place.

The dashboard automatically updates the contact list, payment terms, unit cost and tax rate, and many more.

ShippingEasy Solutions:

ShippingEasy Review- Free Trail

Alexa Voice za isporuku: Make your task easier by using Alexa’s voice skills. You can print the labels and product tags just by using Alexa’s voice. Log in to the Amazon Alexa account and link it with the ShippingEasy account. Order and ask Alexa to print and ship it to you.

Амазон Суите: ShippingEasy makes your task easy, even when you are an Amazon seller. It gives guaranteed lower prices for Shipping according to the dimensions and automates your Амазон Схиппинг.

ShippingEasy Pricing: 

ShippingEasy Pricing

1. СТАРТЕР: Perfect for new or low-volume sellers seeking better shipping deals.

Бесплатно: Enjoy up to 25 shipments per month.

Шта је укључено:

  • Enjoy discounted rates for USPS and UPS.
  • Automatically import orders from up to 3 stores or marketplaces.
  • Include ConnectEasy for FREE to send labels directly to your printer automatically.
  • Utilize powerful automation to significantly reduce your shipping times.
  • Take advantage of exclusive cubic discounts with our Flat Rate Green pricing.
  • Option to connect your own carrier account (see additional fee details).

2. RECOMMENDED РАСТ: Ideal for physical stores or small businesses aiming to enhance their shipping processes.

Cost – $19.99/mo. Choose your typical monthly shipments to see the tailored subscription price.

СхиппингЕаси Интегратионс

Integracije ShippingEasy ShippingEasy

СхиппингЕаси се беспрекорно добро интегрише са свим врстама платформи за е-трговину, оператерима и гејтвејевима за плаћање.

Platforme za e-trgovinu

  • Схопифи
  • амазонка
  • еБаи
  • WooCommerce
  • БигЦоммерце
  • Волусион
  • Магенто
  • Скуареспаце
  • Валмарт
  • Етси
  • Џејн
  • ПрестаСхоп
  • 3д колица
  • Shopify Plus i još mnogo toga…

Плаћања за плаћање

  • ПаиПал
  • пруга


  • керо
  • КуицкБоокс


  • УСПС
  • ФедЕк
  • ДХЛ Екпресс
  • ДХЛ Цоммерце

How To Use ShippingEasy?

ShippingEasy is perfectly crafted for Схопифи продавнице. It integrates with Shopify and lets you manage the orders and store in one place.

Када повежете своју продавницу са СхиппингЕаси, појавиће се контролна табла. Контролна табла је прилично једноставна и интуитивна за управљање. Ваше поруџбине се лако могу синхронизовати и појављују се у продавници за 1-4 сата.

Shipping Tool- ShippingEasy

Select the orders for which you want to create a shipment and click Create Shipment. On clicking,  you will be redirected to the page where you can set the parameters such as the weight of the shipment, change the carrier, destination, etc. Finally, pay for the shipment and get the printing label.

You will be redirected to the printing page, where you can print the labels, packing slips, and other slips. Set up the automated shipping rules for similar products and let the printing be done.

You can also get the shipping rates by clicking on the shipping calculator. It comes in the left-hand corner of the dashboard.

In all, ShippingEasy is fairly easy to use and has the most intuitive dashboard with clear navigation to the different features.

ShippingEasy: Customer Support

Kad god pregledam bilo koji proizvod, podršku korisnicima smatram najvažnijim aspektom. Tim za korisničku podršku kompanije ShippingEasy je od velike pomoći i najbolji u industriji.

ShippingEasy Review- Support

There is a live chat option for customers that provides instant replies. You can also send emails and get a reply within 24 hours.

You can contact the customer support team from 8:30 to 5:30, and if you are an enterprise member, you can contact the team from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

There is also a general guide or knowledgebase that gives you a sneak peek into the different issues. A demo is available for all kinds of customers.

ShippingEasy Recenzije kupaca

Preporuke i recenzije za laku isporuku

Shippingeasy preporuke

Prednosti i nedostaci lake isporuke


  • Један од великих плуса СхиппингЕаси-а је корисничка подршка. Долази са подршком за ћаскање уживо и подршком путем е-поште са дубоком базом знања.
  • From my perspective, the software is too intuitive and handy to use. Managing the inventory and orders is quite easy and labels are quick to print.
  • ShippingEasy integrates with various platforms like Shopify, Amazon, Etsy, PayPal, Stripe, and Magenta, as well as, accounting software such as Quickbooks and Xero. It also integrates well with various carriers.
  • ShippingEasy’s pricing is quite affordable. It starts with a 30-day free trial, and the plan starts from $0 per month.
  • СхиппингЕаси је заштићен ХТТПС-ом на страници за пријаву. Усклађен је са ПЦИ стандардом.


  • A few functions can be improved.

ShippingEasy Review Video Tutorials: 


🌟 Who can benefit from using ShippingEasy?

ShippingEasy is perfect for e-commerce businesses, from small online shops to larger enterprises, looking to streamline their shipping operations and reduce costs.

📈 Does ShippingEasy offer tools for reporting and analytics?

Yes, ShippingEasy provides comprehensive reporting tools that help businesses track shipping costs, delivery times, and customer trends, enabling more informed business decisions.

🖨️ Can I print shipping labels directly from ShippingEasy?

Yes, with the ConnectEasy feature, you can automatically print labels directly to your connected printer, streamlining the process and saving time.

🔒 Is my data secure with ShippingEasy?

ShippingEasy adheres to strict data protection protocols to ensure that all customer data is secure and private, meeting industry standards for data security.

👥 What type of customer support does ShippingEasy offer?

ShippingEasy provides excellent customer support through live chat, email, and phone. They also have a comprehensive knowledge base and community forum for additional resources.

Brze veze:

Conclusion: ShippingEasy Review 2024

ShippingEasy is a cloud-based application that works great for businesses of all mid- to large-sized sizes. It has an easy interface, and the software runs without bugs. It also has a very loyal user base.

The prices are reasonable, and the UI is quite impressive. It gives a 30-day free trial and a ShippingEasy Discount Coupon. ShippingEasy has quite effectively printed the labels and created a picklist. It integrates well with all the platforms and serves many personal assistants for shipping.

ShippingEasy je jednostavan za korišćenje. Možete dodati informacije o isporuci i plaćanju na sajt za nekoliko minuta. Upravljajte svim aspektima svog inventara, isporuke i plaćanja pomoću jedne kontrolne table. Vaši zaposleni će takođe voleti da koriste ShippingEasy!

With ShippingEasy, merchants can get started faster than ever before. They’ll have everything they need and no time to learn about the shipping platform’s features. Merchants will not have to spend time or money figuring out how this thing works.

Everything that merchants need will be there for them at a much lower cost than anything else they can do on their own.

Цхристине Виллиамс
Овај аутор је верификован на БлоггерсИдеас.цом

Цхристине Виллиамс је искусна писац веб садржаја из Портланда Аффилиатебаи.нет а дању је писац, а ноћу читач. Њена страст према помагању људима у свим аспектима индустрије интернет маркетинга провлачи се кроз покривеност стручне индустрије коју пружа. Она покрива широк спектар ниша и дели чланке о популарним производима и услугама на мрежи. Она такође пише за многе водеће часописе попут Форбеса, НИ тимес и чврсто верује у то да се заједници враћа кроз своје садржаје.

Откривање подружница: Потпуно транспарентно - неке од веза на нашој веб страници су партнерске везе, ако их користите за куповину, зарадићемо провизију без додатних трошкова за вас (ништа!).

Коментари (КСНУМКС)

  1. ShippingEasy je odličan proizvod za vlasnike preduzeća koji žele da im poštarina bude pristupačna i razumna. Interfejs kontrolne table daje sve potrebne detalje i lako je upravljati narudžbinama pomoću ovog softvera. Komunikacija između prodavaca i kupaca je jednostavna, što ShippingEasy čini odličnom opcijom za preduzeća. Upravljanje zalihama i sinhronizacija porudžbina čine stvari još lakšim.

  2. ShippingEasy se može podesiti da sortira porudžbine i podesi unapred postavljene postavke za isporuku tako da porudžbine mogu brzo da prođu kroz kreiranje etiketa za otpremu.
    Kada postavite stavku u inventar, možete je staviti na listu na drugom tržištu, uvesti sa tog tržišta u ShippingEasy i on automatski sinhronizuje tu stavku sa već podešenim SKU-om.
    Sve u jednom, odlična stvar napolju, morate probati!

  3. Volim da koristim ShippingEasy jer mi pomaže
    brzo podešavanje, jednostavan za korišćenje i odlična korisnička usluga i sva vaša isporuka na jednom mestu!
    On se bavi slanjem svih naših onlajn prodavnica, pruža nam veliki popust na troškove slanja i čini upravljanje pošiljkama za više prodavnica na mreži relativno bez problema. Ima još više opcija kao što su upravljanje zalihama, marketing, upravljanje kupcima i druge koje tek treba da koristimo!

  4. ShippingEasy je usluga sa niskim cenama, korisničkim interfejsom kontrolne table koji se lako koristi i integracijom sa USPS i FedEx-om koja promoviše rast poslovanja. Dostupnost praćenja u realnom vremenu, kao i sinhronizacije porudžbina, povećala je efikasnost za prodavce koji žele da održe visoke stope zadovoljstva kupaca. Upravljanje zalihama takođe olakšava život jer daje prodavcu pristup i inventaru i alatima za isporuku, istovremeno promovišući transparentnost između komunikacije kupca i prodavca.

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