Octopus CRM Review 2024: Is It the Best LinkedIn Automation Software?

Qarnit CRM

Verdett Ġenerali

Octopus CRM stands out as a highly effective tool for LinkedIn users seeking to enhance their networking and lead generation efforts efficiently. It offers a robust suite of features that streamline processes and deliver valuable analytics, making it an excellent choice for professionals aiming to boost their LinkedIn productivity and results.

Minn 10


  • Analitika bil-Quddiem
  • Prova Ħieles Disponibbli
  • Ibgħat Messaġġi bl-ingrossa lil mijiet ta' Konnessjoni tal-1 Livell
  • Integrazzjoni HubSpot & Zapier
  • Niżżel id-Dejta ta' Kuntatt faċilment
  • Kompatibilità mat-tipi kollha ta' kont LinkedIn (B'xejn jew Imħallas)


  • Process of Data Transfer from Old CRM can be improved


prezz: $ 9.99

Are you looking for an Honest & Trustworthy Octopus CRM Review 2024? Great! You have landed the right post.

LinkedIn is indeed one of the most popular platforms developed for professional recruitment, networking, and creating sales leads for B2B products, transactions, and services.

The Employment online platform has cemented professional dominance in the social media playground and has created a platform where a lot of untapped talents and potentials of people, brands, and businesses get noticed easily.

Bottom Line bil-quddiem: Octopus CRM is an All-in-one LinkedIn Automation platform, they have helped thousand of linkedIn user by simplifying their efforts to attain growth with their advanced automation algorithm, you can build marketing funnel & evaluate your perform on LinkedIn using Octopus CRM.

Because LinkedIn offers so much potential, many customers are willing to use it to increase their endorsements and connections, as well as manage customer relationships.

Supply is always there wherever there is a demand, and businesses are springing up all over to try to help users.

Reviżjoni tas-CRM tal-Qarnit

Octopus CRM Review 2024: Fil-qosor

Qarnit CRM

Due to the shady practices that come with their promises, there has been a lot of debate surrounding these LinkedIn growth agencies that promise optimum lead generation and campaigns to gain more engagements.

In this article, we’ll look at Qarnit CRM, waħda minn dawn il-kumpaniji, biex tara jekk jistgħux jgħinuk bin-netwerking LinkedIn u l-ġenerazzjoni taċ-ċomb. Ejja nibdew dan il-partit. 

X'inhu Octopus CRM?

Qarnit CRM huwa servizz b'saħħtu ta 'softwer ta' awtomazzjoni ta 'LinkedIn li jinkludi karatteristiċi bħat-trażmissjoni ta' talbiet ta' konnessjoni awtomatizzati, approvazzjonijiet awtomatiċi ta '7 ħiliet, messaġġi bl-ingrossa, żjarat awtomatiċi tal-profil, u ħafna aktar.

One major aspect that sets LinkedIn apart from other social media platforms is that it tracks profile visits.

This is because the ultimate goal of LinkedIn users is to do business. As a result, many LinkedIn automated services include options for tracking profile visits.

On LinkedIn, you can also store leads and create marketing funnels, but they don’t say much about these features. Hemm aktar servizzi li jipprovdu, iżda l-maġġoranza tas-servizzi tagħhom huma bbażati fuq softwer awtomatizzat.

What Can You Do With Octopus CRM?

All profile views, messages, endorsements, and connection requests will be handled by bots because Octopus CRM’s automation framework runs on pre-programmed engagements.

The only issue here is that the personal touch of your profile will be lost, which is a big no-no on a major platform like LinkedIn, which relies heavily on real connections and networking for the business. 

When you send out bulk messages, you are using a very impersonal method to contact prospective leads, which can be a turnoff for your company or business.

The majority of people don’t want to work for or do business with people who can’t even respond to their most important business communications in a personal manner.

The platform also allows users to automate follow-ups, which is extremely important in case of both responses and no responses because sending an automated message to some potential leads who have never responded is neither appealing nor going to convince them otherwise or gain any more traction than you already have.

Octopus CRM: Key Features

Are you ready to send a LinkedIn connection request, follow up with a thank you message once the request has been accepted, and then send a sales message and follow up? Then Octopus CRM is the ideal tool for you, as it allows you to do the following things:

  • Ibgħat talbiet għal konnessjoni bl-ingrossa
  • Ibgħat messaġġi tal-Massa lill-konnessjonijiet tiegħek
  • Auto-view user profiles
  • Auto endorses multiple skills
  • Ibni funnel tal-bejgħ fuq LinkedIn
  • Ikseb aċċess għal diversi analitiċi simili konverżjoni tal-kampanja rati, prestazzjoni ta 'kuljum ta' LinkedIn, u aktar.

Barra minn hekk, ikollok aċċess għal diversi għażliet li jgħinuk biżżejjed l-għanijiet li ġejjin mingħajr sforz:

1. Simplify Your Work Using Automation on LinkedIn

Octopus-CRM-Awtomatizza Xogħol Sempliċi fuq LinkedIn

Octopus huwa awtopilota b'saħħtu iżda sempliċi ta' LinkedIn li awtomat ix-xogħol tiegħek u jiġi ma 'tunnellata ta' karatteristiċi friski.

  • Ibgħat talbiet personalizzati (awtomatizzati) ta 'konnessjoni LinkedIn lil konnessjonijiet tat-tieni u t-tielet livell.
  • Messaġġi għadd kbir ta' konnessjonijiet tal-ewwel livell f'daqqa.
  • Sa 7 ħiliet jistgħu jiġu approvati awtomatikament fuq il-profili tal-kuntatti tiegħek LinkedIn.
  • Żur awtomatikament mijiet ta' profili

2. Build Your Marketing Funnel on LinkedIn

Octopus-CRM-Review - Ibni l-lembut tal-kummerċjalizzazzjoni tiegħek fuq LinkedIn

Immaġina li tkun tista’ tikkonnettja mal-udjenza fil-mira tiegħek awtomatikament, imbagħad tibgħat messaġġ ta’ “grazzi” ladarba t-talbiet għall-konnessjoni jiġu aċċettati, tapprova ftit ħiliet biex isaħħnu dawn il-prospetti, u mbagħad tikkonvertihom f’klijenti billi tibgħat segwitu.

Tista' tuża s-softwer biex tibni LinkedIn tiegħek stess lembut tal-ġenerazzjoni taċ-ċomb.

Quickly and easily add, delete, and combine features, save all of your prospects in your personal dashboard, and start getting amazing results with Octopus CRM.

3. Watch and Analyze Your Statistics to Evaluate Your Performance

Octopus-CRM-Review - Ara l-istatistiċi u l-prestazzjoni tiegħek

You can’t evaluate your marketing efforts without keeping an eye on the numbers, which are increasingly relevant these days.

Octopus CRM allows you to track important metrics such as the number of profile views and search appearances, as well as your social selling index and campaign performance.

Octopus CRM currently allows users to choose from four different subscription plans, which come with different features. The higher you move up the plans, the more powerful features you get to utilize.

Plans at Octopus CRM start at $9.99 per month (Annual). But they do not offer any free plans at the moment.

However, all plans come with a limited period of free trial options. Here are some key pricing details of the plans offered by Octopus CRM.

Octopus CRM: Pricing Plans

Octopus CRM Pricing Plans

1. Starter

Prezz: $ 9.99 kull xahar ($ 6.99 kull xahar - Annwali)

  • CRM personali bi stats
  • Stedina awtomatika (personalizzata)
  • Kapaċità li tikkonnettja ma 'utenti premium ta' LinkedIn biss

2. PRO

Prezz: $ 14.99 kull xahar ($ 9.99 kull xahar - Annwali)

  • CRM personali bi stats
  • Stedina awtomatika (personalizzata)
  • Kapaċità li tikkonnettja ma 'utenti premium ta' LinkedIn biss
  • Ibgħat messaġġi awtomatizzati bl-ingrossa
  • Profili tal-vista awtomatika
  • Auto endorsjar ħiliet

3. Avvanzata

Prezz: $ 21.99 kull xahar ($ 14.99 kull xahar - Annwali)

  • CRM personali bi stats
  • Stedina awtomatika (personalizzata)
  • Kapaċità li tikkonnettja ma 'utenti premium ta' LinkedIn biss
  • Ibgħat messaġġi awtomatizzati bl-ingrossa
  • Profili tal-vista awtomatika
  • Auto endorsjar ħiliet
  • Data ta' esportazzjoni/importazzjoni
  • Ibni lembuti

4. Illimitat

Prezz: $ 39.99 kull xahar ($ 24.99 kull xahar - Annwali)

  • CRM personali bi stats
  • Stedina awtomatika (personalizzata)
  • Kapaċità li tikkonnettja ma 'utenti premium ta' LinkedIn biss
  • Ibgħat messaġġi awtomatizzati bl-ingrossa
  • Profili tal-vista awtomatika
  • Auto endorsjar ħiliet
  • Data ta' esportazzjoni/importazzjoni
  • Ibni lembuti
  • Is-softwer jippermettilek toħloq il-lembut personali tal-ġenerazzjoni taċ-ċomb LinkedIn tiegħek
  • Integrazzjoni ma' Zapier / Hubspot
  • Imbotta l-azzjonijiet minn LinkedIn għal Zapier u mbagħad ibgħathom lil mijiet ta’ apps inklużi Hubspot CRM, Zoho, Asana, Google Sheets, u oħrajn
  • Kontroll tal-attività
  • This feature allows you to stay extra safe on LinkedIn and receive immediate alerts right after our system detects excessive activity on your LinkedIn account
  • Maniġer tal-kont personali

All these subscription plans offer a free trial option for a period of 7 days, which, though, might not be enough to help you decide whether the platform and its services are suitable for you or not; however, the fact that they don’t require a credit card is reassuring.

Meta tagħżel pjan, tista’ tagħmel il-ħlas tiegħek jew permezz tal-modalità ta’ kull xahar jew permezz tal-modalità annwali, iżda aħna nagħtu parir bil-qawwa li ma tħallasx kull sena għax x’aktarx li jkollok problemi bis-servizzi, u għalhekk ma tixtieqx tissakkar għal sena b’investiment mitluf.

Octopus CRM Review (Top Five Reasons to Like Octopus CRM)

1. Link Campaigns

Trid tibgħat talba ta' konnessjoni, imbagħad tibgħat messaġġ ta' "grazzi" u ssegwi b'messaġġ? Tista' issa! Sempliċement qabbad il-kampanji tiegħek u ROCK fuq LinkedIn.

2. Import / Export

Esporta dejta minn LinkedIn għal fajl CSV jew ittella 'l-lista tiegħek ta' profili LinkedIn fil-kampanji Octopus CRM għal aktar azzjoni.

3. Zapier and Hubspot Integration

Want to send LinkedIn data and actions to Zapier, Google Docs, HubSpot, or other apps? In just a few clicks, you can connect your Octopus CRM campaigns to Zapier.

4. Compatibility with all LinkedIn Account Types

Octopus CRM is compatible with free, premium, and free LinkedIn accounts, as well as Sales Navigator and Recruiter Lite.

5. Activity Control

Allow Octopus CRM to monitor your Attività LinkedIn and send you immediate notifications if our system detects unusual activity on LinkedIn.

Octopus CRM: Pros and Cons


  • Automates repetitive LinkedIn tasks efficiently.
  • Tqawwal ġenerazzjoni taċ-ċomb u rati ta' ingaġġ.
  • Provides detailed analytics for informed decision-making.
  • Enhances visibility and reach on LinkedIn.
  • Simplifies management of LinkedIn connections.
  • Offers customizable messaging and campaign options.
  • It saves time and allows focus on strategic activities.


  • Il-kurva tat-tagħlim wieqaf għal utenti ġodda.
  • Limited to LinkedIn, not other social platforms.


🤔 Do I need a LinkedIn Sales Navigator account to use Octopus CRM?

Għalkemm li jkollok profil premium fuq LinkedIn huwa rakkomandat ħafna, mhuwiex rekwiżit. Octopus CRM huwa kompatibbli mal-kontijiet b'xejn ta' LinkedIn.

👉 How many connection requests and messages can I send with Octopus CRM?

Octopus CRM values the security of their customers' LinkedIn accounts. They've set daily limits for sending connection requests and messages. Premium LinkedIn account users can send up to 100 invites and 200 messages, while free account users can send up to 50 invites and 100 messages. If you need to exceed these limits, you can remove them. Learn more about daily boundaries on relevant resources.

🧐 If I start using your LinkedIn automation software, how can I cancel my subscription?

Tista' tikkanċella l-abbonament tiegħek magħna fi kwalunkwe ħin billi żżur il-paġna tal-Fatturazzjoni tad-dashboard tiegħek u tikklikkja l-buttuna Ikkanċella l-abbonament, jew billi tikkuntattja lit-tim ta' appoġġ tagħna fuq l-appoġġ fuq octopuscrm.io.

✅ Is your automation tool suitable for agencies?

Without a doubt. A large number of organizations use Octopus CRM on their clients' LinkedIn accounts. We also maintain strict confidentiality. In addition, depending on the number of licenses you need, we have special offers for marketing agencies. For more information, please contact our support team at support at octopuscrm.io for.

🤔 What differentiates you from other LinkedIn marketing tools?

Octopus CRM offers a multi-functional CRM page on LinkedIn, allowing you to save leads, automate activities, create campaigns, and marketing funnels. Our LinkedIn analytics tool helps you track the success of your campaigns. Unlike other tools, we don't ask for your LinkedIn credentials, ensuring that you maintain full control over your account. Security is our top priority, so you can trust us to keep your journey completely safe.

Links Quick:

Conclusion: Should You Invest In Octopus CRM?

Overall, Octopus CRM appears to be a legitimate and useful service. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the platform is the analytics tool. Aside from that, they are dependable automation software, which is against LinkedIn’s terms.

Taqax għal dawn in-negozji li jħajjar u attraenti li huma konxji sew li qed jiksru r-regoli. Mhux se jkunu jistgħu jwettqu l-wegħdiet tagħhom minħabba l-limitazzjonijiet ta’ LinkedIn fuq bejjiegħa ta’ partijiet terzi, biex ma nsemmux ir-riskju li jiġu pprojbiti.

It is one of the most powerful and widely used Google Chrome extensions for LinkedIn automation. To use Octopus CRM, first install it on your Chrome browser, then log into your LinkedIn account and click on the Chrome extension.

Your account will be linked to Octopus CRM, and you will be able to log in.

Kashish Babber
Dan l-awtur huwa vverifikat fuq BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish hija gradwata tal-B.Com, li bħalissa qed issegwi l-passjoni tagħha biex titgħallem u tikteb dwar is-SEO u l-blogging. Ma 'kull aġġornament ġdid tal-algoritmu ta' Google hija tgħaddas fid-dettalji. Hija dejjem ħerqana li titgħallem u tħobb tesplora kull twist u dawra tal-aġġornamenti tal-algoritmi ta' Google, u tidħol fin-nofs biex tifhem kif jaħdmu. L-entużjażmu tagħha għal dawn is-suġġetti jista' jidher fil-kitba tagħha, li tagħmel l-għarfien tagħha kemm informattiv kif ukoll impenjattiv għal kull min hu interessat fil-pajsaġġ li dejjem jevolvi tal-ottimizzazzjoni tal-magni tat-tiftix u l-arti tal-blogging.

Żvelar tal-affiljat: Bi trasparenza sħiħa - uħud mill-links fuq il-websajt tagħna huma links affiljati, jekk tużahom biex tagħmel xirja se naqilgħu kummissjoni mingħajr spejjeż addizzjonali għalik (xejn!).

Kummenti (1)

  1. Il-qarnit jidher li huwa għodda kbira iżda hija estensjoni tal-kromju. Nippreferi għodda bbażata fuq sħaba peress li taħdem mill-backend. Huwa għalhekk li qed nuża LinkedCamp bħalissa.
