Cele mai importante fapte de marketing post Brexit din 2024: Găsiți faptele și tendințele 📈

The United Kingdom officially left the European Union on December 31, 2020, at 23:00. The Brexit vote had caused a lot of uncertainty and drama.

Now, it’s important for businesses operating in the UK and Europe to understand the implications of Brexit and adapt to the new realities.

Post-Brexit Marketing Facts are crucial in navigating this changed terrain and making informed decisions. The EU-UK Trade & Cooperation Agreement came into force provisionally in January 2021.

By delving into specific facts and trends, we can gain insights into the post-Brexit marketing landscape and equip ourselves with the knowledge needed to thrive in this era of transition and adaptation.

Fapte de marketing după Brexit

Imagine de credit: Pexels

Ce influență are acest lucru asupra economiei?

  • Exports to the EU decreased by about 5.3 miliarde British pounds.
  • The value of imports decreased by 7.2 miliarde British pounds. 
  • The UK’s major trading partner was the European Single Market before Brexit, accounting for 51.6 percent of all imports and 53 percent of exports.
  • The EU provides one-quarter of the meals consumed in the United Kingdom. The main food imports from the EU are fruits and vegetables, as well as meat.
  • Prior to Brexit, the EU supplied 80% of the UK’s food imports.
  • During the first 10 months of this year, exports done by the UK to the EU were down 12% from pre-pandemic levels.
  •  Importurile Marii Britanii în Uniunea Europeană au scăzut cu peste 20% față de înainte de izbucnire.
  • Exports by the UK to the rest of the world were down 7 percent, or £12 billion, from January to October 2021 compared to the same period in 2019.
  • In the very same time period, UK imports decreased by 3% to £227 billion pounds.
  • The drop in exports and imports between the UK and EU, with exports falling by £5.3 billion and imports by £7.2 billion, indicates a significant shift in trade dynamics, likely impacting the overall economy.
  • With one-quarter of food in the UK previously coming from the EU, mainly fruits, vegetables, and meat, the changes in trade could affect food supply and prices.
  • În general reduction in trade, both with the EU and globally, suggests a reshaping of the UK’s economic landscape post-Brexit.

Statistici privind marketingul post-Brexit

  • According to a survey conducted by Econsultancy, 10% dintre respondenți said they have executed a Brexit marketing plan.
  • In light of Brexit, 58% dintre respondenți said their company hadn’t yet made any adjustments and had no plans to do so.
  • Before Brexit, more than half of the UK’s imports (51.6%) and exports (53%) were with the EU, which was its main trading partner at the time.
  • Before Brexit, the EU accounted for 80% of the UK’s food imports.
  • UK exports to the EU have decreased by 12% and imports from the EU have fallen by over 20% since before the pandemic.
  • UK’s exports to the rest of the world fell by 7%, and imports decreased by 3%.

Perspectiva marketingului în era post-Brexit

  • Some major firms have decided not to alter their marketing tactics, claiming that Brexit has had little effect.
  • Un exemplu este magazinul de stradă Next.
  • Mulți retaileri prevăd că prețurile vor continua să crească după Brexit.
  • Asda a devenit inventiv cu reclamele sale în așteptarea unei creșteri a numărului de persoane care iau în considerare cazare.
  • Utilizarea mai multor locuri locale de filmare a crescut.
  • Some retailers see Brexit as an opportunity to flaunt their ‘Britishness’ (for, e.g. Wetherspoons Brexit beer mats & Jacks brand from Tesco, with its white, blue, and red livery), While others are taking a step back out of fear of offending others.
  • Principalele piețe de export ale Marii Britanii devin din ce în ce mai puțin dependente de mărfurile britanice.
  • Regatul Unit este mai puțin dependent de mărfurile importate.
  • Între ianuarie și octombrie 2021, comerțul bidirecțional dintre Statele Unite și UE a fost de 627 de miliarde de dolari, în creștere de la 532 de miliarde de dolari în aceleași luni din 2020. 
  • În primele zece luni ale anului 2021, comerțul bidirecțional dintre China și UE a totalizat 558 de miliarde de dolari, în creștere față de 479 de miliarde de dolari în 2020.
  • Comerțul bilateral al Regatului Unit cu Uniunea Europeană este de 308 miliarde de lire sterline față de 302 de miliarde de lire sterline, ceea ce indică faptul că încă nu s-a redresat din pactul comercial post-Brexit.

Întrebări frecvente

📈 How has Brexit affected market access and trade for UK businesses?

Brexit has resulted in changes to trade agreements and tariffs. UK businesses may have limited access to EU markets, requiring them to explore new markets or adjust their trade strategies.

🌍 What are the implications of Brexit on international marketing strategies?

International marketing strategies must consider new trade dynamics and regulatory requirements. Businesses may need to tailor their campaigns to fit the specific regulations of target countries.

🛒 How have consumer preferences and behaviors changed since Brexit?

Consumer sentiment and purchasing patterns have shifted. Marketers need to conduct updated market research to understand these changes and adjust their strategies accordingly.

💰 What financial considerations should marketers keep in mind when planning post-Brexit campaigns?

Budget allocation, currency fluctuations, and potential tax implications are financial aspects marketers should consider when planning and executing campaigns post-Brexit.

💻 How can digital marketing strategies be adapted for the post-Brexit era?

Digital marketing strategies should consider localization, compliance with data protection laws, and tailored content to resonate with specific audiences in different regions.

Link-uri rapide:

Concluzie: fapte de marketing post Brexit 2024

Succeeding in the marketing world after Brexit requires businesses to be flexible, understand new rules, and keep an eye on changing customer habits.

To achieve this, businesses should adapt their strategies, consider new markets, and communicate clearly with their customers.

It is essential for online businesses to use data and technology wisely. By staying informed and being ready to adjust as needed, businesses can thrive in post-Brexit marketing.

Surse: Tweak, Kantar, BBC, Mopinion, Statista, MarketingWeek, Insights

Alisia Emerson
Acest autor este verificat pe BloggersIdeas.com

Cu peste 15 ani de experiență în branding personal, auto-dezvoltare și alfabetizare financiară sub centură, Alisa și-a câștigat o reputație ca un vorbitor principal desăvârșit. Ea este, de asemenea, expertă pe subiecte care variază de la auto-dezvoltare, știri de afaceri până la investiții și împărtășește cu plăcere aceste cunoștințe cu publicul prin discursuri principale, precum și prin ateliere de scriere pentru grupuri de scriitori locali și conferințe de carte. Datorită cunoștințelor sale profunde despre măiestria scrisului, Alisa oferă, de asemenea, cursuri de ficțiune online pentru a-i ghida pe autorii aspiranți să atingă succesul prin excelența în compunerea poveștilor.

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