Thrive Architect Review 2024: Is It Right for You? (Pros & Cons)

Ulasan Arsitek Berkembang

Putusan Keseluruhan

Thrive Architect adalah pembuat halaman WordPress Tema Thrive. Thrive Content Builder telah diganti dengan pembuat halaman generasi berikutnya. Ini cocok untuk desain situs web apa pun, tetapi sangat menarik bagi pemasar karena penekanan pemasarannya.

Dari 10


  • Membuat konten yang indah, menarik, dan mengesankan secara visual
  • Warna Global Untuk Kustomisasi Mudah
  • Elemen Konversi Pra-Built
  • Buat Beranda dengan Konversi Tinggi
  • Tulis Postingan Blog yang Diformat dengan Indah
  • Kombinasi Teks & Gambar yang Menarik Perhatian


  • Organisasi template perlu bekerja
  • Tidak ada Pihak ke-3 Plugins
  • Dukungan Bisa Lebih Baik


Harga: $ 99

Mencari Review Arsitek Berkembang, Anda berada di tempat yang tepat.

Ever wondered how to make a great-looking website easily? I found a tool called Thrive Architect that promises to help with just that. I decided to check it out for myself to see if it really works.

I’ll share my own experience using Thrive Architect. From building web pages to adding cool features, I’ll cover everything.

Whether you’re new to making websites or looking to switch tools, this review will help you decide if Thrive Architect is the right choice for you.

But with so many page builder plugins available, it can be difficult to choose the best one. Fortunately, we can help you with that. We recommend using Thrive Architect, an exceptional and powerful Visual Page Builder Plugin untuk WordPress.

Kredensial mikro plugin works as a WYSIWYG editor, making it easy to design pages with ease.

Garis Bawah di Muka:  

Arsitek yang Berkembang adalah WordPress yang kuat plugin yang memungkinkan Anda membuat halaman dan postingan khusus dengan kemudahan drag-and-drop. Pada artikel ini, kita akan melihat beberapa fitur utama yang membuat Thrive Architect begitu populer.

Thrive Architect is a versatile page builder with many content elements. You can add buttons, images, videos, and text blocks and rearrange them using drag and drop. It offers templates, customizable CSS code, and built-in animations to make your pages look professional.

If we compare Thrive Architect to other Page Builders like Beaver Builder, Divi, and Elementor, then Thrive Architect is the ultimate winner. Here, it offers very flexible features, pricing, designed templates, and more, all of which make Thrive Architect Invincible. With the help of this plugin, you can easily create a fully functional and responsive website without writing a single line of code.

Dalam posting ini, saya telah menampilkan Ulasan Thrive Architect 2024 saya yang jujur. Mari kita mulai di sini.

Ulasan Arsitek Berkembang

Ulasan Arsitek Berkembang 2024🚀

Di bagian komentar artikel ini, banyak yang mengeluh bahwa Thrive Architect pertama kali merusak halaman saat berpindah dari Thrive Content Builder ke Thrive Architect.

It ruined landing page components for me, too. However, not now!

Shane Melaugh dan Thrive Themes telah mengubah Thrive Architect. Lebih bisa diandalkan dari sebelumnya. Itu telah dipoles dan sangat stabil sehingga fitur-fitur baru diperkenalkan setiap minggu!

Arsitek yang Berkembang adalah salah satu editor Visual dan pembuat Halaman yang paling kuat dan andal untuk WordPress. Bagian terbaik tentang ini plugin is that it works as a WYSIWYG editor that can help you design stunning pages with ease.

Ulasan Arsitek Berkembang

With Thrive Architect, you can easily turn your ideas into pages right with the fastest and most truly visual WordPress page builder.

Thrive Architect is an excellent tool for businesses as it is easy to use and specifically designed for creating conversion-focused websites. With Thrive Architect, you get a modern user interface with tried and tested features and powerful capabilities.

Kredensial mikro plugin offers a WYSIWYG drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create a custom WordPress website and give a unique look to your posts and pages. The best part is that it is compatible with all Tema WordPress.

Thrive Architect provides more than 270 beautifully designed landing page templates that are included with the bundle. This makes it easy to create professional-looking sales pages, opt-in pages, webinar pages, and more.

Selain itu, ini plugin comes with customizable buttons, testimonials, countdown timers, and lead-generation forms that integrate with your favourite email marketing tools.

Key Features of Thrive Architect

The best part about Thrive Architect is that it offers all the features that anyone can easily use to build a fully functional and responsive website. Let’s walk through its features:

Thrive Architect Review- Features

1. Drag & Drop Elements:

Here, Thrive Architect will let you insert a variety of elements right on your website page without any coding skills. Simply drag the element that you want to add to your pages and then click on each one to edit it as you see fit.

Here, you can choose from the two element groups of the content builder: bangunan blok dan dasar.

This contains the essential elements normally found on a website page, such as the paragraph, headings, images, content box, and more.

2. Landing Page Templates:

Simply choose from 274 beautifully designed templates and 100% conversion-focused halaman arahan templates that generally come up with Thrive Architect.

Ini adalah salah satu cara tercepat untuk membuat halaman penjualan yang tampak profesional, halaman keikutsertaan, halaman webinar, dan banyak lagi. Halaman arahan ini dapat diterbitkan secara instan dan masih dapat disesuaikan sepenuhnya.

3. Table Of Contents:

Dengan fitur ini, Anda dapat dengan mudah membuat bagian yang dapat diklik tepat di awal konten Anda sehingga pengunjung Anda dapat beralih ke versi pilihan mereka.

4. Click To Tweet:

Sekarang Anda dapat mengubah kutipan yang mudah diingat tepat di konten Anda menjadi kutipan yang dapat di-tweet. Cukup dengan mengkliknya, Anda dapat dengan mudah membagikannya langsung di Twitter dan Anda dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan dengan halaman Anda. Anda bahkan dapat mengubah ringkasan satu kalimat dari subjudul Anda menjadi tweet yang dapat diklik.

5. Perolehan Prospek:

You can easily place opt-in forms everywhere in order to build your email list. Here, you can also customize the appearance of the sign-up forms and then integrate them with email marketing alat.

6. Social Shares:

Here, you can make it easier for people to share your content on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ with others. Just add buttons at the beginning and end of your content or places where your visitors can easily see them for a better chance of getting it shared.

7. Countdown Timer:

With this feature, you can easily use the limited-time offer. Just display this element right on the page as a reminder for your audience to decide soon after the deal expires. Using these ways, you can easily generate more sales and revenue.

8. Content Reveal:

Here, the element lets you hide the exclusive content for a certain amount of time. Use this option to show the price of your products or services to help tingkatkan konversi Anda.

Antarmuka Pengguna Arsitek Berkembang

Thrive Architect offers a very simple and intuitive interface to its users.

That is ideal for creating a custom homepage for your website, upgrading your blog post with stunning designs, or adding high-converting sales and landing pages right to your site.

The new Thrive Architeccontent editor is a flexible upgrade that is right for the WordPress user interface.

Thrive Architect features a front-end user interface that takes over the WordPress dashboard when you’re working.

Opsi & Pengaturan Arsitek Berkembang

Here, the Context-Sensitive menus can really help you save time. When you click on a page element, the corresponding options and settings are displayed in the side panel as well.

Now, you don’t have to search around for the right controls.

Tinjauan Arsitek Berkembang - Pengaturan

Tepat ketika panel samping akan menampilkan opsi untuk modul yang telah Anda pilih dan Anda akan mengetahui seberapa besar kontrol yang diberikan Thrive Architect kepada Anda atas desain situs web dan kontennya.

Elemen Halaman Arsitek Berkembang

Untuk membantu Anda membuat konten kaya fitur langsung dengan Thrive Architect di sini, ini plugin menyertakan pilihan elemen yang bagus yang dapat dengan mudah ditambahkan langsung ke postingan dan gambar Anda.

Selain itu, ini plugin is created to help you generate more leads from your website, and really, these building blocks have a strong focus on conversions.

Here, I’m listing some of the stunning and impressive elements from the Thrive Architect library, including the following:

  • kancing-kancing
  • Ajakan Bertindak
  • Kotak Konten
  • Klik Untuk Tweet
  • Pengungkapan Konten
  • Penghitung Waktu Mundur
  • Facebook Komentar
  • Plus, a selection of Lead Generation Elements

The best part is that here, you can easily include the pricing tables, Sign-up forms, social media feeds, and more in a row.

Template Konten Arsitek Berkembang

The best thing about Thrive Architect that I liked most is that it offers more than 200-page templates right here in this Thrive Architect Review.

Grafik plugin is created to help you generate more leads and sales from your WordPress website, and these templates are designed specially to drive more conversions and sales.

Rencana Harga Arsitek Berkembang

Sini Arsitek yang Berkembang menawarkan paket harga yang sangat fleksibel dan terjangkau. Dapatkan salinan Thrive Architect Anda dan mulailah menghasilkan lebih banyak konversi dan arahan dari situs web WordPress Anda.

Thrive Architect Review- Pricing

1. Suite Berkembang

Get full access to our entire suite of integrated plugins, including Thrive Architect and Thrive Optimize. Build and grow your dream online business with a complete set of conversion-focused tools.

  • Harga normal: $ 599 / tahun
  • Penawaran istimewa: $ 299 / tahun
  • Kamu simpan: $ 300!

2. Berkembang Arsitek

Acquire the most powerful page builder plugin untuk WordPress. Thrive Architect includes hundreds of conversion-focused page templates, each accompanied by detailed tutorials.

  • Harga normal: $ 199 / tahun
  • Penawaran istimewa: $ 99 / tahun
  • Kamu simpan: $ 100!

3. Thrive Architect & Thrive Optimize Bundle

Maximize your conversions with Thrive Optimize, the A/B testing add-on for Thrive Architect. This bundle provides instant access to both plugins, enhancing your ability to optimize efficiently.

  • Harga normal: $ 399 / tahun
  • Penawaran istimewa: $ 199 / tahun
  • Kamu simpan: $ 200!

Do I Recommend Thrive Architect?

Arsitek Berkembang adalah sangat serbaguna plugin yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai tujuan seperti membuat halaman arahan, halaman penjualan, dan bahkan seluruh situs web.

Saya telah menggunakannya untuk sementara waktu sekarang dan telah menemukannya sebagai bagian penting dari perangkat pemasaran online saya. Dalam artikel ini, saya ingin berbagi dengan Anda beberapa alasan mengapa saya pikir Anda harus mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakannya juga.

Thrive Architect Review- Stats

One of the things I like best about Thrive Architect is its visual editor. It can take some getting used to but once you get the hang of it, it’s really easy to use.

You can drag and drop different elements into your page, change their settings, and even add animations.

Another thing I like about Thrive Architect is the wealth of templates available. There are templates for all kinds of pages, including landing pages, sales pages, and even home pages.

If you don’t want to start from scratch, you can simply choose a template and modify it to suit your needs.

And if that’s not enough, Thrive Architect also comes with a built-in Alat pengujian A / B. This allows you to test different versions of your pages to see which one performs better.

Secara keseluruhan, menurut saya Thrive Architect adalah karya yang luar biasa plugin dan layak dipertimbangkan untuk kebutuhan pembuatan halaman arahan Anda. Saya sangat merekomendasikan memberi mereka kesempatan.

Pro & Kontra Arsitek Thrive 


  • Easy-To-Use Content Builder.
  • No Content Lock-in.
  • Works With Any WordPress Themes.
  • Offer Impressive Inline Text Editing Capabilities.
  • Visual Page Editor is Easy to Use.
  • Offers 274 Landing Page Templates.
  • Pricing Plans Are Flexible & Affordable.
  • Offer more than 200 Content templates.
  • Stunning Templates With Fully Customization.


  • Templates organization needs work.
  • Dukungan pelanggan perlu ditingkatkan.
  • Limitations are there in the starter plan.

Alternatif Arsitek Berkembang Terbaik 2024

1) Elementor

Ikhtisar Elementor

Elementor adalah pembuat halaman WordPress plugin yang dengannya Anda dapat membuat halaman dan posting khusus dengan seret dan lepas. Mudah digunakan dan ringan, sehingga tidak memperlambat situs web Anda. Anda dapat membuat header, footer, dan sidebar khusus, dan ada banyak sekali templat dan widget untuk dipilih.

Juga, itu sangat kuat plugin dan cukup populer di kalangan pengguna WordPress. Ini juga cukup terjangkau, dengan versi gratis dan premium.

I have been using Elementor for a while now, and I am really impressed with it. It is incredibly easy to use, even for someone like me who isn’t very tech-savvy, and it has tons of features. I have been able to create some really beautiful pages with it, and it hasn’t slowed down my website at all.

Jika Anda mencari pembuat halaman WordPress yang mudah digunakan yang tidak memperlambat situs web Anda, saya sangat menyarankan untuk mencoba Elementor.

2) Divi Builder

Divi Builder

WordPress yang populer plugin, Divi Builder lets you create unique pages and articles without coding. It offers many functionality and customization choices that allow you to create stunning web pages.

One of Divi Builder’s many strengths is its seamless integration with the WordPress Customizer. You can preview your edits in real time to ensure everything looks exactly right before going live with your pages.

Divi Builder also has a handy drag-and-drop editor built right in. This allows users to create unique page layouts and content with little to no knowledge of code.

Secara keseluruhan, Divi Builder adalah pilihan luar biasa bagi mereka yang membutuhkan cara sederhana namun efektif untuk mendesain situs web yang menyenangkan secara estetika. Ada banyak sekali fitur dan pilihan penyesuaian, dan ini bekerja dengan mulus dengan penyesuai WordPress.

3) Halaman depan

Halaman depan

Leadpages is a strong alternative to Thrive Architect. It’s a robust landing page creator with many options. Leadpages is a platform for making landing pages, opt-in forms, and pop-ups.

It may also be integrated with a wide variety of other services, including email marketing tools, customer relationship management systems, and webinar hosting sites.

Now that I’ve used Leadpages for a while, I can tell that I’m completely satisfied with the service. It has a user-friendly interface and a plethora of available templates and connectors.

It also has analytics and A/B testing capabilities right out of the box, so you can quickly and easily compare the performance of several variations of your landing page.

Semua hal dipertimbangkan, Leadpages adalah pembuat halaman arahan yang sangat baik yang saya sarankan untuk semua orang.

Pertanyaan Umum (FAQ)

🔍 What is Thrive Architect?

Thrive Architect is a WordPress page builder plugin designed to help users create visually appealing and conversion-optimized pages. It offers a wide range of tools and templates tailored for online businesses looking to enhance their web presence.

🛠️ How easy is it to use Thrive Architect?

Thrive Architect is known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, making it accessible for beginners yet powerful enough for seasoned designers. It includes pre-built templates and a front-end editing system that allows you to see changes in real time.

🔄 Can I upgrade from Thrive Architect to Thrive Suite?

Yes, you can upgrade from Thrive Architect to Thrive Suite at any time. Thrive Suite offers additional plugins and tools beyond Thrive Architect, providing a comprehensive toolkit for building and optimizing your online business.

📚 Are there tutorials available for Thrive Architect?

Absolutely! Thrive Architect comes with a variety of tutorial page templates and detailed guides. Additionally, there are numerous video tutorials and a supportive community forum to help you get the most out of the plugin.

📈 How does Thrive Architect help increase conversions?

Thrive Architect is built with conversions in mind. It includes various elements such as testimonial boxes, countdown timers, and call-to-action buttons that can be easily integrated into your pages to drive user actions.

🔁 What kind of support can I expect with Thrive Architect?

Thrive Architect users have access to a responsive support team through email and a detailed knowledge base. The support team is well-regarded for their expertise and quick response times, helping you troubleshoot any issues you might encounter.

Link Cepat:

Kesimpulan: Tinjauan Arsitek Berkembang 2024

Thrive Architect is a potent software that can create unique content designs for WordPress sites.

With it, you can publish fully optimized sales pages or add conversion-focused features like sign-up forms and calls to action. It can compete with the best solutions in the category, including Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Divi.

Thrive Architect stands out from the competition with its focus on generating conversions. It has numerous features that can help transform your website into an effective marketing tool.

This includes opt-in forms, lightbox windows, and the split testing tool, which are all part of the Thrive Suite.

Thrive Architect is a good option for those who want to take control of the design of their posts and pages. It contains many essential and popular features found in regular page builder plugins.

However, if you want to modify other aspects of your website, like the header, footer, and archive templates, you will need the Thrive Builder theme.

Overall, Thrive Architect is a comprehensive tool that offers many features to improve your website’s conversion rates. This review has provided detailed insights into Thrive Architect’s pricing, features, functionality, pros and cons, and more.

Jangan ragu untuk membagikan Pembuat Halaman mana Plugin pickup dari Thrive Architect, Divi & Elementor. Hanya drop komentar Anda di bawah ini.

Jika Anda menyukai postingan ini, silakan bagikan di saluran media sosial pilihan Anda seperti Facebook, Twitter, dan LinkedIn.  

Babber Kashish
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Kashish adalah lulusan B.Com, yang saat ini mengikuti hasratnya untuk belajar dan menulis tentang SEO dan blogging. Dengan setiap pembaruan algoritme Google baru, dia menyelami detailnya. Dia selalu bersemangat untuk belajar dan suka menjelajahi setiap perubahan algoritma Google, mendalami seluk beluknya untuk memahami cara kerjanya. Antusiasmenya terhadap topik-topik ini dapat dilihat melalui tulisannya, menjadikan wawasannya informatif dan menarik bagi siapa pun yang tertarik dengan lanskap optimasi mesin pencari dan seni blogging yang terus berkembang.

Pengungkapan afiliasi: Dalam transparansi penuh – beberapa tautan di situs web kami adalah tautan afiliasi, jika Anda menggunakannya untuk melakukan pembelian, kami akan mendapatkan komisi tanpa biaya tambahan untuk Anda (tidak ada sama sekali!).

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