Social Peta Review 2024: #1 Ad Intelligence Platform?

Recensione Social Peta

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Social Peta stands out as a powerful analytics platform for digital marketers and advertisers, providing deep insights into ad trends, competitor strategies, and consumer behavior. Its robust data-driven approach helps users optimize their marketing campaigns effectively.

Fuori da 10


  • Un'enorme quantità di dati viene eseguita su 10 milioni di creatività pubblicitarie e oltre 73 reti di pubblicazione.
  • In ogni modulo ci sono classifiche di alto livello.
  • Gli elementi sono elencati di conseguenza.
  • È facile da usare e da comprendere.
  • Ai dati pubblicitari si accede a 46 paesi / regioni.
  • La funzione di chat dal vivo è disponibile con supporto premium ed è integrata in questo strumento.


  • Sono disponibili solo piani VIP e il prezzo non è elencato sul sito.


Prezzo: $

Are you looking for the best and most creative advertising tool? I present you my SocialPeta review to help you understand how best this tool is. 

The world of advertising is changing its pace rapidly. Businesses need to find creative ways to design their marketing strategies to attract today’s tech-focused generation.

I Social Peta è una piattaforma che può aiutarti con tutte le tue esigenze pubblicitarie e di marketing. 

It was founded in 2015 by Rocks Su. With over 10 years of industrial engineering and entrepreneur practices, Rocks Su wanted to bring revolution to the mobile internet industry.

He demonstrated his excellent experience and knowledge through Social Peta. Compared with competitors, SocialPeta has an intelligent combination of advertising solutions,” says Rock Su, “It can help customers quickly formulate marketing strategy and verify it with detailed data.

E io stesso ho usato SocialPeta e l'ho trovato immensamente utile, quindi voglio condividere la mia esperienza con tutti voi in modo che anche voi possiate beneficiare di questo eccellente strumento. 

Recensione Social Peta

Social Peta Review 2024: Is It The Best Ad Intelligence?

Social Peta is a unique advertising creative analysis platform available in over 46 countries. It provides marketing intelligence services.

Their Ad Marketing Data provides its customers with detailed advertising and marketing analytics for their company, irrespective of industry or size, to help them make better advertising decisions for their product promotion. 

Recensione Social Peta

SocialPeta has millions of advertisements available on its website so that users can better understand what it offers.

Its dedicated employees stay up-to-date with the latest tendenze pubblicitarie and create ad creatives accordingly. All you have to do is search for a keyword related to your requirements, and you’ll get what you want. 

Se vuoi davvero guidare la crescita della tua attività e massimizzare le tue entrate, Social Peta è la soluzione per te. 

Perché dovresti scegliere SocialPeta?

Ci sono vari motivi per cui Social Peta dovrebbe essere la soluzione ai tuoi problemi di marketing. Alcuni di loro sono:- 

Why Should You Choose SocialPeta

  • Social Peta ha un numero enorme di inserzionisti globali in tutto il mondo. Il numero di inserzionisti sta ora superando i 9 milioni. 
  • The advertising data available on the website was also researched from a large number of sources, which adds to its trust value. 
  • Advertising analysis at SocialPeta is carried out in various directions, such as multidimensional things and depth analytics.
  • Social Peta ha un gran numero di canali in tutto il mondo.
  • La Data Intelligence viene eseguita esclusivamente lì. Aiuta le aziende a svilupparsi e prendere le giuste decisioni di marketing.
  • Hanno un record di oltre un milione di aggiornamenti in un solo giorno. Hanno anche un numero elevato di aggiornamenti orari.  
  • It provides a massive database of advertisement and search features along with 73 advertisement networks.
  • They have various Intelligence features, such as Advertisements, Market-related information, Costing reflections, app-related information, and eCom, and they also do excellent Branding. 

Main Focus Points of SocialPeta 

It spreads light on many things, and it covers things like:

Main Focus Points of SocialPeta

1. Creatività pubblicitarie

The world’s largest ad library is there; from there, many can find it if they want to. It’s quite informative, too. There is one step that can be done to find anything: search it up, and you will see the results it reflects from competitors.

Using these filters is quite helpful to people as targets are being taken care of by ad creatives. If a category isn’t given yet, the tool will do the work like they will see the word from your finding list and do the work for us as we want by themself.

Users have many advantages, such as seeing the list in higher order about who is leading at the top and deciding to give information to whom.

2. Gestione dei costi

Costing is related to the audience, campaigns are being done, and most importantly, advertisements are being made to reach a larger number of people.

This tool helps with pubblicità sui social media on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, or other social media platforms. It provides data on CPC, CPM, CPA, and so on.

3. Informazioni sul pubblico  

A large amount of data in global and local networks.

The target needs to be checked and focussed on as this is the main problem nowadays people are facing and spreading information to the right people otherwise it’s not worth wasting time sending who won’t be interested at all.

This tool makes it easier to find an audience through a trial-and-error method.

Caratteristiche e punti di forza di SocialPeta

Una piattaforma così grande avrà sicuramente alcune eccellenti funzionalità disponibili. Alcune di queste funzionalità sono discusse di seguito:

  • Shorten the time of work and make the originally difficult things creative and efficient. It’s a diverse filter product that covers 73 mainstream channels and languages within 46 countries for improving work efficiency. There are various methods to do it, and the search is also powerful. Creatives also updated timely. If there is a question about what to do if the material is not enough, then solving these difficulties is also done positively with SocialPeta.
  • Quick Search various creatives that will help to improve the efficiency of work. It is a medium through which you get your job. It provides many things, too, like the package name, ricerca per parole chiave, domain name, advertiser, etc.; it has many options for filtering like material type, system, language, advertising space, country, theme, etc. Copywriting analysis and playable creatives are part of the data they give.
  • Depth analysis of solving advertising and marketing problems. This tool performs a lot of analysis on creatives, such as ad details, ad text, interest words, etc. The analysis is helpful in the process from creative production to creative delivery, from testing to optimized advertising, and finally, batch research.
  • Monitoring products in the market, not losing with competitors. There is a powerful database with them that helps analyze different aspects of competing advertisers, such as creativity, publishers, channel launches, intermodal companies, and other things. It checks into advertiser ranking trends. It has newly launched the advertising cost function. One great element is that in the fierce competition, we can become invincible for advertising in the market.

Prezzi di SocialPeta

  • Users get a free trial for three days, having limited functions and a lot of benefits.
  • A trial account you can use by doing in from business mail.
  • È perché esiste un servizio denominato SAAS che aiuta le aziende. 
  • In base al livello di utilizzo, è stato fissato il prezzo.

Pro e contro di SocialPeta


  • Un'enorme quantità di dati viene eseguita su 10 milioni di creatività pubblicitarie e oltre 73 reti di pubblicazione.
  • In ogni modulo ci sono classifiche di alto livello.
  • Gli elementi sono elencati di conseguenza.
  • È facile da usare e da comprendere.
  • Advertising data is accessed in 46 countries/regions.
  • A live chat facility with premium support is built into this tool.
  • C'è una rappresentazione grafica di ogni dato.
  • Il database viene aggiornato regolarmente.
  • Filters are added to make things easier and filter the results quickly.


  • Only VIP plans are available, and the price is not listed on the site.

My Personal Experience With SocialPeta

In my early days of starting my business, I kept all my efforts and hard work in building up the content and good platform but I was really lagging in getting a high amount of users.

I have tried many ways to promote my business, even hired people to promote it, but those haven’t had the output I was looking for; then, when I got to know about Social Peta I was really amazed and loved using this platform.

My business then started to gain new users.

SocialPeta- Statistiche

SocialPeta has so many creative strumenti pubblicitari and covers a very wide range of audiences. Its Ad Intelligence helped me find the best way to create ads, and the SocialPeta ads library is the biggest with really cool ideas.

SocialPeta ad analytics has helped me identify my mistakes and find the most suitable ways to reach the right audiences. With its amazing features, I’m now able to grow my business by targeting the right audiences.

So I would suggest you go for the SocialPeta tool and get familiarised with it by using its free trial.

Social Peta: User Reviews

SocialPeta User Reviews


🔍 How does Social Peta gather its data?

Social Peta collects data from a wide range of sources, including social media platforms, advertising networks, and direct partnerships, to provide comprehensive analytics.

💡 What features does Social Peta offer?

Features include detailed ad analytics, competitor tracking, creative search tools, and performance benchmarking across various media channels.

🎯 Who can benefit from using Social Peta?

Digital marketers, ad agencies, and brands looking to enhance their advertising strategies and gain a competitive edge will find Social Peta especially useful.

🛠️ Can I track my competitors' ads with Social Peta?

Yes, one of the key features of Social Peta is the ability to track and analyze competitors' advertising campaigns in real-time.

📝 Is there a trial period for new users?

Social Peta typically offers a trial period for new users to test the platform and its features before committing to a paid plan.

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Conclusione: Social Peta Review 2024 

I have used various advertising platforms that are available in the market, but none of them had as many features as Social Peta. I was amazed by its functions. Sometimes, staying with the latest advertising trends can be difficult for any business.

That’s why it’s better to let SocialPeta handle it, as it is the best advertising creative analysis platform. It will save you time, and this platform is not too expensive.

I believe that this is a much cheaper option than hiring a whole team for this purpose.

However, the decision ultimately depends on your needs and requirements. Therefore, please do your research thoroughly on all related ad creatives and then decide which one suits you best.

I would suggest that you go with SocialPeta, as their staff will help you every step of the way. They even have a virtual assistant on their website if you have any questions. So, relax and leave all your marketing troubles to SocialPeta’s team.

I hope I have made your decision easier. All the best for all your future endeavours. Enjoy using SocialPeta and create wonders.

Jitendra Vaswani
Questo autore è verificato su

Jitendra Vaswani è un Digital Marketing Practitioner e rinomato relatore internazionale che ha abbracciato lo stile di vita dei nomadi digitali mentre viaggia per il mondo. Ha fondato due siti web di successo, Bloggers & Agenzia di marketing digitale DigiExe di cui le sue storie di successo si sono estese alla creazione di "Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom" (20,000 copie vendute in tutto il mondo) e contribuendo a "International Best Selling Author of Growth Hacking Book 2". Jitendra ha progettato workshop per oltre 10000 professionisti del marketing digitale in tutti i continenti; con intenzioni in definitiva ancorate alla creazione di una differenza impattabile aiutando le persone a costruire il business dei loro sogni online. Jitendra Vaswani è un investitore di grande potenza con un portafoglio impressionante che include Stazione di immagini. Per saperne di più sui suoi investimenti, Trovalo su LinkedIn, TwitterE Facebook.

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