PageCloud Pricing Plans for Medium & Small Scale Businesses In 2024

Looking for PageCloud pricing plans, don’t worry, I got you covered.

PageCloud es un creador de sitios web de arrastrar y soltar sin código para organizaciones pequeñas y grandes. Este artículo explora los planes premium del sitio, incluidas las principales ofertas y precios, para que pueda elegir el mejor para su organización.

Armado con esta información, puede estar seguro de que la elección que elija se ajusta a sus necesidades y presupuesto.

PageCloud offers a free 14-day trial to anyone who joins up for an account; no credit card is required. To publish your website, you must upgrade. Before buying, you must comprehend each plan’s features.

PageCloud Overview

Consulte estos otros artículos para ver si PageCloud es perfecto para usted y su negocio.

Planes de precios de PageCloud:

Planes de precios de PageCloud

1. Plan gratuito: $0/mes

Facturación: Save 20% with annual billing.


  • Start with your first page for free.
  • Sitio web de 1
  • 1 published page
  • 1,000 monthly website visitors
  • 100 envíos de formularios de por vida
  • Sin redireccionamientos
  • Pagecloud branding

2. Launch Plan – $24/month

Facturación: Save 20% with annual billing.


  • Ideal for DIY enthusiasts, small businesses, and entrepreneurs.
  • 1 site, 2 team members
  • 100 published pages
  • 10,000 monthly website visitors
  • 200 envíos de formularios mensuales
  • 2,500 monthly popup impressions
  • Analítica estándar
  • Quitar la marca
  • Soporte de chat experto

3. Grow Plan – $45/month

Facturación: Save 20% with annual billing.


  • Perfect for expanding businesses and teams.
  • 1 site, 10 team members
  • 200 published pages
  • 25,000 monthly website visitors
  • 500 envíos de formularios mensuales
  • 25,000 monthly popup impressions
  • Análisis avanzado
  • Quitar la marca
  • Soporte de chat experto

4. Optimize Plan – $89/month

Facturación: Save 20% with annual billing.


  • Designed to enhance marketing efforts and handle high-traffic websites.
  • 1 site, 10 team members
  • 300 published pages
  • 75,000 monthly website visitors
  • 5,000 envíos de formularios mensuales
  • 50,000 monthly popup impressions
  • Análisis avanzado
  • Quitar la marca
  • Soporte por chat de expertos con respuesta prioritaria

Características de PageCloud:

A continuación se ofrece una descripción general de cómo funciona PageCloud:


1. Editor de arrastrar y soltar:

PageCloud’s main feature is the user-friendly drag-and-drop editor that enables users to create their website by dragging various elements like text boxes, images, and buttons directly onto their webpage. This feature is designed to be intuitive and simple to use, even for those with no technical background.

2. Plantillas y diseños:

PageCloud offers a variety of website templates for blogs, portfolios, tiendas de comercio electrónico, and more. Users can customize these templates to fit their needs.

3. Opciones de personalización:

PageCloud stands out in its customization capabilities, offering users the ability to adjust nearly every aspect of their site. This includes fonts, colors, layout, and the size of elements. Such flexibility allows for a high degree of personalization.

4. Diseño de respuesta:

Los sitios web creados con PageCloud son responsivos, lo que significa que se ajustan automáticamente para verse bien en cualquier dispositivo, ya sea una computadora de escritorio, una tableta o un teléfono inteligente. Esto es crucial para el diseño web moderno.

5. Gestión de contenido:

PageCloud’s content management features facilitate the creation and editing of web pages, blog posts, and more. Its user-friendly design enables quick content updates.

6. Herramientas de SEO:

PageCloud offers built-in Herramientas de SEO that help users optimize their site for search engines, potentially improving website visibility and ranking.

7. Integración de comercio electrónico:

PageCloud provides e-commerce integration for users creating online stores, enabling the addition of shopping carts, product catalogs, and payment processing functionalities.

8. Integraciones de aplicaciones:

PageCloud is capable of integrating with a variety of third-party apps and services, such as Google Analytics, social media platforms, and marketing tools, boosting the website’s functionality and efficiency.

9. Alojamiento y seguridad:

PageCloud hosts websites created on its platform, ensuring they are fast and reliable. It also takes care of security aspects, such as SSL certificates, to protect websites and user data.

10. Atención al cliente:

Customers can access support through various channels, including help articles, tutorials, and direct assistance from the PageCloud team.

How to Get Started With PageCloud Free Trial?

prueba gratuita de pagecloud

Step 1 – Go to the Website: Visit the PageCloud website to begin.

Step 2 – Find the Free Trial: Look for a “Start Free Trial” button or link on the homepage.

Paso 3: elija un plan: Select the plan you want to try. You won’t be charged during the trial.

Paso 4: crea una cuenta: Sign up by providing your email and creating a password. You might also be able to use a Google or Facebook account to register.

Paso 5: verifica tu correo electrónico: Check your email for a verification link from PageCloud and click it to confirm your account.

These steps will help you start using PageCloud without any charges during the trial period.

Preguntas Frecuentes

🌟 What is the cost of the Launch plan?

The Launch plan costs $24 per month. You can save 20% by choosing annual billing.

💼 Who should consider the Launch plan?

The Launch plan is great for DIY enthusiasts, small business owners, and entrepreneurs who need up to 100 published pages and 10,000 monthly visitors.

🚀 Is the Optimize plan suitable for high traffic sites?

Yes, the Optimize plan is designed for significant marketing efforts and high-traffic websites, offering up to 300 published pages and 75,000 monthly visitors for $89 per month.

📈 What does the Grow plan offer?

Priced at $45 monthly, the Grow plan is perfect for growing businesses and teams. It supports up to 200 published pages and 25,000 monthly visitors.

🌐 Can I add additional sites?

Yes, additional sites can be added for $24/month under the Launch and Grow plans and $22/month under the Optimize plan.

✨ How does PageCloud support small and medium businesses?

PageCloud provides tools like popup impressions, analytics, and expert chat support to help businesses grow and manage their online presence efficiently.

❓ What kind of support is available?

All plans come with expert chat support. The Optimize plan also offers priority response to support queries.

Quick Links:

Final Thoughts: PageCloud Pricing Plans

After reading this article, you should have a comprehensive understanding of PageCloud’s pricing structure and the features included in each plan.

Once you’ve decided on the best plan for your company, visit PageCloud to purchase the plan that best suits your site design and e-commerce needs.

Babber de Kashish
Este autor está verificado en

Kashish se graduó en B.Com y actualmente sigue su pasión por aprender y escribir sobre SEO y blogs. Con cada nueva actualización del algoritmo de Google, ella profundiza en los detalles. Siempre está ansiosa por aprender y le encanta explorar cada giro de las actualizaciones de algoritmos de Google, profundizando en el meollo de la cuestión para comprender cómo funcionan. Su entusiasmo por estos temas se puede ver en sus escritos, lo que hace que sus ideas sean informativas y atractivas para cualquier persona interesada en el panorama en constante evolución de la optimización de motores de búsqueda y el arte de los blogs.

Divulgación de afiliados: Con total transparencia: algunos de los enlaces en nuestro sitio web son enlaces de afiliados, si los usa para realizar una compra, ganaremos una comisión sin costo adicional para usted (¡ninguno en absoluto!).

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