Top 12 Types Of Digital Marketing 2024: What Are They?

For better or worse, the internet has transformed the way we do business today.

For decades, telemarketing, print advertisements, and billboards dominated the advertising industry, but now it’s about reaching your target market online.

Marketers who do not have a website, profiles on social media platforms, and a strong online presence will be losing out on big business.

In order to make your brand stand out in the crowded online world, you need a digital marketing strategy that uses different platforms and practices.

I will provide you with an overview of digital marketing, the most common types of digital marketing, and how you can use it to achieve your business objectives.

Czym jest marketing cyfrowy?

Marketing cyfrowy to termin obejmujący wszystkie działania marketingowe prowadzone za pośrednictwem kanałów cyfrowych. Dołączone są komputery, telefony komórkowe i inne urządzenia elektroniczne.

Email marketing, marketing mobilny, content marketing, posty na blogu, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media marketing are the most common uses of the term.

digital marketing

However, most marketers are unaware that digital marketing includes non-internet mediums such as SMS/text messages, television, and even radio.

Compared to other forms of marketing, digital marketing channels place a premium on dialogue, whether between a brand and a single customer or between a group of customers.

With over 3.6 billion active internet users worldwide, it provides businesses with a great way to connect with more potential customers than ever before.

Kanały marketingu cyfrowego mają kilka zalet w porównaniu z tradycyjnymi kanałami marketingu „offline”. Dlatego:

12 popularnych typów strategii marketingu cyfrowego

Istnieje wiele rodzajów digital marketing. Dzisiaj omówię niektóre z najpopularniejszych typów, z których marketerzy tacy jak Ty mogą korzystać w swojej firmie.

Pamiętaj, że żaden typ nie jest z natury lepszy od drugiego; zależy to od Twoich konkretnych okoliczności i potrzeb. Co więcej, możesz (i powinieneś) mieszać i dopasowywać różne typy, aby uzyskać doładowaną strategię reklamową.

1. Marketing treści

One of the most effective indirect types of digital marketing is content marketing. Businesses typically market themselves by promoting their products, services, or brands.

Content marketing focuses on promoting your value through relevant and useful content. 

Content marketing encompasses a wide range of content types. E-books, brochures, infographics, case studies, blogs, videos, and social media posts are popular types of web content.

Skuteczny marketing treści strategy is about producing content your target audience wants to see to influence their purchasing decisions later on.

Marketing treści

As the saying goes, “Content is king.” Content marketing drives results, builds trust, and raises brand awareness.

By publishing high-quality content, you establish yourself as an authority in your field. Your reputation among customers and fellow industry experts will also increase if you produce great content.

Another advantage of content marketing is that it complements any digital marketing effort. Good content should be the foundation of your digital marketing strategy.

Suppose you want to give shoppers more information about your products or services. In that case, you can create highly engaging social media posts or even include a QR code in your traditional marketing materials.

Połączenie marketingu treści z proaktywną obsługą klienta to potężny cios na dwa sposoby, jeśli prowadzisz firmę usługową lub sprzedajesz produkty o wysokiej wartości.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been the marketing buzzword of the decade, and for a good reason: more than 90% of online experiences begin with a simple online search via search engines such as Google and Bing.

Marketers can use SEO to rank on search engine results pages (e.g., Google, Bing, and others) for their most relevant keywords, allowing them to reach many potential buyers or consumers.

Optymalizacja SEO dla wyszukiwarek

After all, over 63,000 searches are performed every second. That is a tremendous amount of untapped potential!

An effective SEO strategy includes various complementary SEO techniques, such as keyword research, blog posts, backlink building, and technical site optimization.

Local SEO is a subset of SEO that focuses on marketing small businesses to their local communities.

One of the reasons for its popularity is that it is an effective type of inbound marketing platform.

This means that rather than reaching out to customers (who may or may not be interested in the first place), marketers focus on bringing customers to them via search engines – and these customers are, more often than not, ready to make a purchase decision.

SEO pomaga marketerom w optymalizacji ich obecności w Internecie, aby przyciągnąć wysokiej jakości ruch w witrynie o wysokim potencjale konwersji.

The main disadvantage is that SEO can become quite complicated and time-consuming for the average business owner, especially since the algorithms used by search engines like Google to rank content are constantly updated.

Fortunately, numerous digital marketing agencies provide comprehensive SEO campaign management services across various search platforms.

Jeśli wolisz, aby Twój SEO zajmował się wykwalifikowany marketer cyfrowy lub zespół marketingowy, zajrzyj do The Search Initiative, firmy, która współpracowała z Ahrefs, Skyscanner, SEMRush i New York Post.

3. SEM – marketing w wyszukiwarkach

Because their names are so similar, search engine marketing (or SEM) and SEO are frequently confused.

Both work with search engines such as Google and Bing. However, these two types of digital marketing differ in some ways, and it is critical to understand them.

Podczas gdy SEO pomaga marketerom w organicznym rankingu ich docelowych słów kluczowych, SEM koncentruje się na zwiększeniu ruchu w witrynie z wyszukiwarek za pośrednictwem płatnych reklam. Bing Ads i Google AdWords to dwie najpopularniejsze usługi SEM.

SEM enables marketers to place paid advertisements on search engine results pages. Except for an “Ad” label, these ads resemble organic search results in Google.

They appear at the top of the search results before any organic search results, providing you with high visibility and immediate brand awareness.

SEM is popular among digital marketers because it is simple to create targeted search results ads based on keywords and the searcher’s location.

You can target your ads to a specific demographic or geographic area. You can even go further and target competitor keywords, allowing you to “steal” some traffic from a competitor.

Marketing w wyszukiwarkach nie ma na celu zastąpienia optymalizacji stron wyników wyszukiwania. Marketerzy powinni zawsze używać kombinacji tych dwóch, aby przyciągnąć jak najwięcej ruchu z wyszukiwania do swoich witryn.

4. SMM – marketing w mediach społecznościowych

Jak sama nazwa wskazuje, social media marketing (SMM) is all about using the power of content on social media platforms to market your business.

Over the last decade, social media networks have dominated digital media, attracting millions, if not billions, of users worldwide. This makes them a valuable source of traffic.

Marketing mediów społecznościowych

Wystarczy spojrzeć, ile osób korzysta z trzech najpopularniejszych platform mediów społecznościowych:

  • Facebook – 1.66 miliarda aktywnych użytkowników dziennie
  • Twitter – 330 mln aktywnych użytkowników miesięcznie
  • Instagram – 500 milionów aktywnych użytkowników dziennie

The key to running a successful social media marketing campaign is to create shareable (and possibly viral) content.

Marketers could post directly to their profile or add social media sharing buttons to their website, allowing visitors to share their content with their friends and family.

There are also sponsored posts and paid advertisements for each social media network, but you don’t have to spend money to build a large following.

Finally, one of the most significant benefits of social media marketing is that it is accessible and affordable, even for small businesses.

Kanały mediów społecznościowych są kluczowymi elementami każdej skutecznej strategii marketingu cyfrowego, ponieważ są jednym z niewielu kanałów umożliwiających dwukierunkową komunikację między Twoją marką a jej klientami.

Users can like your posts, comment on them, and interact with your content.

It’s possible for some platforms even to allow users to send purchases and inquiries directly to your business, making them excellent lead-generation tools, especially when paired with mobile marketing.

Możesz także planować i śledzić swoje posty za pomocą narzędzi takich jak Hootsuite lub jego alternatyw, aby uzyskać wgląd w to, co najlepiej sprawdza się w Twojej firmie.

5. Reklama płatna za kliknięcie

Pay-per-click, also known as PPC, is a popular type of digital marketing. It’s an advertising model in which you only pay for the number of clicks on your ad.

Regarding ads on the SERP, PPC falls under the search engine marketing umbrella, but it can also include affiliate marketing (more on that later) and display advertising on another site.

Running a PPC ad usually involves little to no upfront cost. You only pay a small fee if a customer clicks on your ad. If no one clicks on it, you will not be charged.

This makes it appealing to small businesses with limited resources. However, predicting how much you’ll have to pay at the end of the month is difficult.

The average cost of a click is between $1 and $2, but this varies greatly depending on your industry and the keywords you want to target.

Highly competitive industries or keywords will charge more – the insurance industry has the highest cost-per-click, with some keywords costing as much as $50+ per click. Some keywords, on the other hand, will only cost you a few cents.

6. Marketing afiliacyjny

Czym dokładnie jest affiliate marketingi jak to działa?

One of the most profitable types of digital marketing is affiliate marketing. It entails a partnership with an online retailer in exchange for a commission on every sale or lead you generate. The two most common methods are as follows:

  • Nadanie swoim czytelnikom/obserwatorom specjalnego kodu rabatowego
  • Ich witryna z treścią zawiera link do Twojej

You pay your affiliate partner for site traffic/sales whenever a user enters the discount code or clicks on the link.

There are many affiliate marketing programs available for e-commerce sites, including Amazon Associates, eBay, Shopify, etc. You can also cut out the middleman by creating your affiliate program.

Affiliate Marketing

In most cases, it’s a win-win situation. You delegate some tasks to a marketing team, reach out to a new target audience or consumers in niche communities, set your own cost-per-click/sale, and only pay for actual conversions.

In exchange, your partners will earn a passive income with no upfront costs and minimal stress.

However, there are a few drawbacks and challenges. If you choose to do affiliate marketing through a well-known affiliate network, such as Amazon Associates, you will be competing with literally thousands of other businesses.

You are also restricted to Amazon’s rates, and you must learn how to work with their system to be successful.

You have far more control if you go the other route and create your affiliate program.

However, you must also handle the rest of the operations, such as reaching out to potential affiliates, training them, and tracking the leads they generate.

7. Marketing e-mailowy

E-mail marketing to wciąż jedna z najszerzej stosowanych i skutecznych form marketingu cyfrowego.

Marketing via email is a great way to raise awareness of your products and services, build relationships with your customers, and motivate them to be loyal to you.

A successful email marketing campaign relies on building an email list, creating content that is engaging for your audience, crafting enticing subject lines, and planning the best time to send it.

E-mail marketing

The types of emails you can send are virtually limitless. Most customers are already familiar with the brand newsletter, where you can provide regular updates on the company’s activities.

You can also send emails when you launch a new product or service, redesign your website, open a new store, or host an event. Email marketing also includes confirmation emails, thank-you notes, and notifications.

8. Marketing w wiadomościach błyskawicznych

While instant messaging is most commonly used to communicate with friends and family, businesses can also use it to communicate with their target market, not only to answer questions or fulfill orders but also to promote themselves.

Because chat is one-on-one, marketing via instant messaging apps requires a slightly different approach than other online marketing taktyka.

Personalize your messages, inspire action (e.g., “Learn more,” “Buy now,” etc.), and, most importantly, keep them short and snappy. Long messages are likely to be skipped by users.

IMM, jeden z bardziej niedocenianych rodzajów marketingu cyfrowego, zapewnia Twojej firmie wiele korzyści:

  • Na początek, utworzenie profilu lub konta nie wymaga myślenia.
  • Po drugie, wiadomości błyskawiczne to po prostu: błyskawiczne. Klienci mogą (i często to robią) natychmiast przeglądać i odpowiadać na Twoje wiadomości.
  • Ponadto często możesz segmentować swoją grupę docelową lub konsumenta, tworząc listy lub grupy, dzięki czemu możesz wysyłać odpowiednie wiadomości do właściwych osób.

A few stand out above the rest when deciding which messaging apps to use.

WhatsApp is the most popular app, with over 1.5 billion users. With 1.3 billion users, Facebook Messenger comes in second, while Viber, WeChat, and Telegram round out the top five.

9. Marketing wideo

If you know how to use video correctly, it can be an extremely effective online marketing tool.

With more than half of consumers expecting video content from their favorite brands, there’s no denying the importance of incorporating videos into your cyfrowe strategie marketingowe.

You can use video marketing to promote your company, increase traffic to your website, educate customers, encourage engagement, and even go viral. You can create a variety of digital marketing videos.

  • Filmy demonstracyjne, które pozwolą Ci zaprezentować swój produkt.
  • Filmy edukacyjne doskonale nadają się do nauczania klientów nowej koncepcji lub instruowania ich, jak wykonać określone zadanie.
  • Bez względu na rodzaj wydarzenia, które planujesz, filmy z wydarzeń mogą pomóc w podkreśleniu najciekawszych aspektów.
  • Możesz uczyć się od eksperta w swojej dziedzinie, oglądając filmy z wywiadami. To nie tylko edukuje Twoich klientów, ale także zwiększa Twoją wiarygodność.
  • Filmy z referencjami/studium przypadków pozwalają pokazać użytkownikom, dlaczego Twoja firma jest najlepszą opcją. Kontakt z innymi zadowolonymi klientami i zobaczenie rzeczywistych wyników może pomóc w konwersji klienta!

10. Marketing wpływów

The term “influencer” may be new, but the concept is not. It refers to a social media content creator with a large following in a particular niche or community.

They may lack the celebrity and name recognition of an A-list celebrity endorser, but that doesn’t make them any less effective as a marketing tool.

Influencer Marketing ROI – Infografika

Consider influencer marketing to be an “improved” version of word-of-mouth marketing. By collaborating with an influencer, you gain access to their audience, which can reach hundreds of thousands of people.

These followers frequently trust and admire the influencer, making them far more likely to purchase a product recommended by one.

Istnieje wiele różnych typów wpływowych osób, podobnie jak wiele różnych rodzajów celebrytów (np. aktorzy, muzycy, osoby publiczne itp.). Wybrany typ zależy od rynku docelowego, gustu i budżetu:

  • Mikrosilniki mają tysiące, ale nie więcej niż 100,000 XNUMX obserwujących. Są to ludzie, którzy bez względu na to, jak mała ich społeczność, mają konkretną niszę lub doświadczenie i cieszą się w niej zaufaniem. Ponadto są zwykle znacznie tańsze.
  • Makro-wpływowe to osoby, które mają od 100,000 XNUMX do miliona obserwujących. Ci wpływowi media społecznościowe są zwykle na szczycie swojej gry. Jest to typ wpływowego, na który należy kierować, jeśli potrzebujesz trochę wiedzy i zasięgu.
  • Mega-wpływowi are celebrities with millions of followers. While these are typically celebrities, some social media stars reach this level. While mega-influencers provide the most reach, casting too wide a net may not result in as many clients as you’d like. Furthermore, mega-influencers frequently charge exorbitant fees for a single post, such as thousands or even millions of dollars.

When using influencer marketing, ensure that you are targeting the right influencer and, thus, the right Adresatami.

You should also be wary of influencers who have “purchased” followers. According to Talkwalker’s Dan Seavers, it may be more effective to focus on micro-influencers rather than macro-influencers.

11. Reklama radiowa

Most people overlook that radio advertising was one of the first digital marketing tools invented when they think of “types of digital marketing.”

Radio broadcasts are also not a thing of the past; they reach over 230 million users aged 12 and up in the United States alone.

Aside from their broad reach, radio advertisements are also a more cost-effective digital advertising method. They’re simple and inexpensive to produce, requiring only a good script and a talented voice actor.

However, you must be more strategic in marketing to your target audience because you have no control over who hears your advertisements.

12. Reklama telewizyjna

Yes, television marketing is included in the digital marketing platform! For decades, TV commercials have been the bread and butter of the advertising industry, owing to adults’ daily hours in front of the television.

You can reach millions of people with TV ads, and some may become customers.

The first impediment is financial. TV commercials can cost thousands of dollars to produce and air, which a small business may not be able to afford.

Second, viewers increasingly avoid ads by using DVRs, Usług transmisji strumieniowej, and illegal downloads.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

🌐 Is affiliate marketing a type of digital marketing?

Yes, affiliate marketing is when you partner with others outside your company who promote your products or services. In return, you give them a commission for each sale or action completed through their referral.

📱 What's the deal with mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing targets people on their smartphones or tablets. This can be through apps, websites, social media, and even text messages, making sure your marketing efforts reach people on the go.

🎯 What about targeted advertising?

Targeted advertising uses data to show ads to people who are most likely interested in what you're offering. Whether it’s based on their online behaviors, interests, or demographic information, the aim is to make ads more relevant to each person.

🕹️ Is there such a thing as gamified marketing?

Yes, gamified marketing incorporates game design elements into marketing campaigns. This can involve creating actual games or adding game-like elements to your website or app, such as challenges and rewards, to increase engagement and loyalty.

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Wniosek: rodzaje marketingu cyfrowego 2024

Świat marketingu cyfrowego jest rozległy i ekscytujący. Istnieją nieograniczone możliwości dla Twojej firmy dzięki tak wielu różnym rodzajom marketingu cyfrowego.

You don’t have to include all types of digital marketing in your strategy, but you shouldn’t focus solely on one.

After beginning with website optimization, content marketing, and SEO, businesses can expand to other types, such as SEO, SEM, and social media.

Wypróbuj kilka i zobacz, które przynoszą najlepsze rezultaty!

Andy'ego Thompsona
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Andy Thompson przez długi czas był niezależnym pisarzem. Jest starszym analitykiem SEO i content marketingu w Cyfrowy, agencja marketingu cyfrowego specjalizująca się w SEO opartym na treści i danych. Ma ponad siedem lat doświadczenia w marketingu cyfrowym i marketingu afiliacyjnym. Lubi dzielić się swoją wiedzą w szerokim zakresie dziedzin, od e-commerce, startupów, marketingu w mediach społecznościowych, zarabiania w Internecie, marketingu afiliacyjnego po zarządzanie kapitałem ludzkim i wiele więcej. Pisze dla kilku autorytatywnych blogów SEO, Make Money Online i marketingu cyfrowego, takich jak Stacja obrazu.

Ujawnienie podmiotu stowarzyszonego: Z pełną przejrzystością – niektóre linki na naszej stronie są linkami partnerskimi, jeśli użyjesz ich do dokonania zakupu, zarobimy dla Ciebie prowizję bez dodatkowych kosztów (żadnych!).

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