6 L-Aħjar Pjattaformi tal-Kummerċ Elettroniku 2024: Riveduti, Imqabbla & Ikklassifikati

Finding the best e-commerce platform has been our current goal at e-commerce platforms since the site’s inception.

Every week, we invest real hours to test and validate each platform to determine its viability among the major e-commerce platforms in the marketplace.

The resource you are reading is a summary of our results. So, choose the ideal e-commerce solution for your individual needs!

It’s hard to believe that there are more than 120 different shopping cart software platforms all on the market. We should know that our job is to test them all. And we did that very often.

So far, I’ve examined the key platforms in individual journals and created a comprehensive comparison chart that analyzes each platform’s key features. 

Dak li qed taqra hawn huwa sommarju sħiħ tal-aqwa pjattaforma tal-kummerċ elettroniku, minbarra dak li jiddistingwi lil kull kompetitur. Wara li taqra din il-gwida, tkun taf eżattament kif tagħżel is-soluzzjoni tal-kummerċ elettroniku t-tajba għan-negozju tiegħek.

L-Aħjar Pjattaformi tal-Kummerċ Elettroniku

Top 6 Best E-commerce Platform Review 2024: 

1. Shopify 

Shopify hija pjattaforma onlajn aqwa għall-forom kollha ta 'kummerċ elettroniku. Tista 'twaqqaf tiegħek online store and sell what you want (products and services).

You can organize your products, customize the look of your store, accept payments (online and credit card), track and answer orders, and do everything in the Shopify interface.

Shopify is a fully integrated e-commerce solution that offers modified and customizable online stores. It offers a variety of out-of-the-box features but does not take the load and trick of a Shopify site.


Pjanijiet ta 'ħlas huma bbażati fuq kontijiet ta' kull xahar, iżda dawk b'negozju profittabbli għandhom malajr isiru spejjeż insinifikanti.

L-użu ta' Shopify huwa intuwittiv ħafna u faċli biex jinftiehem mill-bidu nett. Kull ma trid tagħmel hu li tirreġistra u tgħaddi mill-proċess.

To get started, you can choose from more than 100 optimized designs in online stores, so you do not need design skills or hire a designer. The designs offered by Shopify are really high quality and optimized to generate good rati ta 'konverżjoni għall-viżitaturi tiegħek.

Karatteristiċi tal-ħanut

When choosing a Shopify plan, the features you get may vary slightly depending on the price you pay. All Shopify packages start at $29 (“Shopify Basic”) and offer the following features:

  • Ability to sell physical or digital products in your chosen categories, with shipping prices and methods of your choice.
  • Wide range of themes (free and paid).
  • Credit card processing is done through Shopify Payments or a third-party payment gateway.
  • Integration with PayPal.
  • Blog feature.
  • Abandoned cart recovery functionality.
  • Import/export of customer data.
  • Content management system (CMS).
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) functionality.
  • Ability to edit CSS and HTML within your store.
  • Buy now button to sell products on a different blog or site.
  • Access to the app store.
  • Ability to create multiple staff accounts.

The amount you can invest depends on the plan you choose. You can also integrate your shop with over 100 payment gateways, print labels for shipping, and receive discounts on shipping costs (depending on the country).

If you choose the most expensive Shopify plan, you will also receive gift cards, professional reports, and complete point-of-sale functionality.

For those who choose the “Advanced Shopify” plan, the following additional features are available:

  • Rappurtar Avvanzat
  • Real-time shipping with freight forwarding

Finally, there’s Shopify Plus, which is a commercial version of Shopify that includes additional features such as guaranteed server availability, API support, dedicated SSL / IP address, and advanced security features.

Shopify: Price Plan

Ipprezzar tal-ħwienet

2 Voluzzjoni

Voluzzjoni is one of the leading hosted e-commerce platforms. They focus on providing a complete set of tools for e-commerce owners who want hosted solutions.

Its functions apply to the operational side of an e-commerce store (e.g., inventory management, customer administration, etc.) for marketing-oriented functions.

Reviżjoni tal-Volużjoni

There are many reviews of Volusion Online, usually user reviews based on anecdotes and personal experiences. That’s fine, but I’m different. As with all options, there are pros and cons, and you will be reduced if this is a good option for your business.

Volusion Features:

  • Volusion provides a drag-and-drop website builder that makes it easy to create a customized and professional-looking online store without needing to know how to code.
  • Users can easily add and manage products with options for pricing, photos, descriptions, and more. There’s also support for product variations like size and color.
  • The platform allows for efficient order processing, including order tracking, returns management, and updated inventory levels to ensure accurate fulfillment.
  • Volusion includes a built-in shopping cart that supports various payment gateways and methods, ensuring a smooth checkout experience for customers.
  • The platform offers built-in SEO tools, including customizable URLs, meta tags, and sitemaps, to help improve your store’s visibility on magni tat-tiftix.
  • Volusion provides detailed reports and analytics that give insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and website traffic, helping store owners make informed business decisions.
  • Features include email marketing integration, discounts and coupon codes, and social media tools to help promote products and engage with customers.
  • All Volusion templates are responsive, meaning they automatically adjust to look good on both desktops and mobile devices.

Volusion: Price Plan

L-Aqwa Pjattaforma tal-Kummerċ Elettroniku -Ipprezzar ta 'reviżjoni tal-Volużjoni

3. Bigcommerce

Bigcommerce hija soluzzjoni tal-kummerċ elettroniku mħallsa "ospitat" li tippermetti lis-sidien tan-negozji joħolqu ħanut onlajn u jbigħu l-prodotti tagħhom onlajn. Dan huwa Software bħala Servizz (Saas), li jfisser li inti m'għandekx is-softwer imma tħallas miżata ta' kull xahar.

Bigcommerce jiġi ma 'sett ta' mudelli customizable biex jgħinuk tiddisinja l-maħżen tiegħek. Tista' tużaha biex tbigħ prodotti fiżiċi jew diġitali. Għodod huma pprovduti wkoll biex jgħinuk tikkummerċjalizza l-maħżen tiegħek.


Il-prodott huwa mmirat primarjament għal nies li mhumiex familjari mad-disinn tal-web, iżda wkoll utenti u żviluppaturi sofistikati tat-teknoloġija jistgħu jibdlu l-HTML u CSS tal-ħwienet online tagħhom.

As with all website creation services and online stores (Shopify, Volusion, Squarespace, Jimdo, etc.), Bigcommerce may close or drastically change the feature set. You must migrate your store to another platform (Magento Go users can tell you more about it).

However, if you can not develop your own online store (a costly and tedious affair), you will likely use a hosted solution like Bigcommerce to run your shop’s most established products. Of the existing genre, with a list of clients including Toyota, Gibson Guitars, and Travelpro.

Bigcommerce Fjiekol 

  • Offers a wide range of responsive and customizable templates that ensure your online store looks professional and works well on all devices.
  • Easily add and manage products with options for photos, variations, and custom fields.
  • Built-in Għodod SEO to help optimize your content, plus automatic image optimization and customizable URLs.
  • Supports a variety of payment gateways without additional transaction fees, giving customers more flexibility at checkout.
  • Comprehensive tools to manage orders, process returns, and view detailed reports on sales and customer activities.
  • Advanced marketing features, including promotions, discounts, and coupon codes to help drive more sales.
  • Integrated analytics tools provide insights into customer behavior, marketing effectiveness, and overall store performance.
  • Sell not only through your website but also via Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, eBay, Amazon, and other online marketplaces.
  • Offers integrated shipping with real-time quotes and label printing capabilities, making it easier to manage logistics.
  • Features to support international sales, including multi-currency support and localized shopping experiences.

Bigcommerce: Price Plan

Bigcommerce price plans

4. Shift4shop (3dcart)

shift4shop is an e-commerce website designer founded in 1997 by Gonzalo Gill. Today, it is used by more than 17,000 people selling supernatants to supercars. In terms of features, it has a lot, and it is good in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

As an entrepreneur, you are probably looking for the best e-commerce website builder for your online store. In short, Shift4shop has:

  • Aktar minn 200 funzjoni integrata.
  • 90 mudell b'xejn
  • Aktar minn 160 gateway tal-ħlas huma appoġġjati.


Now, the big question is: Is Shift4shop suitable for your online shop? Well, we’ll put it to the test – literally. After creating an “easy to use” exercise, we invite people to create an online store using Shift4shop.

In this test, we examine all important areas: functions, design, help and support, and value for money. He then compared himself with his competitors to adequately reflect his position in the market.

After the tests, they completed a results sheet, and we interviewed them. This allowed us to find the most accurate and unbiased results.

Shift4shop Features

  • Includes a variety of customizable templates and a drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy for users to design their online stores without needing coding skills.
  • Allows users to add unlimited products, with support for product variations (such as size and color), advanced pricing options, and digital downloads.
  • Supports a wide range of payment solutions and gateways, with no additional transaction fees, and includes features like abandoned cart recovery to boost sales.
  • Offers built-in SEO tools to help improve search engine rankings, as well as promotional tools like coupons, discounts, gift cards, and email marketing capabilities.
  • Comprehensive tools to manage orders, track inventory, and set up back-order and pre-order status for products.
  • Integrates with major shipping carriers and offers real-time shipping rates, label printing directly from the dashboard, and dropshipping support.
  • Jinkludi built-in ġestjoni tar-relazzjoni mal-klijent (CRM) tools to track customer behavior and history, and features like product reviews and Q&A to engage customers.
  • Provides detailed analytics and reporting tools that give insights into sales, marketing effectiveness, website traffic, and more.

Shift4shop: Price Plan

Shift4shop Pricing

5. Ekwid

Ecwid is a hosted solution for building an online store.

Unlike competing products such as Shopify, Bigcommerce, and Volusion, which allow you to create a new website with e-commerce features, Ecwid is designed for users who already have a website and want to add an online store in a simple way.

Bħal pjattaformi oħra tal-kummerċ elettroniku, Ecwid iħallik tikkonfigura katalgi tal-prodotti u żżid ritratti, prezzijiet, piżijiet, u aktar. għal kull. Tista' tissettja t-tariffi tat-tbaħħir, taċċetta ħlasijiet bil-kard ta' kreditu, eċċ., kulma tista' tagħmel b'soluzzjoni ta' kummerċ elettroniku.


However, it’s very different from competing products like Shopify, Volusion, Squarespace, and Bigcommerce, as it’s not really meant to be an independent websajt tal-kummerċ elettroniku with full functionality. Rather, it’s designed to allow you to add an online store to an existing online presence.

(F'dan l-isfond, Ecwid reċentement żied karatteristika ġdida msejħa "Start Site" li tippermettilek toħloq kwotazzjoni indipendenti għal paġna.) Aħna ser niddiskutu dan f'aktar dettall aktar tard fil-ġurnal.

The product works by providing a widget that is placed on other websites, hence the name Ecwid: it is the acronym for “e-commerce widget.”

You’ll receive a few lines of HTML code (the widget) that you can add to an existing social networking site or profile, and your business will appear where you’ve inserted that code.

Karatteristiċi Ecwid

  • Ecwid can be added to any existing website, including platforms like WordPress, Wix, or any custom site, transforming it into a fully functional e-commerce store without the need to rebuild from the ground up.
  • Supports selling across multiple channels, including websites, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon.
  • All Ecwid stores are fully responsive, meaning they look great and work smoothly on any device, from desktops to smartphones.
  • Unlike some other e-commerce platforms, Ecwid does not charge transaction fees on sales, allowing businesses to keep more of their profits.
  • Offers the ability to manage inventory, add product variations (such as size and color), set up different shipping options, and track orders all from one central dashboard.
  • As a hosted solution, Ecwid automatically updates all stores with the latest features and security enhancements without the user’s effort.
  • Supports multi-currency sales and automatic tax calculations and is available in over 50 languages, making it suitable for international sales.
  • Ecwid integrates with over 50 payment gateways, providing flexibility for businesses and convenience for customers.

Ecwid: Price Plan

If you have a few products for sale (up to 10), Ecwid is free. As mentioned above, this free plan offers only basic features.

Ipprezzar ecwid

6. Kartell Kbir

Immirat lejn pitturi, fotografi, artiġjani, furnara, u kittieba, Big Cartel jgħin lil dawk li jaħdmu għal rashom jipproduċu u jbigħu prodotti li jemmnu fihom. U f'format faċilment aċċessibbli.

Kartell Kbir was founded in 2005 by Matt Wigham, who was looking for a way to sell his group’s goods online.

Since then, the group has served nearly one million artists, including AR Ceramics and The Good Twin. Big Cartel is fully hosted web-based software with a simple design and ease of use without transaction fees.

Kartell Kbir

Il-karatteristiċi huma sempliċi, u ż-żieda ta 'prodotti, il-ħolqien ta' skontijiet, u l-ġestjoni tal-ordnijiet u l-inventarji huma faċli daqs kemm hu. Sfortunatament, din il-faċilità ta 'użu toffri biss numru limitat ta' funzjonijiet.

Jekk tbigħ kwantitajiet kbar, Big Cartel x'aktarx ma jkunx jista' jissodisfa r-rekwiżiti tiegħek. Madankollu, jekk għadek tibda jew m'għandekx bżonn xi karatteristiċi avvanzati, Big Cartel jista 'jkun tajjeb għalik.

Għalkemm Big Cartel mhix l-għażla t-tajba għan-negozjanti kollha, dan is-software huwa wieħed mill-aħjar għażliet disponibbli għall-artist indipendenti. Kompli aqra għall-prezzijiet u l-karatteristiċi ta’ Big Cartel.

Karatteristiċi tal-Kartell Kbir

  • Big Cartel is known for its straightforward and user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for creatives who might not be technically inclined to set up and manage their online store.
  • The platform offers a selection of temi customizable that are designed to be clean and minimalist, allowing the products to stand out. Users can also tweak the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript directly if they have web development skills.
  • Merchants can list products with multiple images and variants, such as size and color. The platform allows for a seamless presentation of products suited to the needs of artists and crafters.
  • Big Cartel provides tools for managing orders, including the ability to print packing slips, send automatic confirmation emails, and update inventory levels.
  • Unlike many other e-commerce platforms, Big Cartel does not charge transaction fees on sales, although payment processors like PayPal or Stripe may still charge their standard fees.
  • The platform includes basic SEO capabilities, such as customizable headlines, descriptions, and URLs, to help improve the store’s visibility on search engines.
  • Big Cartel stores can integrate with Facebook and Instagram, allowing artists to sell directly through these platforms, expanding their reach and accessibility.
  • Big Cartel offers a free plan that allows sellers to list up to five products, which is ideal for artists and makers just starting out and not wanting to invest much upfront.

Big Cartel: Price Plan

Pjan tal-Ipprezzar tal-Kartelli Kbir


🌐 Which e-commerce platform is best for beginners?

Platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce are popular choices for beginners due to their user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive support systems.

💸 How much does it cost to use an e-commerce platform?

Costs vary widely depending on the platform; some offer basic services for free, while others charge monthly fees and a percentage of sales.

📈 Can I scale my business with an e-commerce platform?

Yes, most e-commerce platforms are designed to scale with your business, offering advanced features and integrations as your needs grow.

🔗 Do e-commerce platforms integrate with third-party tools?

Yes, many platforms offer extensive integration capabilities with third-party tools like email marketing services, payment gateways, and accounting software.

🔄 Is it easy to switch e-commerce platforms?

Switching platforms can be complex and may require migrating data and redesigning your site, but many platforms offer tools and support to make this process smoother.

Links Quick:

Konklużjoni: L-Aqwa Reviżjoni tal-Pjattaforma tal-Kummerċ Elettroniku 2024 

No matter how many comparative articles you read, there is only one person who knows which platform provides exactly what you need, and that person is you.

It all depends on the platform on which you can best sell the products you offer for you as a shopkeeper and for your customers.

I recommend that you start a free trial with at least two of the solutions so you can play with them and see which one is the easiest for you.

Madankollu, għamilna r-rakkomandazzjoni tagħna dwar l-aqwa pjattaforma tal-kummerċ elettroniku disponibbli. 

Kwalunkwe pjattaformi tal-kummerċ elettroniku f'din il-lista tagħtik prova b'xejn sabiex tkun tista' tipprovahom qabel ma tiddeċiedi. Titlifx il-pjattaforma perfetta tiegħek – aqbeż fuq waħda llum u ibda!

Jitendra Vaswani
Dan l-awtur huwa vverifikat fuq BloggersIdeas.com

Jitendra Vaswani huwa Prattiku tal-Marketing Diġitali u kelliem ewlieni internazzjonali rinomat li ħaddan l-istil tal-ħajja tan-nomad diġitali hekk kif jivvjaġġa madwar id-dinja. Huwa waqqaf żewġ websajts ta’ suċċess, BloggersIdeas.com & Aġenzija tal-Marketing Diġitali DigiExe li minnhom l-istejjer ta' suċċess tiegħu espandew għal awtur "Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom" (20,000 kopja mibjugħa madwar id-dinja) u kkontribwixxa għal "International Best Selling Author of Growth Hacking Book 2". Jitendra iddisinjat workshops għal aktar minn 10000 professjonist fil-marketing diġitali madwar il-kontinenti; bl-intenzjonijiet fl-aħħar mill-aħħar ankrati lejn il-ħolqien ta 'differenza impattabbli billi tgħin lin-nies jibnu n-negozju tal-ħolm tagħhom onlajn. Jitendra Vaswani huwa investitur b'qawwa għolja b'portafoll impressjonanti li jinkludi Stazzjoni tal-immaġni. Biex titgħallem aktar dwar l-investimenti tiegħu, Sib lilu fuq Linkedin, twitter, & facebook.

Żvelar tal-affiljat: Bi trasparenza sħiħa - uħud mill-links fuq il-websajt tagħna huma links affiljati, jekk tużahom biex tagħmel xirja se naqilgħu kummissjoni mingħajr spejjeż addizzjonali għalik (xejn!).

Kummenti (13)

  1. Jien nuża WooCommerce għall-ħanut online tiegħi. Jidher tajjeb ħafna u jibred għalija. Ukoll, nuża Dokan bħala addon li jgħinni nibni suq multivendor. Mill-mod, din il-post listiku huwa informattiv u interessanti ħafna. Grazzi tas-sehem!

  2. Nixtieq nibni l-ħanut Shopify tiegħi, imma m'inix ċert jekk għadux lest. Dan huwa possibbli?

    • Grazzi tal-mistoqsija tiegħek! Tista' tipproteġi l-ħanut Shopify tiegħek waqt li tibnih billi tipproteġi l-password. Meta tkun lest biex tmur live, neħħi l-protezzjoni bil-password u għamilha pubblika. Let me know jekk dan jgħinx!

  3. Jekk dejjem xtaqt tbigħ il-prodotti tiegħek online imma ma tafx kif, din hija l-opportunità perfetta. Kemm jekk diġà għandek prodott jew jekk tridx toħloq wieħed, Shopify għandu l-għodod kollha li għandek bżonn!

  4. Shopify hija għodda tal-għaġeb biex iżżid il-bejgħ u toħroġ il-kelma dwar il-prodotti u s-servizzi tiegħek. Ilni nuża dan għal ftit u huwa tajjeb ħafna - huma super responsivi, jipprovdu appoġġ eċċellenti b'żewġ minuti biss ta 'ħin ta' stennija bħala medja, u l-klijenti tiegħi jaħsbu li l-interface tagħhom tidher sleek mingħajr ma tkun kbira.

  5. Inħobb shopify. Huwa interface intuwittiv u sabiħ li jagħmilha daqshekk faċli biex toħloq u tippersonalizza s-sit tiegħi! Shopify għandu bennej drag-and-drop biex jissimplifika l-editjar fil-ħanut tal-kummerċ elettroniku tiegħi – stajt nagħmel websajt mingħajr ma nagħmel għaraq. Fl-aħħar stajt nibni kollox mill-bidu, minħabba din il-pjattaforma,” tgħid Jess minn Denver, li użat il-karatteristika tal-editur drag-and-drop fuq il-home page tagħha biex iżżid widgets għall-prodotti Instagram b’paġni li juru reviżjonijiet tal-klijenti eżatt taħthom.

  6. Shopify hija pjattaforma kbira li tgħinek tikseb il-prodotti tiegħek online! Bil-karatteristiċi tal-kummerċ elettroniku integrati fuq Shopify, tista 'toħloq ħanut online professjonali mingħajr qatt ma jkollok bżonn timpjega lil xi ħadd ieħor. Shopify jagħmilha faċli biex tibda tbigħ fuq diversi kanali malajr u tagħmel ftit flus kontanti mill-ewwel jum. Int tkun qed taħdem fi ftit ħin ma' Shopify.

  7. Dejjem aġġornat, Shopify għandu CMS b'saħħtu biex jgħinek tevita faċilment kwalunkwe layouts tad-disinn tedjanti. Il-kontenut tiegħek imur mill-iskrin tiegħek għad-dinja bi ftit klikks tal-maws-u jgħinek toħloq dik il-grafika perfetta bil-pixels li dejjem tiġbed l-attenzjoni. Shopify huwa faċli daqs 1. 2. 3!

  8. Ma' Shopify, qatt ma jkollok tħawwad bil-ħolqien jew it-tħaddim tas-sit tiegħek stess. Tista' tiffranka ħin prezzjuż biex taqla' dak li ħaqqek billi tmexxi negozju, minflok tistenna sigħat biex in-nies isibu triqthom madwar il-websajt tiegħek. Mhux biss huwa aktar faċli minn qatt qabel li jinħoloq ħanut online fi żmien rekord, iżda wkoll b'xejn! Huwa daqshekk faċli li anke l-iktar persuna li ma tkunx teknikament inklinata tista’ tibda mill-ewwel.

  9. Ippruvajt Shopify minħabba li r-reviżjonijiet tal-klijenti tagħhom kienu tant kbar. F'sekondi tista' toħloq il-maħżen tiegħek u tibda tbigħ!

  10. Ilni nuża Shopify għal madwar sena issa u għen lin-negozju tiegħi jikber b'mod konsiderevoli. Żiedet ir-rati ta 'konverżjoni tiegħi b'mod sinifikanti minn meta bni ħanut online fuq is-sit! Huwa faċli biex tużah, b'mudelli mill-isbaħ li jisfruttaw prinċipji tad-disinn sofistikati iżda sempliċi biex jiksbu l-involviment massimu tal-utent.

  11. Jisimni Frank. Ftaħt il-gallerija tal-arti li ftit li xejn magħrufa tiegħi fuq Shopify meta ħarġet għall-ewwel darba fl-2006, u fi ftit snin biss ittripplajt id-dħul tiegħi! Jekk qed tfittex li tibni l-ħanut online tiegħek, ma tfittexx aktar. L-interface backend faċli biex tużah ta' Shopify jagħmel id-disinn, il-bini jew ir-rinnovament tas-sit tiegħek malajr u effiċjenti.

  12. Jekk qed tfittex li tniedi n-negozju tiegħek stess online malajr, Shopify hija l-aħjar għażla. Użajtha għall-ħwienet kollha tiegħi u ma kelli l-ebda ħtieġa għal pjattaforma oħra tal-websajt tal-kummerċ elettroniku!
