Keap Free Trial 14 Days 2024: Is Keap Really Free? (Infusionsoft Free Trial)

Have you ever thought about trying Keap to manage your business better? Well, you’re in luck!

Keap offers a 14-day free trial, giving you the perfect opportunity to test out all its features without spending a dime. I recently signed up for the trial myself and was amazed at how much easier it made organizing my tasks and contacts.

Whether you’re looking to streamline your sales process or just keep better track of your customer interactions, this trial is a fantastic way to see if Keap fits your needs.

Let’s get into what makes the Keap free trial worth a shot!

Keap Prova Ħieles

What is Keap (Infusionsoft)?

Keap’s free CRM software for negozji żgħar is designed to make your life easier.

With one platform, you can manage contacts, communicate with new leads, and follow up on clients, leaving more time for growing your business!


In addition, KeaP makes it easy to add any type of contact (i.e., phone number) without having the hassle associated with other systems because they are integrated seamlessly into their own system so there’s no need to worry about syncing between multiple apps or hoping data gets imported correctly – everything just works together effortlessly behind-the-scenes.

Keap Free Trial 14 Days: Steps To Get Started

Keap Free Trial 14 Days

Step 1- Visit the Keap Website:

Mur Keap’s websajt uffiċjali.

Step 2- Select the Free Trial Option:

Click on the “Free Trial” button, typically visible on the homepage.

Step 3- Register Your Account:

Provide your email address, create a password, and enter the necessary business details.

Step 4- Choose Your Plan:

Decide which plan you want to try based on your business needs.

Step 5- Set Up Payment Information:

Input your credit card details, noting that you won’t be charged until the trial ends.

Step 6- Start Using Keap:

Begin exploring Keap’s features to automate marketing, manage contacts, and process payments.

Why Do I like Keap as CRM?

Keap is one of the most user-friendly Pjattaformi CRM to be reviewed.

Although it’s not as robust or feature-rich as Salesforce, Keap offers everything a smaller business needs to grow and succeed in this competitive market while also being simple enough for even beginners!

Keap helps you to automate your email marketing by using simple “when” and then parameters.

For example, if any public form is submitted to the Keaps platform, then it will send an alert with relevant tags for the concerned team members so that they stay on task at all times!

The automation tool also provides quick access templates that can be customized easily according to customer needs. This is perfect when trying out new strategies or testing different copies before going live with them publicly.

Karatteristiċi ta' Keap

Awtomazzjoni faċli Kabbar il-bejgħ u qatgħet aktar ħin tikkonnettja mal-klijenti permezz ta 'għodod ta' awtomazzjoni faċli.
Xandiriet L-emails illimitati jistgħu jgħinu biex iżidu r-rati miftuħa u jiżguraw it-twassil.
Ħlasijiet Il-karatteristiċi jinkludu kwotazzjonijiet, fatturi u ħlasijiet rikorrenti.
Pipeline tal-Bejgħ Maniġer tal-proċess stil Kanban jippermetti lill-utenti jsegwu kull opportunità fi ħdan il-proċess tal-bejgħ.

Keap: Price Plan

Keap- Pricing

1. Pjan Pro

prezz: $159/month ($1908/year if billed annually)

tifdil: Save 20% by paying annually

kuntatti: 1500 total contacts

Utenti: Includes 2 users; additional users are $29 each


  • Email marketing
  • Marketing, sales & workflow automation
  • Lead capture & automated follow-up
  • CRM for lead and client management
  • Ġestjoni tal-pipeline tal-bejgħ
  • Quotes, invoices, and payments handling
  • Landing pages & online sales
  • Text marketing (U.S. only)
  • Dedicated phone line (U.S. & Canada)
  • Appointments scheduling
  • Voice and text 3-month trial, then $9/mo

2. Max Plan

prezz: $229/month ($2748/year if billed annually)

tifdil: Save 23% by paying annually

kuntatti: 2500 total contacts

Utenti: Includes 3 users; additional users are $29 each

Includes Everything in Pro, plus:

  • Advanced lead optimization
  • Enhanced landing pages & sales tools
  • Ecommerce tools
  • Rappurtar Avvanzat

3. Pjan Aħħari

prezz: $279/month, promotional $229/month ($3348, promotional $2748/year if billed annually)

tifdil: Save 23% by paying annually

kuntatti: 2500 total contacts

Utenti: Includes 3 users; additional users are $29 each

Includes Everything in Pro, plus:

  • Premium CRM & sales management
  • Advanced marketing & sales tools
  • Custom user access controls
  • Affiliate management & collaboration
  • Rappurtar Avvanzat

These plans cater to different business sizes and needs, from basic automation and CRM functionalities in the Pro plan to advanced ecommerce, reporting, and premium CRM features in the Max and Ultimate plans.


🌟 What is included in the Keap free trial?

The free trial includes full access to Keap's features according to the selected plan level. You can use all the tools and functions without restrictions to fully evaluate the software's capabilities.

🚀 Can I switch plans during the free trial?

Yes, you can switch between different Keap plans during your free trial to see which one best fits your business needs.

🛑 What happens if I decide not to continue with Keap after the free trial?

If you decide not to continue, you can cancel the service before the trial ends to avoid any charges. Your account will then be deactivated.

💬 Is support available during the free trial?

Yes, full customer support is available during the free trial. You can access help through live chat, email, or phone to get the most out of your trial experience.

🔄 Can I upgrade to a paid plan before the free trial ends?

Yes, you can upgrade to a paid plan at any time during the free trial. Your account will transition smoothly, and you'll continue to enjoy uninterrupted service.

📊 Will my data be saved if I subscribe after the free trial?

Absolutely, all data and configurations you set up during the free trial will remain intact when you transition to a paid subscription.

Links Quick:

Konklużjoni: Keap Prova Ħieles (Prova Ħieles ta' Infusionsoft)

Fl-opinjoni tiegħi, Keap (Infużjonisoft) hija soluzzjoni qawwija ħafna ta 'email marketing, u rajt ħafna kumpaniji ta' suċċess li jużawha għal kull tip ta 'kampanji ta' kummerċjalizzazzjoni u bejgħ.

Tista' Tikkuntattjahom ukoll fuq il-Pjattaforma tal-Midja Soċjali Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube Pinterest.

Jitendra Vaswani
Dan l-awtur huwa vverifikat fuq

Jitendra Vaswani huwa Prattiku tal-Marketing Diġitali u kelliem ewlieni internazzjonali rinomat li ħaddan l-istil tal-ħajja tan-nomad diġitali hekk kif jivvjaġġa madwar id-dinja. Huwa waqqaf żewġ websajts ta’ suċċess, & Aġenzija tal-Marketing Diġitali DigiExe li minnhom l-istejjer ta' suċċess tiegħu espandew għal awtur "Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom" (20,000 kopja mibjugħa madwar id-dinja) u kkontribwixxa għal "International Best Selling Author of Growth Hacking Book 2". Jitendra iddisinjat workshops għal aktar minn 10000 professjonist fil-marketing diġitali madwar il-kontinenti; bl-intenzjonijiet fl-aħħar mill-aħħar ankrati lejn il-ħolqien ta 'differenza impattabbli billi tgħin lin-nies jibnu n-negozju tal-ħolm tagħhom onlajn. Jitendra Vaswani huwa investitur b'qawwa għolja b'portafoll impressjonanti li jinkludi Stazzjoni tal-immaġni. Biex titgħallem aktar dwar l-investimenti tiegħu, Sib lilu fuq Linkedin, twitter, & facebook.

Żvelar tal-affiljat: Bi trasparenza sħiħa - uħud mill-links fuq il-websajt tagħna huma links affiljati, jekk tużahom biex tagħmel xirja se naqilgħu kummissjoni mingħajr spejjeż addizzjonali għalik (xejn!).
