10 年 2024 种最佳直销工具:我们的第一推荐

Dropshipping has grown in popularity as a way for entrepreneurs to establish their e-commerce enterprises, but competition is severe in this area.

To obtain a competitive advantage, I realized the value of using dropshipping tools to improve and optimize my dropshipping business.

在深入研究顶级直销解决方案之前,掌握基础知识至关重要。 直销策略消除了库存货物或管理交付操作的需要。

When a consumer orders in your online store, the product is transported directly from the supplier to the customer’s door. This lets you concentrate on marketing, customer service, and business growth.

现在,让我们看一下 10 大直销工具 这可以显着帮助您的直销业务:


10 年 2024 种最佳直销工具

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking to start your own online business? Or perhaps you’re a seasoned e-commerce expert searching for new tools to enhance your dropshipping game? Either way, you’ve come to the right place!

Dropshipping has become a popular business model for individuals and companies, offering an efficient and low-risk way to start an e-commerce business.

However, managing a successful dropshipping business requires various tools and technologies to streamline processes and boost efficiency.

So, buckle up and get ready to discover the best dropshipping tools!

1. SaleHoo


SaleHoo overview

They have an easy-to-use tool to help online sellers find top-selling products on eBay and Amazon. Using it is literally as simple as dragging your mouse.

They also have a directory of suppliers, over 10,000 verified, low-cost drop shippers, wholesalers, and manufacturers ready to serve you.

2.  Shopify + 奥伯洛

Shopify!! Who doesn’t know it? The best in the business is Shopify. You can create your customized store, choose your themes, and add or remove widgets from your store quickly. Moreover, all the tools are easily available on Shopify.

Shopify提供14天的免费试用 对于新用户来说,这确实值得。 14天后,你就必须订阅它的高级帐户,而且费用真的很实惠。


In a few blogs, I have given a detailed review of creating a store using Shopify. With Dropshipping using Aliexpress, you would need another platform that makes your task easy while integrating with Shopify.

为此目的,最好的工作是 Oberlo。 Oberlo 是一个了不起的平台,它与您的 Shopify 商店集成,只需单击一下即可将所选产品从 Aliexpress 导入您的真棒商店。

进口后,客户选择并订购产品。 Oberlo 会自动从速卖通订购,让您的任务更轻松。 此外,Oberlo 还免费附带 Shopify 帐户。

3. WooCommerce

WooCommerce + WooDropship combo is similar to the Shopify + Oberlo combo. If you feel that WooCommerce is a better alternative than Shopify, you can still use it as your Dropshipping store.


WooCommerce  is a free eCommerce platform that empowers you to offer anything brilliantly. Attempted to integrate with WordPress, WooCommerce is the world’s most adored E-Commerce course of action, giving store proprietors and planners complete control.

WooCommerce 与 Shopify 一样简单和强大,但与后者相比仍然缺乏一些功能。 当您在 WooCommerce 中创建商店时,请登录商店,然后使用 WooDropship 注册。

Next, connect the store to WooDropship and download the WooDropship extension for Chrome, just like the Oberlo. In Aliexpress, choose your desired product and import it into your store.


4. AutoDS(多合一直销工具)

AutoDS 是一款完整、强大、经济实惠的直销工具,通常可以执行直销业务的所有任务。

Here, these tools help you with price and inventory control, automated orders, comprehensive management of customer service, automatic search, statistics, performance analysis, the update of tracking numbers, positive comments, and many more.


It manages all the essential elements of a dropshipping business, making it a unique solution for all your dropshipping needs.

The main advantage of this tool is that it supports suppliers worldwide. It is compatible with suppliers like Amazon.de, Home Depot, Walmart, 全球速卖通, and Costco Wholesale, so you don’t have to worry much about suppliers worldwide.

5. Dropship.me


另一个为您的商店寻找获奖产品的绝佳平台是 Dropship.me。 该公司承诺手动选择最好的产品并将其快速导入到您的 WordPress 网站。

Dropship.me is a great tool to find the best products for your store. The best part about Dropship.me is that it is compatible with both WordPress and WooCommerce. You just need to 安装 plugin 在您的网站上并准备好开始。

Dropship.me 在为您选择产品之前会考虑各种因素。

  • 买家的高需求
  • 产品的市场趋势
  • 产品质量
  • 买家反馈
  • 产品由可靠和可信赖的用户出售。

6. AliDropship


AliDropship is specifically designed for AliExpress, and the plugin is absolutely intuitive. If you have used any of the plugins earlier to choose the winning products, then you will find AliDropship fairly easy to use.

7. 智力

Intelligynce is a cloud-based app specially designed for Shopify users.

It is a Shopify Analysis tool. It lists the top-selling products from Amazon, and eBay and filters out the best products from various E-commerce marketplaces.


Also, with just one click, you can find the suppliers for dropshipping products using Aliexpress. It spies over 200,000 Shopify stores and over 1 million products.

Intelligynce will help you get a large product list without wasting any products. This tool is for Shopify entrepreneurs who are willing to earn more money.

8. Dropified.com

如果您想实现 Dropshipping 业务自动化,Dropified 是最好的平台之一。 它为您找到最畅销的产品,并通过自动化一切来完成更多工作。


借助这款令人惊叹的应用程序 Dropified,您可以轻松地从多个来源研究、查找和导入您的产品。 最好的部分是它还具有适合后端处理的功能。

9. 飞船间谍

Dropship Spy is another great platform to find the winning and hot products. It is quite accurate and easy to use.

The dashboard is fairly intuitive and has various options, such as Facebook Audience Builder and Instagram的影响力.


您将获得有关该产品或影响者的详细信息,其中包括参与度百分比、价格、关注者数量等。这样,您就可以找到适合您的利基市场的最佳 Instagram 影响者,而无需浪费太多时间。

This is an awesome tool for finding engagement on a particular product. You can enter the details about a particular product and look for the engagement calculator.

10. 库存来源

This awesome dropshipping platform makes automation a breeze.

Inventory Source automates your business and does all the tasks for you. It is responsible for tasks such as product uploads, inventory sync, and order routing with dropship suppliers.


This platform is mutually beneficial for both retailers and suppliers. It offers Dropship products ranging from 3,500,000 and over 180 suppliers. It integrates with over 20 online platforms.


🛒 What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer.

🧰 Which tools are essential for starting a dropshipping business?

Essential tools for dropshipping include e-commerce platforms like Shopify, product sourcing tools like Oberlo, and market research tools like AliExpress Dropshipping Center.

💡 How do dropshipping tools improve business efficiency?

Dropshipping tools automate many aspects of your business, such as product importing, order fulfillment, and inventory management, which saves time and reduces errors.

💳 Are there free dropshipping tools available?

Yes, there are free tools available, such as the basic plans of Oberlo and the Shopify starter plan, which can be great for beginners to start without upfront investments.

🔄 Can I switch tools if I’m not satisfied with my current one?

Absolutely, most dropshipping businesses experiment with different tools before settling on the ones that best fit their operational style and business needs.


结论:2024 年最佳直销工具

保持利润率是我在代发货过程中遇到的最困难的问题之一。 我的电子商务商店必须平稳运行并响应不断变化的市场趋势,同时产生大量购买量。

为了有效地发展我的代发货业务,我看到了营销、订单处理和产品选择等重要元素自动化的价值。 这就是直销工具的使用变得无价的地方。

通过使用正确的直销工具,我优化了运营并节省了大量时间和金钱。 尽管有些技术需要按月付费,但投资回报却是巨大的。

Automation is a game changer in dropshipping. 市场营销工具 社交媒体调度程序和电子邮件营销平台等使我能够自动化促销工作,吸引更多受众并为我的商店带来目标流量。

库存管理软件和订单履行平台等解决方案帮助我简化了整个订单处理流程。 这些解决方案可以轻松地与我的电子商务网站配合使用,自动调整库存水平并确保高效的订单履行。

这是我列出的最佳直销工具列表,您可以使用它们来实现业务自动化和发展业务。 希望你喜欢!!

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Kashish 是 B.Com 毕业生,目前热衷于学习和撰写有关 SEO 和博客的内容。每次新的谷歌算法更新时,她都会深入研究细节。她总是渴望学习,喜欢探索谷歌算法更新的每一个曲折,深入了解它们的工作原理。她对这些主题的热情可以从她的写作中看出,对于任何对不断发展的搜索引擎优化和博客艺术感兴趣的人来说,她的见解既丰富又有吸引力。

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