Why You Need A Business Card For Your Blog In 2024?

Bloggers tend to have email signatures, Facebook pages, and Twitter timelines, but it’s also important to have business cards available when we meet offline.

Es importante tener una tarjeta de presentaciĂłn para presentarse a los lectores o socios comerciales, incluso si es un blogger nuevo o aĂșn no ha asistido a ninguna conferencia. 

Una declaración que escuché la semana pasada fue que los blogs son un negocio si te lo tomas en serio.

Una tarjeta de presentaciĂłn, entonces, es una necesidad para ser un negocio. Si no quiere tirarlos a la pecera del restaurante mexicano (Âżle gustarĂ­a un obsequio para el almuerzo?), Puede reciclarlos. 

¿Por qué necesita una tarjeta de presentación para su blog?

Las tarjetas de visita son particularmente Ăștiles para las siguientes situaciones:

Tarjeta de visita
Fuente: Pexels

1. Conferences: 

Durante el Tipo A la semana pasada, entreguĂ© alrededor de 100 tarjetas. Los blogueros pueden recordarte mejor intercambiando tarjetas de presentaciĂłn en una conferencia de blogs. AsegĂșrese de entregar sus tarjetas de presentaciĂłn a todas las marcas con las que le gustarĂ­a trabajar.

2. Eventos de redes locales: 

AdemĂĄs de repartir sus tarjetas de presentaciĂłn en eventos de redes locales, puede buscar marcas con las que asociarse o simplemente aprender un poco (como en un seminario).

3. Mail with Giveaway Prize: 

Es probable que sus lectores no reciban premios por correo con frecuencia, pero es posible que deba hacerlo en algĂșn momento. Colocar una tarjeta en su paquete de premios agrega un toque personal agradable. Awww. Eso es muy dulce. 

4. A Surprise Opportunity: 

No hay forma de saber cuĂĄndo puede encontrarse con alguien con quien le gustarĂ­a conectarse en el futuro.

Hay mamĂĄs geniales en el parque, dueños de negocios interesados ​​en ofrecer ayuda a los blogueros y personas que acabas de conocer que resultan ser blogueras. ÂĄComparte tu tarjeta con ellos!


What To Put On a Blog Business Card?

Su tarjeta de presentación puede decir muchas cosas, pero ¿qué debería decir? Hay un punto importante en mi primera respuesta, así que escuche: debe establecer objetivos de blogs antes de comenzar un blog.

ÂżAlguna vez ha considerado las metas que “los expertos” le sugieren que establezca? SĂ­, esos son los Ășnicos.

Decide cómo quieres que se vean tus tarjetas de presentación antes de diseñarlas. ¿Cuåntos deberías tener? ¿Sobre qué quieres escribir? ¿Cómo podemos ayudar? No existen limitaciones. Sé tan específico como puedas.

La tarjeta de presentaciĂłn del blog tiene una serie de elementos que DEBE incluir a pesar de que acabo de decir "depende".

1. Nombre

Isn’t that obvious? People must understand who you are. If your full name is not used on your blog, you can still use your first name.

So, what if your name is not used on your blog? At least you will have a means of addressing yourself. Consider using a pseudonym or some other name.

2. URL del sitio web

URL del sitio web
Créditos de imagen: Pixabay

You have these cards; why do you even have them? For blogging, of course. If you want to provide a URL for your blog, here are a few suggestions:

  • Elimine http: // de la URL. Una URL en el siglo XXI siempre incluye eso. Incluso puede acceder a Ă©l a travĂ©s de su dispositivo mĂłvil ahora. El navegador lo manejarĂĄ por usted.
  • If your blog URL works without the “www,” the “www” is optional. Take a look now.
  • Please verify that your blog’s URL works without the www (if it is a Blogspot or WordPress.com site). This makes the card look crowded and consumes valuable space.

3. DirecciĂłn de correo electrĂłnico

Una persona puede contactarlo de la manera mĂĄs fĂĄcil si tiene su direcciĂłn de correo electrĂłnico. ÂĄNo olvide completar su direcciĂłn de correo electrĂłnico! Nadie quiere buscarte.

If you don’t have a bloggy email, create a Gmail account or, even better, create one using your domain name (if you own a domain). You can even forward it to your primary email address if you like.

Siguiendo la informaciĂłn obligatoria, incluya la siguiente informaciĂłn en su tarjeta b:

4. Your Picture

The idea is a good one, but it is not absolutely necessary. We can often see a photograph of someone and recall a great conversation we had from our past.

That makes you memorable. Pro: you can have too many pieces of information on that card, and it may clash with your blog’s colours (I doubt your picture matches your blog’s colours).

Keep your card’s picture updated if you decide to use one. A picture that was taken five years ago or has a different color of hair is useless. Remember to include a photo of yourself on your blog if you don’t put one.

5. NĂșmero de telĂ©fono

Your goals will determine what you should do. Business-oriented services (consulting, design, etc.) require a phone number, so if you offer them, you should provide them.

You can redirect the Google Voice number to your personal number if you’re worried about privacy.

6. TĂ­tulo

El tĂ­tulo de una tarjeta de presentaciĂłn es algo sobre lo que los blogueros se preguntan mucho. Simplemente puede mantener el tĂ­tulo de "Propietario" o "Fundador" si es el propietario de un solo blog maravilloso.

It doesn’t matter who you are. You should consider it if you manage a community blog. For example, if you provide business services, you might want to list “Graphic Designer, Blogger.”

Also, if you’re interested in freelance writing, you might want to list “Writer and Blogger” or “Writer.” Just don’t worry about including a title.

7. Twitter Handle

Los más importantes red social for bloggers is Twitter, and I’ll get to the rest in a moment. People typically introduce themselves at conferences by using their real names and their Twitter handles.

This is absolutely true. Blogging is all about identifying yourself. As such, it would be beneficial for your B-card to display your Twitter handle(s).

8. Other Social Links (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram)

Dependiendo de la situación. Puede ser una buena idea poner su Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram handles there if you’re a photographer with a lot of activity.

varias aplicaciones de redes sociales
Fuente: Pexels

However, don’t put too much information on your business card. 

Instead, use your blog to connect with people. Your blog’s homepage should include all the social media buttons you use so readers can easily access all of your redes sociales cuentas.

9. UbicaciĂłn

If you have space, you may want to include your city and state. But why? Brands sometimes hire bloggers who live in a specific region for a campaign.

Esto hace que sea fĂĄcil para los visitantes de tu blog averiguar dĂłnde vives, ya que les facilitas encontrarlo.

Algunos representantes de relaciones pĂșblicas que conocĂ­ en la Ășltima conferencia a la que asistĂ­ me recomendaron tener esto en mi tarjeta de presentaciĂłn.

10. CĂłdigos QR

A QR code is a code that contains information. This little gem of awesome can be scanned by smartphones. Once scanned, scannable QR codes can take you to detailed information on the site.

There are many ways to get more information from QR codes. Would you like one? Perhaps not. What about after Bloggy B-Card Week? Maybe. On Wednesday and Thursday, I’ll write more about QR codes, so stay tuned.

¿Por qué necesita una tarjeta de presentación para su blog? - códigos QR
Créditos de imagen: Pixabay

11. Contributor Gigs

Your business card may contain information about other blogs or publishing sites where you have contributed.

Printing too many cards does make you sound important (in a good way), but be careful not to overdo it. This gig may change at any time (yours or theirs).

12. Identifying Elements from Your Blog

If your blog is designed well, you will want your business card to verse bien with it. Make sure your blog logo is identifiable. If you haven’t done so already, include your blog’s signature colours, fonts, etc.

13. Taglines and Stories

Your blog’s tagline: What’s it about? In one sentence, please tell us about your blog. Those who are interested in what you have to say may visit your blog more often than someone saying Adventuroo.com. 

¿Qué pasa si tienes mås de un blog?

¿Por qué necesita una tarjeta de presentación para su blog? - blog de wordpress
Créditos de imagen: Pixabay

The tricky part is here, isn’t it? A separate business card and a personal card are absolutely fine, especially if one is more tailored to the business.

However, if you have more than two blogs, it might not be a great idea to hand out multiple business cards.

One card can be incorporated into another for convenience. However, make sure you do not overload the card. You can choose simple colour schemes and write your blog names in the fonts of each blog if your design is too different.

Para ayudarlos a encontrar todos sus blogs, puede usar un cĂłdigo QR (mĂĄs sobre eso mĂĄs adelante esta semana).

Preguntas Frecuentes

💡 How can a business card improve networking for bloggers?

It encourages follow-ups after first meetings at conferences, workshops, or social gatherings. Having a well-designed business card also reflects professionalism and can make a memorable impression, which is essential for building and maintaining relationships in the blogging community.

📈 Do business cards actually lead to increased blog traffic?

While business cards themselves may not directly increase blog traffic significantly, they facilitate networking and relationships that can. For instance, handing out your card to the right person can lead to collaborations, guest blogging opportunities, or social media shares, all of which can drive traffic to your blog indirectly.

🎹 How does the design of a business card reflect on a blogger?

The design of your business card is a direct reflection of your brand. A clean, visually appealing design can communicate professionalism and attention to detail, while a creative and unique card can showcase your blog's personality and niche.

📊 Is it worth the investment for bloggers to get business cards?

Considering the relatively low cost of designing and printing business cards against the potential benefits of networking, collaboration, and brand recognition, it's generally a worthwhile investment for bloggers. The key is to view business cards as a tool for opening doors to opportunities rather than a direct marketing tool for increasing blog readership.

Snelle Koppelingen 

Conclusion: Just Don’t Overdo It, Okay?

Having a business card for your blog is like carrying a little piece of your blog everywhere you go.

It’s a small tool that packs a big punch in making lasting impressions and building connections.

Whether you’re at a big conference or just bump into someone curious about your work, a business card can be the bridge between a quick chat and a meaningful relationship.

So, investing in business cards is a smart move. They’re not just paper; they’re opportunities waiting to happen!

andy thompson
Este autor estĂĄ verificado en BloggersIdeas.com

Andy Thompson ha sido un escritor independiente durante mucho tiempo. Es analista senior de SEO y marketing de contenidos en Digiexe, una agencia de marketing digital especializada en contenido y SEO basado en datos. Tiene mås de siete años de experiencia en marketing digital y marketing de afiliados. Le gusta compartir su conocimiento en una amplia gama de dominios que van desde el comercio electrónico, las nuevas empresas, el marketing en redes sociales, ganar dinero en línea, el marketing de afiliación hasta la gestión del capital humano y mucho mås. Ha estado escribiendo para varios blogs autorizados de SEO, ganar dinero en línea y marketing digital como ImageStation.

DivulgaciĂłn de afiliados: Con total transparencia: algunos de los enlaces en nuestro sitio web son enlaces de afiliados, si los usa para realizar una compra, ganaremos una comisiĂłn sin costo adicional para usted (ÂĄninguno en absoluto!).

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