5 Thrivecart Alternatives 2024: Find Which One Is Best?

Када су у питању колица за куповину на мрежи, постоји много доступних опција. Али ако тражите свеобухватно решење које може да обради све, од плаћања до испоруке, онда морате да проверите ТхривеЦарт.

ThriveCart is a powerful eCommerce platform that enables businesses to sell their products and services online. It’s packed with features that make it easy to manage your inventory, process orders, and track sales.

Plus, it integrates with popular payment processors like PayPal and Stripe, so you can accept credit card payments seamlessly.

5 Best Thrivecart Alternatives 2024

Али шта ако нисте спремни да се посветите ТхривеЦарт-у? Које су неке алтернативе? Ево 5 најбољих:

КСНУМКС. Схопифи


Схопифи је један од најпопуларнијих еЦоммерце платформе on the market. It’s easy to use and comes with everything you need to create a professional online store.

Plus, it integrates with a number of payment processors so you can accept credit card payments easily.

КСНУМКС. БигЦоммерце


Like Shopify, BigCommerce is another all-in-one eCommerce platform that makes it easy to sell online.

It comes with powerful features like product management, order processing, and праћење продаје. Plus, it integrates with major payment processors, so you can accept credit card payments without any hassle.

КСНУМКС. ВооЦоммерце


ВооЦоммерце је популаран ВордПресс plugin that turns your WordPress site into a fully-fledged eCommerce store. It comes with features like product management, order processing, and sales tracking.

Plus, it integrates with popular payment processors like PayPal and Stripe so you can accept credit card payments easily.

КСНУМКС. Магенто (Now- Adobe Commerce)


Adobe Commerce is a powerful eCommerce platform that enables businesses to sell online. It comes with features like product management, order processing, and sales tracking.

Plus, it integrates with popular payment processors like PayPal and Stripe, so you can accept credit card payments without any hassle.



OpenCart is a free and open-source eCommerce platform that enables businesses to продати онлине.

It comes with features like product management, order processing, and sales tracking. Plus, it integrates with popular payment processors like PayPal and Stripe, so you can accept credit card payments without any hassle.


🛒 What should I consider when looking for an alternative to ThriveCart?

Consider features such as customization options for checkout pages, integration capabilities with marketing tools, support for international sales, and scalability to match your business growth.

🔧 How do customization options vary among ThriveCart alternatives?

Alternatives vary significantly in their ability to customize checkout experiences, from basic color and layout changes to fully customizable templates that match your brand.

🌍 Which features are important for handling international sales?

Look for features like support for multiple currencies, multilingual capabilities, and localized payment options to cater to a global customer base.

🔄 How important is ease of integration with other tools?

Integration with email marketing, CRM, and analytics tools is crucial for automating your workflow and enhancing the efficiency of your sales processes.

🔍 Which alternative provides the best analytics and reporting capabilities?

Some alternatives offer advanced analytics and reporting tools that can track detailed customer behavior, conversion rates, and overall performance metrics to optimize your sales strategy.

🛡️ How can I assess the customer support and reliability of an alternative?

Check for availability of customer support through multiple channels, responsiveness to customer inquiries, and access to a knowledge base or community forums for troubleshooting.


Закључак: Тхривецарт Алтернативес 2024

There are several alternatives to Thrivecart, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Shopify is probably the most popular eCommerce platform, and while it may lack some of the features of Thrivecart, it is significantly more user-friendly.

BigCommerce and WooCommerce are two other popular options that offer a good mix of features and ease of use. Magento is another option, although it is less user-friendly than the other platforms.

Finally, OpenCart is a free and open-source platform that provides a good selection of features.

Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the one that best suits your needs. If you are looking for an easy-to-use platform with a good selection of features, then Shopify or BigCommerce would be a great choice.

Ако вам је потребна моћнија платформа са ширим спектром функција, онда би Магенто или ОпенЦарт били боље опције. На крају крајева, најбоља платформа за вас зависиће од ваших специфичних потреба и захтева.

No matter what type of business you have, there is an eCommerce platform that is perfect for you. So, if you are not ready to commit to ThriveCart, make sure to check out these alternatives.

Касхисх Баббер
Овај аутор је верификован на БлоггерсИдеас.цом

Кашиш је дипломирала на Б.Цом-у, која тренутно прати њену страст да учи и пише о СЕО-у и блоговању. Са сваким новим ажурирањем Гоогле алгоритма она улази у детаље. Увек је жељна учења и воли да истражује сваки преокрет и преокрет Гоогле-ових ажурирања алгоритма, упуштајући се у ситнице да би разумела како функционишу. Њен ентузијазам за ове теме се може видети у њеном писању, чинећи њене увиде и информативним и занимљивим за све који су заинтересовани за стално еволуирајући пејзаж оптимизације претраживача и уметност блоговања.

Откривање подружница: Потпуно транспарентно - неке од веза на нашој веб страници су партнерске везе, ако их користите за куповину, зарадићемо провизију без додатних трошкова за вас (ништа!).

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