Како створити профитабилан Амазон придружени бизнис 2024?

Да ли сте знали да можете зарадити новац са Амазоном? Амазон партнерски програм је популаран начин зарађивања додатног новца, а неки људи га чак претварају у свој примарни извор прихода.

Међутим, многи други се боре да успију у овом послу.

Ако сте заинтересовани да покренете сопствени Амазон придружени посао и желите да избегнете неуспех, онда сте дошли на право место.

У овом чланку ћу вас водити кроз кораке за стварање успешног и профитабилног Амазоновог придруженог пословања.

Шта је Амазон партнерски програм?

Шта је Амазон партнерски програм?
Пиц Цредит – Амазон партнерски програм

Амазон аффилиате програм, познат као Амазон Ассоциатес, је партнерски програм који омогућава људима да зараде новац упућивањем продаје на Амазон. 

Обично програм користе блогери и власници веб локација и омогућава им да препоруче Амазон производе својој публици путем веза. Када корисник кликне на ове везе и обави куповину, блогер или власник веб локације зарађује накнаду за препоруку. 

With the growth of blogs over the past decade, affiliate marketing has become a key feature of digital marketing strategies. It allows website owners to create bespoke links to products and earn a fee for each purchase made based on their recommendations. 

Подружница Амазон Програм функционише тако што омогућава корисницима да генеришу јединствене везе до производа које могу да промовишу на својој веб страници или другим платформама. 

The commission rate for Amazon Associates differs depending on the product’s category. For example, luxury beauty items can fetch a commission rate of 10%, while toys or furniture will earn you a commission of 3%. 

Бити део програма Амазон Ассоциатес долази са одређеним правилима и захтевима. Ови укључују:

  • Морате открити својој публици да можете направити провизију од линкова укључених на платформи коју одаберете. 
  • Не можете износити лажне или преувеличане тврдње када препоручујете производ. 
  • Требало би да избегавате да се позивате на директне цене јер се оне често мењају на Амазону. 
  • Не можете користити скраћиваче веза на придруженим везама.
  • Не би требало да користите своје партнерске везе у имејловима, е-књигама или ванмрежном материјалу. 

So, how can you get involved…and be successful?

Како створити профитабилан Амазон придружени посао?

Амазон партнерски програм

Step 1 – Sign Up: Ready to dive into the world of affiliate marketing? Join the Amazon Associates Program, where tens of thousands of creators, publishers, and bloggers are already earning by sharing their favorite Amazon finds.

Step 2 – Recommend: Once you’re in, it’s all about sharing what you love. With millions of products at your fingertips, you can recommend anything from the latest tech gadgets to cozy home goods. Whether you’re a big-time publisher, a passionate blogger, or a social media influencer, Amazon has the tools to make linking and sharing as easy as pie.

Step 3 – Earn: Here’s the best part – making money! With Amazon, you can earn up to 10% in commissions on qualifying purchases. Thanks to Amazon’s high conversion rates, you’ve got a great shot at maximizing your earnings. It’s all about recommending products, helping your audience, and getting rewarded for it.

Find Your Ultimate Niche:

Finding a good niche is one of the best ways to ensure that your audience will click on your links. 

Having a strong niche will ensure that your audience is actively interested in your content and, in turn, the products that you recommend and link to. 

When considering your niche, think carefully about what you can offer people. It’s no use creating a website on a topic that you either know little about or have little interest in.

If you can find something that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about, then you’re on to a winner. 

You also need to ensure that Amazon sells products related to your niche. After all, there would be no point in writing about a certain topic and linking to unrelated products…

Направите јаку веб локацију

Most of the time, people use a website or blog as the foundation for their Amazon affiliate business. A  high-quality website is a great way to naturally feature your unique Amazon Associates links. 

Пицс Цредит – Пикабаи

You may already have a website or blog that you’ve been growing for some time, or you may be looking to направите нову веб страницу уз помоћ градитеља веб страница. Када направите своју веб локацију, можете почети да повећавате своју публику и да је попуњавате садржајем. 

A high-quality website focuses on offering a great user experience. When building your website, you’ll need to consider things such as page load speed, navigation, accessibility, and content quality. 

If you’re starting your website from scratch, there are tons of different website builders, including WordPress, Вик, и Скуареспаце.

All of these platforms have great blogging and content management facilities, making it simple for you to create content that naturally features your affiliate links

You can also feature your unique links on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook, but wherever you want to promote them, creating a strong online presence is essential. 

Set Up Your Amazon Associates Account 

Once you have chosen your niche, the next step is to create an account on the Amazon Associates platform. Setting up an account is straightforward.

You need to navigate to the Amazon Associates page and provide some information, such as your name, the accounts, the websites where you will place your links, and веб саобраћај статистике.

It is essential to create custom affiliate links instead of using a product’s regular URL. To do this, go to the Product Links section of your Amazon Associates account dashboard.

Generate Content (Include Your Links)

The key to creating a successful Amazon affiliate business is to ensure that you place your links across your chosen platform as naturally as possible.

Како створити профитабилан Амазон партнерски посао: генерирајте садржај
Пицс Цредит – Пикабаи

You don’t want to risk alienating your audience by spamming them with affiliate links. Unnatural link placement may also lead users to question the quality of your review. Do you genuinely recommend the item, or are you just trying to earn commission?

Природна одредишта веза, као што је унутар а релевантан пост на блогу или преглед производа, неће подићи црвене заставице корисницима.

Можете креирати садржај посебно око производа који желите да промовишете, као што је детаљна рецензија, али се уверите да садржај пружа кориснику вредност која није ваша веза до производа. 

Када правите план садржаја, пажљиво размислите о врсти садржаја који производите. Које врсте садржаја ће највероватније претворити кориснике у купце?

For example, a product review has a good chance of earning you a commission. If a user is reading a review of a specific product, then this suggests they are already debating making a purchase; you just need to give them the final push.

A content-rich website will help you build a larger audience as you naturally begin appearing in search results, and users find the content they’re looking for on it.

Make sure that your links are easy to spot, too. Use a relevant anchor text and consider using a different font color for links to help them stand out from the rest of the text. 

Invest in Search Engine Optimization

Како да направите профитабилан Амазон партнерски посао: Инвестирајте у свој СЕО
Пиц Цредит – Пикабаи

СЕО (Оптимизација за претраживаче) је процес оптимизације ваше веб странице како би се она појавила у релевантним резултатима претраге. 

Имати добро СЕО стратегија за вашу веб локацију can have a major impact on how successful your Amazon affiliate business is.

The key to your success is going to be driving people to your website, who will, in turn, click on your affiliate links and make a purchase, earning you a commission.

Prioritizing your website’s SEO will help drive more relevant traffic.

It’s all good to have high visitor numbers, but if said visitors simply bounce straight back off your website, then your Amazon affiliate business won’t make you a profit anytime soon.

Appearing in relevant Резултати претраге will help to drive users who are looking for a specific piece of content to your website.

If a user is looking for a review of a specific product, for example, then they are much more likely to click on your affiliate link than someone who is idly browsing the internet.

Pros and Cons Of Amazon Affiliate Business


  • A minimal initial investment is required.
  • Access to a vast product range.
  • Нема потребе за управљањем залихама.
  • Reliable payment system.


  • Relatively low commission rates.
  • Stringent compliance requirements.


💰 How much does it cost to start an Amazon Affiliate Business?

Starting an Amazon Affiliate Business is mostly free. You'll need to have a website, blog, or social media platform where you can share your affiliate links. The main costs are related to setting up and maintaining your website if you choose to have one.

🛍️ What products can I sell as an Amazon Affiliate?

As an Amazon Affiliate, you can promote any product listed on Amazon's vast catalog. This includes everything from books and electronics to apparel and beauty products. The key is to choose products that align with your audience's interests.

📈 How do I earn commissions in the Amazon Affiliate program?

You earn a commission by promoting Amazon products through affiliate links on your platform. When someone clicks on one of your links and makes a purchase on Amazon, you get a percentage of the sale. Commission rates vary by product category.

🏦 When and how do I get paid from Amazon Affiliate earnings?

Amazon issues payments approximately 60 days after the end of each month in which you've earned them, provided you've reached the minimum payment threshold. You can choose to be paid by direct deposit, Amazon.com gift card, or check.

⚖️ What are the main rules and regulations for Amazon Affiliates?

Amazon has strict guidelines for affiliates, including disclosing your affiliate status, not misleading customers, avoiding the use of affiliate links in emails, and ensuring your content is original and provides value. It's crucial to familiarize yourself with these rules to avoid account suspension.

🌍 Can I promote Amazon products to international customers?

Yes, but you need to join affiliate programs for each Amazon region you want to target. Amazon operates separate affiliate programs in different countries, so you'll need to sign up for each and use the appropriate links for your international audience.

Брзи линкови 

Conclusion: Create A Profitable Amazon Affiliate Business in 2024

An Амазон партнерски посао has the potential to be very profitable and can often result in passive income, which means that you can earn money with little upkeep required.

However, to become successful, you need to first build up an engaged audience.

The more relevant visitors you can attract to your website by creating quality content and investing in your SEO, the more likely you are to convert users into customers.

Although a profitable Amazon affiliate website doesn’t require too much attention once it’s up and running, you’ll need to be willing to put in the time and effort to get it started.

If you do, you could be earning commissions in no time!

Анди Тхомпсон
Овај аутор је верификован на БлоггерсИдеас.цом

Endi Tompson je dugo vremena bio slobodni pisac. Она је виши аналитичар за СЕО и садржајни маркетинг у Дигиеке, агенција за дигитални маркетинг специјализована за садржај и СЕО заснован на подацима. Она има више од седам година искуства у дигиталном маркетингу и придруженом маркетингу. Воли да дели своје знање у широком спектру домена, од е-трговине, стартапа, маркетинга на друштвеним мрежама, зарађивања новца на мрежи, придруженог маркетинга до управљања људским капиталом и још много тога. Писала је за неколико ауторитативних блогова за СЕО, Маке Монеи Онлине и дигитални маркетинг као што су ИмагеСтатион.

Откривање подружница: Потпуно транспарентно - неке од веза на нашој веб страници су партнерске везе, ако их користите за куповину, зарадићемо провизију без додатних трошкова за вас (ништа!).

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