Margin of Safety Calculator: Formula and Ratio ...

Margin of Safety Calculator
Margin of Safety
Margin of Safety Ratio
Margin of Safety Percentage


How does margin of safety work?

The gap between predicted profitability and the break-even point is the margin of safety. Current sales less the breakeven threshold, divided by Current Sales, is the margin of safety formula.

Knowing the margin of safety

The margin of safety can be defined in two different ways:

Setting a budget

The margin of safety is the difference between the expected sales production and the amount by which a firm’s sales could decline before the company becomes unprofitable in budgeting and break-even analysis. It alerts management to the potential loss that could occur as a result of changes in sales, particularly when a sizable portion of sales is in danger of declining or becoming unprofitable.

While a high spread of margin ensures a corporation that it is shielded from sales unpredictability, a low percentage margin of safety may force a company to minimise costs.

2. Investments

The margin of safety in investing refers to the discrepancy between a stock’s intrinsic value and its current market price. When all discounted future income is added together, intrinsic value is the amount an asset is actually worth or its present value.


An investor would only purchase assets when the market price is considerably below the projected intrinsic value, which is how the margin of safety is determined when it comes to investing. Because every investor uses a different method of calculating intrinsic value, which may or may not be accurate, determining the intrinsic value or true worth of an investment is highly subjective.


To use the discounted cash flow analysis approach and subsequently determine the fair value of a firm objectively, the fair market price of the security must be known.


How does the margin of safety formula work?

The break-even point amount is deducted from the actual or projected sales, and the result is divided by sales; the result is stated as a percentage in accounting.


Breakeven Point divided by Current Sales Level multiplied by 100 equals the margin of safety.

You can alternatively express the margin of safety formula in terms of dollars or units:


Current Sales – Breakeven Sales = Margin of Safety in Dollars

Breakeven Point – Current Sales Units = Margin of Safety in Units

How to Use a Calculator to Calculate MOS

The user merely needs to enter the following information into the calculator in order to compute the margin of safety.

True Sales

The total of the Company’s actual sales (net of returns) during the accounting period is what you use to determine the margin of safety. Additionally, by dividing the actual sales unit by the selling price per unit, we may get the worth of the actual sales. The company’s profit and loss account can be used to obtain these details.

At BEP, sales

It is the sales level at which the business experiences neither a profit nor a loss. In other words, the company is in a situation where it cannot make a profit and cannot lose money since the revenue it generates only covers the variable costs of the good or service. We subtract fixed costs from contribution per unit to determine breakeven sales.

What is the Optimal Safety Margin for Investment Activities?

The type of investment an investor selects and his preferences will determine the size of his margin of safety. The following are a few of the numerous possibilities with a significant spread of margin that an investor would be interested in:


Purchasing investments in vastly undervalued companies is known as deep value investing. The main objective is to look for substantial discrepancies between the stock prices as of today and their actual worth. Such risky investing calls for a huge margin to invest with and requires a lot of courage.

Investing in companies with positive growth trading at prices that are somewhat below intrinsic value is known as “growth at reasonable pricing.”

How Significant is the Safety Margin?

It is preferable to have a big safety margin because it denotes solid business performance and provides a large buffer to deal with sales volatility. On the other side, a small safety margin suggests a less-than-optimal situation. It needs to be enhanced through an increase in selling price, an increase in sales volume, an increase in contribution margin through a decrease in variable costs, or the adoption of a more profitable product mix.


The margin of safety acts as a safeguard for investors against calculation errors. Safety margins shield investors from bad decisions and market downturns since fair value is challenging to estimate with accuracy.