Gorgias Review 2024: Pros & Cons (My Honest Experience After 2 Years)


Verdett Ä enerali

Inħobb ħafna l-ispeċjalista awtomatiku li jiÄ”i standard ma' Gorgias. Billi tipprovdi tweÄ”ibiet intuwittivi għall-mistoqsijiet l-aktar frekwenti tal-klijenti tiegħi, tippermettili aktar ħin biex niffoka fuq xogħol ta 'livell ogħla. Din l-awtomazzjoni kienet bidla fil-logħba għan-negozju tiegħi, u ppermettili niffoka fuq oqsma kritiċi oħra filwaqt li xorta nirrispondi malajr u b'mod utli għall-mistoqsijiet tal-klijenti tiegħi.

Minn 10


  • L-appoĔĔ tal-klijent Gorgias huwa tassew aqwa
  • Sejbien ta' intenzjoni u sentiment
  • L-aħjar għat-tipi kollha ta 'negozju.
  • Å»ieda fil-produttivitĆ  b'40%
  • Mudelli ta 'email effettivi
  • Qabbad il-kanali kollha ta 'appoĔĔ tiegħek


  • Ma nħobbx li neħħew l-għażla li jimmarkaw manwalment it-tim taċ-Chat tiegħek bħala "mhux disponibbli
  • Kultant jiÄ”rilha buggy bl-integrazzjonijiet


prezz: $ 50

F'dan Gorgias reviżjoni, Iā€™ll examine one of the greatest e-commerce help desk shop assistance options and outline its many benefits and drawbacks. Is it a good fit for your company?

Hekk kif il-ħanut tal-kummerċ elettroniku tiegħi qed ikompli jikber, irrealizzajt l-importanza li jkolli help desk li jista 'jiskala bla xkiel man-negozju tiegħi u jimmaniĔĔja b'mod effiċjenti l-biljetti kollha ta' appoĔĔ għall-klijenti.

Huwa kruċjali li jiÄ”i pprovdut servizz tal-konsumatur mill-aqwa u li jiÄ”i żgurat li l-ebda mistoqsija jew kwistjoni ma taqa 'minn ix-xquq.

Managing customer support across multiple channels, such as email, live chat, phone, and social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, can be quite challenging and time-consuming.

Itā€™s easy for tickets to get lost in the shuffle, leading to frustrated customers and a negative impact on the overall shopping experience.

Thatā€™s where Gorgias comes in. This all-in-one help desk has been a game-changer for me. With Gorgias, I can effectively manage all of my customer services in one centralized place, eliminating the need to constantly switch between different platforms and channels.

Bottom Line Bil-quddiem šŸš€ 

Gorgias hu il-ħanut favorit tiegħi tal-help desk tal-kummerċ elettroniku. Jekk tmexxi kumpanija Shopify eCommerce u trid ittejjeb is-servizz tal-konsumatur, ma tfittexx aktar!

L-ispeċjalista awtomatiku integrat ta' Gorgias huwa wieħed mill-karatteristiċi favoriti tiegħi. Hija twieÄ”eb b'mod intelliÄ”enti l-mistoqsijiet l-aktar komunement mitluba mill-klijenti tiegħi, u jeħlisni minn ħidmiet mundani.

L-introduzzjoni ta 'din l-awtomazzjoni kienet ta' bidla fil-logħba għall-kumpanija tiegħi, u ħelsitni biex niffoka fuq oqsma kruċjali oħra filwaqt li xorta tipprovdi lill-klijenti tiegħi tweÄ”ibiet f'waqthom u utli.

Gorgias jagħti karatteristiċi u appoĔĔ mhux imqabbla mmirati għall-bżonnijiet tiegħek. Dan il-ħanut aqwa tal-help desk tal-kummerċ elettroniku joffri għodod mhux imqabbla għall-Ä”estjoni tal-mistoqsijiet tal-klijenti, issolvi d-diffikultajiet, u tissimplifika s-sistema ta 'appoĔĔ tiegħek.

Wara li inkorpora lil Gorgias għal sentejn, Naħseb li inti tibbenefika milli tagħtiha sparatura.

Għaliex il-marki ta' Shopify iħobbu lil Gorgias:

āœ… Gorgias has 4.4 stars (500+ Shopify App reviews) vs. Zendesk 3.3 stars (150).

āœ… Agents respond 30% faster on Gorgias (4.8hrs) vs. Zendesk (6.36hrs).

āœ… l-ebda spiża addizzjonali għall-imbarkazzjoni, siĔĔijiet żejda, jew investiment f'riżorsi tekniċi (investiment annwali ta '5-6 figuri) biex jiÄ”i kkonfigurat il-playbook fundamentali CX ta' marka moderna.

Huwa ċar li Gorgias jirbaħ fuq Zendesk hawn u ħafna klijenti qed iħobbu lil Gorgias għall-karatteristiċi tagħhom li huwa rħis, sempliċi u mhux imbarazz.

Gorgias helpdesk shopify app

Reviżjoni Gorgias

Reviżjoni fil-fond ta' Gorgias: L-aqwa Prosperitajiet u ŻvantaĔĔi

gorgias is a customer service platform where you can manage your customer support in one place. Customers can contact you on multiple channels.

You can also collect customer service messages from all channels (email, live chat, phone, etc.) to help you optimize your support tickets.

Gorgiasā€™s simple mission is to help you deliver independent e-commerce products with outstanding customer service. It allows your agents to focus on being productive that advising customers rather than responding to repeated emails throughout the day.

Gorgias Overview

Gorgias strives to free up its employeesā€™ time to focus on cash-generating activities by automatically answering basic customer questions. Not only that, but Gorgias also monitors the impact of customer service at the sales level.

With this information, you can ensure that your customer engagement becomes part of a profitable strateĔija tal-bejgħ.

My Honest Experience With Gorgias:

To my surprise, when we first logged into the app, I noticed that its interface looked very much like an email client.

Even small business-oriented help desks like Xogħlijiet friski u, Zoho Desk, which are often based on a ticket queue dashboard, are strikingly different from this model.

However, this design choice is deliberate since once you get used to it, sorting through tickets is actually quite simple. Even from a management standpoint, it is visually appealing because of the color-coded tickets and the simple order entry process.

Another component thatā€™s unique is its sales aspect of it.

Gorgias - Ecommerce

Tipikament, dipartimenti oħra tas-servizz tal-konsumatur jibdew ix-xogħol tagħhom wara li klijent ikun għamel tranżazzjoni. Bl-użu ta 'interface bħal email, Gorgias jagħmel l-ordnijiet tal-konsumaturi l-fokus ewlieni tal-ingaĔĔ.

The system categorizes customer service and information channels using views. As with Google Gmail, these are displayed on the left side of the screen.

You have complete control over what your reps see in these views, and you can even create your own unique views. Filtered information from tickets and tags on those tickets, either provided by the system or another user, is what theyā€™re using to present the data on the screen.

Because of this, every user canā€™t customize a view. Only a person with administrator or lead agent rights can make all customizations.

Finally, you can designate whether a view should be made public or private. Only the holder of the private view can see the views that are shared with other users or teams.

Gorgias jagħti valur għoli lill-awtomazzjoni bħala karatteristika. Meta niĔu għall-istabbiliment ta 'servizz tal-konsumatur li jirrikjedi ftit interazzjoni, tweĔibiet makro-mmexxija u mudelli huma soluzzjoni ideali. Dawn il-mudelli jistgħu jgħinu wkoll fil-Ĕbir ta' data għal studju futur.

As an illustration, you might automatically gather data on any customer complaints about a certain product or a particular pain point associated with that product.

You may then utilize that information to create more efficient automated responses to the problem and, perhaps, make it a higher priority in your next update.

Additionally, Gorgias has placed a high value on interoperability with other systems. However, there is also an App Store with a far longer list of additional add-on apps for BigCommerce, Magento, u Shopify.

By integrating Loop with your Gorgias-Shopify platform, you can automate the complete product return procedure.

You might also add Aircall, which provides phone help and the ability to create tickets right from a phone call. The possibilities for further social media data mining and analytics are virtually limitless.

Here, itā€™s important to be adaptable even within the confines of Gorgiasā€™ mission. Many of the broad functions that come with platforms aimed at a wide range of customers, such as remote control or SLA management, are absent from this platform.

If youā€™re a smaller online retailer, the App Store allows you to develop a highly customized service desk tailored to your business, store, and product category.

Gorgias Review: Features

1. Connect All Your Support Channel

gorgias jgħinek timmaniĔĔja l-kanali kollha ta' appoĔĔ għall-klijenti tiegħek bħall-email, Facebook Messenger, Live Chat, Instagram, chat tat-telefon, eċċ kollha f'post wieħed. 

Kanali ta 'AppoĔĔ

2. Set Up Smart Autoresponder

Gorgias has set an autoresponder for customersā€™ repetitively asked queries.

They will get satisfactory responses from these bots. If not, the queries are forwarded to your employees for a better solution. This will help boost your economy and your employeesā€™ productivity as well.

Gorgias Reviżjoni - Smart Autoresponder

3. All Help Desk Features

Il-Karatteristiċi kollha tal-Help Desk

  • Tista 'żżid tikketti mal-biljetti tiegħek jew issolvihom fil-veduti tad-dwana tiegħek
  • Biex tqassam il-biljetti li jkunu deħlin, tista' tassenja l-biljetti lill-aÄ”enti tiegħek
  • Evita xogħol duplikat billi tqassam il-biljetti
  • Uża noti interni u ssemmi biex tikkollabora direttament fuq il-biljetti

4. Conversation History and Order Data

Gorgias jiftħu l-biljetti

Gorgias iżomm il-konversazzjonijiet kollha mal-istess klijent f'post wieħed, irrispettivament mill-kanal.

Dan il-mod, tista 'faċilment tfittex u ssegwi l-istorja tal-konversazzjoni tiegħek.

Gorgias iniżżel l-informazzjoni rilevanti minn Shopify jew mill-kummerċ elettroniku biex jagħtik informazzjoni dettaljata dwar il-klijent f'panel ċar: informazzjoni dwar l-ordnijiet, numru tat-traċċar, u aktar.

Żid kontijiet tal-klijenti u ordnijiet għal apps oħra mill-helpdesk tiegħek: rifużjoni, tikkanċella ordnijiet, ibdel l-indirizzi.

5. Drive Revenue with Chat Campaigns

Reviżjoni tal-app Gorgias

Donā€™t wait for the websiteā€™s visitors to contact you. You can trigger live chat conversations with them and give them advice on the product based on the cart content.

You can also guide them through checkout to grow your revenues.

6. Data-Rich Macros

Gorgias makro

You can create message templates that include customer information, such as order details and tracking numbers. You donā€™t have to do much copy and pasting because, with a click, you can send more personalized messages.

7. Monitor Your Teamā€™s Performance

It gives you major customer service KPIs to understand customer requests. It helps you measure response and resolution time and also lets you track satisfaction scores.

With this tool, you can monitor or measure your teamā€™s performance. After that, you can also send your statistics to your preferred BI tool.

Gorgias Review - Prestazzjoni tat-Tim

8. Earn Money Using Revenue Statistics

With the help of revenue statistics, you can earn money. It helps you measure the impact of chat on sales and also lets you convert support into real money.

If the customer conversion and the revenue generated by pre-sale tickets are good, then you can also give rewards to your agents.

9. Auto-assignment limits

Issa tistaā€™ tagħżel in-numru massimu taā€™ biljetti li aÄ”ent jistaā€™ jiÄ”i moqdi bl-awto-assenjazzjoni kemm għall-biljetti ā€œChat & Messagingā€ (chat, messaĔĔier, IG DMs, SMS,ā€¦) kif ukoll biljetti ā€œTest ieħorā€ (email, kummenti... .)

Biex tagħmel dan, mur fuq Settings -> Assenjazzjoni tal-biljetti šŸ¤–

Ä estjoni tal-biljetti ta' Gorgias

10. Gmail  Conversation Grouping

Raggruppament tal-biljetti aktar intelliĔenti għall-integrazzjonijiet tal-Gmail!

Gorgias għadu kif ħareĔ karatteristika Ĕdida għall-integrazzjonijiet tal-Gmail, li tiżgura li l-messaĔĔi tal-Gmail jiĔu miĔbura f'biljetti bl-użu tal-loĔika tal-grupp tal-Gmail.

Ä estjoni tal-email ta' Gorgias

Xi jfisser dan?

According to the Gmail documentation, Gmail messages are grouped into the same ticket if each message meets the following conditions:

They have the same recipients, senders, or subject as a previous message. A reference header with the same IDs as a previous message.

Sent within one week of a previous message. What if this new grouping causes strange behaviors (ex., contact form submissions from different customers being merged into one ticket)?

Mhux problema! Tista' tiddiżattiva din l-imÄ”iba billi tmur fil-paÄ”na tas-settings tal-integrazzjoni tal-Gmail (Settings ā†’ Integrazzjonijiet ā†’ Email ā†’ Integrazzjoni speċifika tal-Gmail) u titfi Ippermetti r-raggruppament tal-konversazzjonijiet tal-Gmail.

11. Article recommendation in Chat

rakkomandazzjoni tal-artikolu gorgias

Ix-xerrej tiegħek issa se jikseb rakkomandazzjonijiet dwar l-artikoli tal-FAQ direttament mit-tieqa taċ-chat tiegħek.

Gorgias Chat issa jisfrutta ċ-ċentru tal-għajnuna tiegħek biex jirrakkomanda awtomatikament artikli tal-FAQ lix-xerrejja.

šŸ¤– Jekk għandek chat attiv u ċentru ta' għajnuna fil-kont tiegħek, ix-xerrejja jirċievu rakkomandazzjoni ta' artiklu meta jistaqsu mistoqsija li taqbel ma' artiklu fiċ-ċentru ta' għajnuna tiegħek. Ix-xerrejja jistgħu jikkonsultaw l-artiklu direttament fit-tieqa taċ-chat mingħajr ma jitilqu mill-maħżen tiegħek.

āš”ļø Ix-xerrejja issa jiksbu tweÄ”ibiet immedjati għall-mistoqsijiet tagħhom fuq iċ-chat, u l-aÄ”ent tiegħek ikun jista' jiffoka fuq mistoqsijiet avvanzati li ma jistgħux jiÄ”u mwieÄ”ba billi tuża l-FAQ tiegħek.

šŸ¤“ Tista' tattiva l-karatteristika taħt it-tab ta' awtomazzjoni tas-settings taċ-chat tiegħek (ara hawn taħt):

Gorgias artikolu chat rakkomandazzjoni

12. Auto-assign Rule From Team Creation

You can now directly create a rule assigning tickets to the team youā€™ve just created. Up until now, if you wanted to set up auto-assignment for your team, you needed to access the rules settings and manually build it.

Sabiex dan il-proċess ikun aktar sempliċi, Gorgias żied pass simplifikat għall-ħolqien tar-regoli fil-flussi tal-ħolqien tat-tim!

Ladarba tinħoloq, ir-regola tkun aċċessibbli fis-settings tar-regoli.

gorgias chat rakkomandazzjonijiet

Min Għandu Jikkunsidra li juża Gorgias?

People who are using websajts tal-kummerċ elettroniku to sell their products and want to maintain good relationships with their customers should consider using Gorgias.

It is really hard to reply to consumersā€™ queries on a daily basis, and every query has the same type of questions. It can waste a lot of your time and that of your support team.

gorgias helps you by saving you time because it replies to those same queries automatically on a daily basis and forwards those queries to the support team, which requires human interaction.

In this way, you can focus your time on generating more money-related ideas instead of replying to those same emails.

Your support team can also help quickly those customers who require immediate attention, and in this way, your websiteā€™s customer satisfaction score will rise.

Gorgias Chrome Estensjoni

gorgias hija estensjoni tal-biża' tal-Chrome b'xejn li tħallik toħloq mudelli tad-dwana li jistgħu jintużaw fi kwalunkwe applikazzjoni tal-email, bil-kapaċitĆ  li tippersonalizza messaĔĔi ħerÄ”in predefiniti f'isem ir-riċevitur.

For example, if you want to answer a customer service question, you can create a template that says, ā€œHello [senderā€™s name], thank you for contacting our technical support,ā€ and add it to the message with a simple shortcut.

Other variables include the senderā€™s name, email address, and content. I hope the update includes options such as the current day, date, and time on the menu.

The Chrome Extension of Gorgias can:

  • Oħloq il-mudelli tiegħek
  • Oħloq varjabbli
  • Fittex u daħħal shortcuts
  • Aqsam mudelli mat-tim tiegħek

Għalkemm Gorgias huwa diĔƠ għodda pura għall-użu personali, il-verżjoni mħallsa tiegħu għall-gruppi hija sinifikanti. Billi taħdem ma 'tim, tista' awtomatikament taqsam dawn il-mudelli mal-kollegi għal messaĔĔi uniformi.

Għan Ta Gorgias

Gorgias shopify ecommerce

In their mission statement, they clearly mentioned that they want to help independent e-commerce brands so they can provide better customer service to their consumers.

It helps them focus the support team on becoming sales associates who can advise their customers and provide better options instead of answering repetitive emails all day long.

It helps you by freeing the time that you waste on replying to those emails and lets you focus on those activities that can generate more money.

It replies to basic customer questions automatically instead of you or your team. These things impact your sales rates, and that is why they track the impact of your customer service on your revenue.

All these things can help you increase your sales, and your customer satisfaction level will surely increase as well. They also claim that it can increase your productivity by 40%, which is really awesome.

Integrazzjonijiet Gorgias

Hija pjattaforma versatili ħafna u adattabbli minħabba li taħdem b'aktar minn 20 plugins, and it has the highest reviews on Shopify and Magento.

This platform can help solve problems of other platforms, and the list of plugins hija integrata ma:

Integrazzjonijiet Gorgias

  • Shopify
  • Magento
  • Instagram
  • Gmail
  • Facebook Kummenti
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Live Chat
  • WooCommerce
  • Slack
  • twitter
  • MailChimp
  • Klaviyo

u qed iżidu aktar u aktar applikazzjonijiet fuq bażi regolari. Qed jipprovdulek ukoll applikazzjoni mobbli sabiex tkun tista' tipprovdi servizz tal-konsumatur istantanjament lill-klijenti tiegħek. JappoĔĔja wkoll marki multipli.

Il-Helpdesk Mibni għall-Imħażen Magento

Gorgias Magento Helpdesk jappoĔĔja s-sistema taċ-chat

Ittejjeb l-appoĔĔ għall-maħżen Magento tiegħek u dawwarha f'ċentru ta 'profitt

Live Chat

Talk to your visitors in real-time through live chat to increase your website conversion rate. You can even trigger live chat campaigns based on the URL to engage in conversation automatically.

Sistema ta 'Biljetti

Iċċentralizza l-komunikazzjoni kollha tal-klijenti tiegħek f'post wieħed. Qabbad il-kontijiet tal-midja soċjali tiegħek, appoĔĔa l-indirizzi tal-email, u n-numri tat-telefon, u wieÄ”eb il-biljetti kollha mingħajr ma titlaq mill-helpdesk tiegħek.

Social Media Posts and Ads

Never miss an opportunity to sell on midja soċjali again. Integrate your Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram accounts to respond to comments from posts and ads in one place.


Create template answers to respond faster to the most common and repetitive questions. Write a message once with custom data variables and save it as a macro to reuse it automatically.


Create rules to handle common questions like ā€œWhere is my order?ā€ By combining rules and macros, you can automate up to 40% of support tickets with highly personalized answers.

Intent and Sentiment Detection

Gorgias juża t-tagħlim tal-magni biex jiskopri l-intenzjonijiet tal-klijenti bħal tbaħħir, rifużjoni, skambju, u ħafna oħrajn. Imbagħad tista 'twaqqaf risposti awtomatiċi jew rotta l-biljetti b'tikketti.

Support and Revenue Statistics

Intraċċa l-metriċi tal-aÄ”ent ta 'appoĔĔ bħall-volum tal-biljetti, il-ħin tar-rispons, u l-ħin tar-riżoluzzjoni. Irfina l-istrateÄ”iji tad-dħul tiegħek bi stats dwar biljetti taā€™ qabel il-bejgħ, biljetti konvertiti, u bejgħ totali.

Multi-store Connection

Connect all your Magento Stores to Gorgias. Centralize all tickets from all your stores in one place to save time.

Gorgias Reviżjoni Ipprezzar

Gorgias Price Plan

1. Pjan Starter

  • disponibbiltĆ : Only available for monthly subscription
  • biljetti: 50 tickets/month
  • spiża: Kuntatt għall-ipprezzar

2. Pjan Bażiku

  • biljetti: 300 tickets/month
  • Spiża fix-xahar: $ 60
  • Spiża Annwali: $50/month (billed annually)

3. Pjan Pro

  • biljetti: 2,000 tickets/month
  • Spiża fix-xahar: $ 360
  • Spiża Annwali: $300/month (billed annually)
  • Spiża Addizzjonali: $36 per additional 100 tickets
  • Karatteristiċi:
    • Up to 500 user seats
    • SSO, team management, user permissions
    • Unlimited social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp)
    • 150 active integrations from a library of 94 apps
    • Support and revenue reporting (support performance, live stats, satisfaction surveys, revenue stats)
    • Pro customer services (Lite onboarding, Gorgias Academy, support by email & chat, office hours)

4. Pjan Avvanzat

  • biljetti: 5,000 tickets/month
  • Spiża fix-xahar: $ 900
  • Spiża Annwali: $750/month (billed annually)

5. Pjan ta 'Intrapriża

  • biljetti: Custom ticket volume
  • spiża: Contact for custom pricing
  • Tailored services and features suitable for large-scale operations

Add-Ons (Available for any plan)

  • Automate+: $25/month for additional automated interactions
  • Convert+: $30/month for additional onsite campaign clicks
  • Leħen+: $25/month for additional voice tickets
  • SMS+: $17/month for additional SMS tickets

This structured plan overview makes it clear what each level offers, helping businesses of various sizes choose the right package based on their operational needs and growth plans.

Each tier is designed to provide scalability and flexibility, ensuring that as your business grows, your ability to manage customer interactions efficiently grows, too.

Gorgias Customer Reviews & Testimonjanzi

Gorgias - Testimonjanzi tal-Klijent Gorgias karatteristiċi u Gorgias reviżjoni


Gorgias Reviżjoni - Reviżjoni tal-Klijent

Gorgias - Testimonjanzi tal-Klijent

Pros and Cons Of Gorgias 


  • L-aħjar għat-tipi kollha ta 'negozju.
  • Increases in productivity by 40%.
  • An effective auto-expanding tool.
  • Effective email templates.
  • It is a fast, efficient, and powerful customer support tool.
  • They offer a free trial so that you can get an overview of Gorgiasā€™ features.
  • Is-sodisfazzjon tal-klijent jistaā€™ jitkejjel permezz taā€™ stħarriÄ” ipprovdut minn Gorgias.


  • The automation service is not included in every plan.


šŸ§ Does Gorgias have a knowledge base?

Inti tista 'żżid is-saħħa ta' HelpDocs billi tintegra Gorgias ma 'servizzi oħra. Dan jista 'jkun għat-tim intern tiegħek jew għall-bażi ta' għarfien tiegħek innifsu.

šŸ¤” Is Gorgias a CRM?

Gorgias is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform designed specifically for e-commerce companies. This platform enables your customer care staff to manage all of your support and customer service in one location. Gorgias is being used by the most successful Shopify stores to cut down on the amount of time it takes for the initial response to a ticket and to boost the effectiveness of their customer service teams.

šŸ‘€ What is Gorgias helpdesk?

Gorgias hija pjattaforma speċifika għall-kummerċ elettroniku għas-servizz tal-konsumatur. Tista' timmaniĔĔja l-kanali kollha tal-kura tal-klijenti tiegħek minn dashboard wieħed ta' Gorgias: email/chat/telefon/Messenger/Facebook/Instagram/SMS. B'dejta ta' back-office minn Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, ReCharge, u oħrajn, tista' tirrispondi lill-klijenti f'sekondi.

šŸ‘‰ How do I add Gorgias to Shopify?

In Gorgias, go to Integrations -> Shopify. Click 'Add Shopify'. Once clicked, you will be redirected to the Shopify App Store.

šŸ”„ What is Gorgias and what are its top alternatives?

For e-commerce businesses, Gorgias creates a multi-channel helpdesk that is integrated with the back-end. Customers can access all of their support services in one spot, which saves businesses time and money. It provides a single view of customers for customer service agents by connecting various corporate apps and communication channels. Gorgias is a component of a tech stack that focuses on customer service. Freshdesk, Zendesk, Helpscout, and Reamaze are all viable alternatives to Gorgias.

šŸš€ How many languages can Gorgias detect?

Gorgias bħalissa jista 'jsib sa 54 lingwa fil-biljetti ta' appoĔĔ tiegħek.

āœ… What is a Gorgias Bot?

Meta aĔent ma jużax Gorgias biex jirrispondi lil klijent, Gorgias Bot huwa dak li jibgħat il-messaĔĔ lill-klijent.

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Konklużjoni: Gorgias Review 2024

Bħala intraprenditur li topera ħanut online żgħir jew medju billi tuża pjattaformi bħal BigCommerce, Magento, jew Shopify, skoprejt lil Gorgias bħala soluzzjoni ideali ta' support desk.

L-aktar kont impressjonat bl-għażla estensiva ta' Gorgias ta' apps kompatibbli u l-affidabbiltĆ  Ä”enerali f'termini ta' karatteristiċi. Joffri għażla robusta ta 'għodod li jintegraw bla xkiel mal-pjattaforma tiegħu, li jiggarantixxu esperjenza fluwida u effettiva tas-servizz tal-konsumatur.

The ability of Gorgias to optimize customer service has had a substantial impact on my sales, making it one of its most impressive features.

With Gorgias by my side, Iā€™ve been able to improve the level of customer support I offer, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and, ultimately, increased sales.

Verament nadore l-ispeċjalista awtomatizzat, li huwa karatteristika pendenti ta 'Gorgias.

Hija twieÄ”eb b'mod intelliÄ”enti għall-mistoqsijiet l-aktar frekwenti mill-klijenti tiegħi, u tiflili ħin u sforz. Din l-awtomazzjoni kienet bidla fil-logħba għan-negozju tiegħi, u ppermettili niffoka fuq aspetti kruċjali oħra filwaqt li xorta nipprovdi lill-konsumaturi tiegħi risponsi fil-pront u utli.

Notably, if youā€™re looking for a solution that transcends the limitations of an e-commerce platform, Gorgias may not be the best option for you.

In such situations, I would suggest investigating more comprehensive options, such as Freshdesk u Zoho Desk, li huma rebbieħa tal-Għażla tal-Edituri għan-negozji ż-żgħar u joffru firxa usaā€™ taā€™ karatteristiċi u funzjonalitajiet.

Bħala konklużjoni, Gorgias kien assi sinifikanti għall-ħanut online tiegħi.

Aqsam il-ħsibijiet tiegħek dwar Ir-reviżjoni ta' Gorgias fil-kummenti hawn taħt u għarrafna x'taħseb dwar Gorgias.

Kashish Babber
Dan l-awtur huwa vverifikat fuq BloggersIdeas.com

Kashish hija gradwata tal-B.Com, li bħalissa qed issegwi l-passjoni tagħha biex titgħallem u tikteb dwar is-SEO u l-blogging. Ma 'kull aĔĔornament Ĕdid tal-algoritmu ta' Google hija tgħaddas fid-dettalji. Hija dejjem ħerqana li titgħallem u tħobb tesplora kull twist u dawra tal-aĔĔornamenti tal-algoritmi ta' Google, u tidħol fin-nofs biex tifhem kif jaħdmu. L-entużjażmu tagħha għal dawn is-suĔĔetti jista' jidher fil-kitba tagħha, li tagħmel l-għarfien tagħha kemm informattiv kif ukoll impenjattiv għal kull min hu interessat fil-pajsaĔĔ li dejjem jevolvi tal-ottimizzazzjoni tal-magni tat-tiftix u l-arti tal-blogging.

Żvelar tal-affiljat: Bi trasparenza sħiħa - uħud mill-links fuq il-websajt tagħna huma links affiljati, jekk tużahom biex tagħmel xirja se naqilgħu kummissjoni mingħajr spejjeż addizzjonali għalik (xejn!).
