LearnWorlds Vs Podia 2024: Ultimate Comparison!



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If you're a beginner, LearnWorlds enables you to create, market and sell online courses without any hassle.

Podia good for someone who is having some kind of techinical info. The platforms makes it to super easy to create and sell online courses.

  • Economical and flexible plans
  • LearnWorlds is the choice of top course creators
  • Unlimited Courses
  • Built-in course player
  • Unlimited video hosting
  • Good support
  • Courses are delivered very systematically.
  • Guarantees a minimum of 99.9% uptime and improved responsiveness for teachers.
  • It supports many administrators, providing the scalability you need to expand your online school.
  • They have no transaction fees or "zero fees."
  • There is no limit on the number of users, classes, or videos that may be stored.
  • Easy email marketing thanks to the built-in email marketing tool.
  • You'll need to be on a more expensive plan to use its premium features.
  • Students may use their credit cards to enroll in the course.
Ease of Use

LearnWorlds is an extremely easy-to-use platform especially for beginners who are looking to create and sell online courses.

Podia is another easy to use platform which easily lets you create online courses. However, the dashboard isn't that easy to understand.

Value For Money

LearnWorlds is value for money as the pricing starts from $24/month.

Podia is a bit expensive compared to LearnWorlds as the monthly pricing starts $39/month.

Customer Support

LearnWorlds offers expert and reliable customer support.

Podia has good customer support however it needs improvement.

Looking for the best online course tool that will make it easy for you to create and market your course? It may seem complicated to choose between LearnWorlds Vs Podia, but don’t worry! I’m here to help you make a smart choice.

Let’s take a deep look at these two excellent platforms for selling courses online to make sure you understand their features and how they fit your specific needs.

Online training platforms are becoming increasingly popular as e-learning grows, and choosing the right one is essential.

By carefully looking at the most important features, pros and cons, and price structures, I’ll give you a breakdown that will help you understand what they offer and keep you from making any bad choices.

LearnWorlds Vs Podia

🚀 Bottom Line Upfront:

Podia lacks a significant advantage over Learnworlds. Scalability and premium features are provided, enabling you to design and market your course.

You have the best administrative and interactive learning tools to compete successfully in the e-learning market. Get Started With LearnWorlds

Podia has fewer interactive tools than you’ll need to draw in and keep students despite having the mid-range features you’ll need to design and market an online course. Get Started with Podia

LearnWorlds Vs Podia: Overview

LearnWorlds Overview

LearnWorld Overview: Podia Vs LearnWorlds

A platform where one can grow our business widely by creating, firstly, managing the course and gradually selling it to the clients. A good e-learning experience is designed and helpful to students and other professionals.

LearnWorld depends on how much you want to learn and how much you need. With the users, it is increasing on a larger scale from getting started as the smallest business but is now leading and growing.

It was started in 2014 in London. It is beneficial to the users as it has lots of benefits. There is premium pricing about the same, too. The features get added on when you subscribe to the premium subscription. 

There is cloud learning in which the experts guide you and help entrepreneurs and others achieve their goals.

It is a platform where students will interact with their content by themselves and get involved in the same Learner experience taken care of, as the more you do by yourself, the more you will learn significantly.

Podia Overview

Podia Overview - Podia Vs LearnWorlds

Podia is a journey in which the courses are being done quickly, and you will achieve the passion you always wanted in this. This was created in 2014, the same as LearnWorlds.

Here, the public is on an individual base, and the courses they provide are of a smaller level only.

It is a friendly one which you will access and know things faster. There is Customer support provided whenever needed. You will be able to have a good income by selling the memberships, online courses offered, and Digital Downloads to a more significant number of people.

You can do these things quickly as digital networks are much more robust and have a greater audience. 


Features Comparison: LearnWorlds Vs Podia

LearnWorlds Features 

LearnWorlds features: Podia Vs LearnWorlds

  • Signing-up: There is no need for a credit card to have access. It just gets started within a few minutes and in a one-step process. There are 30 days as a trial given to understand it easily.
  • Dashboard: After signing up, the dashboard is being functioned. The payment is here, and various types of video information are available here. Starting from the course setup to the offers, the different pages, and building up about that to the others, what saying all combine here.
  • Creation of the Courses: The description, title, and content must be fixed here. You must write the course amount and how much it will be available to the public. The dripping is also helpful, so you can go for it if you feel your course needs that. The colors and various edits in it can be done. The content also is helpful to users in this.

LearnWorlds - Choose A Course Topic

Marketing and selling of the courses are also done.

  • 24/7 Customer Support: By email and telephone queries, issues are resolved. At the earliest, they will try to resolve your issue in a minimum time. They are helping the users as the app can be done much more excellently, and this expansion is going on at a greater level.
  • Interactive engagement: The users can interact with the experts whenever they want help and seek it. The experts are there to guide them to work effectively and do it regularly. The queries are solved and help to make up things which they are facing. The interaction makes things work at a faster pace.
  • Social networks building up: There is social media by which the courses and plans can be spread to a greater audience. They do things by giving some great benefits also.
  • Unlimited Courses: There are lots of courses available. It depends on you which you want to take and go for it. The right way is by choosing any that would be helpful to you about your current study or your passion.

LearnWorlds - Course Overview

  • Digital Downloads: Once you subscribe to the plans, you can do the downloading at a more manageable level, and then you won’t have to pay for it.

LearnWorlds- Template

Podia Features 

Podia Features - Podia Vs LearnWorlds

  • Create Online Courses: Selling the courses stays best here as there will be making money in dollars. There will be great selling in downloads and doing the membership with it. The selling of courses is best for you. How much you can do that can include the video, audio, quizzes, etc. 
  • Sell Digital Downloads: By creating the template and the ebook, you can do various ways of selling it and have style and expertise. Making money online can happen.

Podia - Digital Downloads

  • Host a membership: It is an excellent opportunity to engage with various content lovers, and those who take up the courses can support and engage once they become a member.
  • Make more with Bundles: There are incentives on the courses so that the sale can be done faster. It is helping customers and having the benefit of doing two to three courses at a minimum rate.
  • Use upsell offers: The discounts should be given so that they function faster. Customers love this offer, buying products and getting additional benefits, too.
  • Basic Email System: You can do the drip and time campaigns through the email system, which would be great for students.

Podia - Email Marketing

  • Creating Quizzes for the Courses: They will do this easily, keep them engaged, and can do it from mobile.
  • Embed the Buy Button: This can be converted into the selling page from the webpage. The low-cost classes are being done here.
  • Set Start Dates: The students must remember the dates as they have purchased the course.

Podia - Membership Area

  • Integrations make it easier: The affiliate system works here as email marketing becomes more accessible with the integrations.

Are you still wondering which course will suit you best to sell courses online? Read the In-depth Podia Review Here.

Pricing Comparison: LearnWorlds Vs Podia

Let’s see the pricing plans offered by LearnWorlds Vs Podia.

LearnWorlds Pricing 

LearnWorlds pricing - Podia Vs LearnWorlds

There is a starter plan of about $29/month divided into two parts: $24 if you do it annually and $5 for course selling.

There is another one, which is the Pro Plan. The benefits, like the website building up, subscriptions happening on a greater level, SCORM compatibility, and $5 for the course, needed to be dropped. Integrations are about $99/month.

There is an annual benefit if paid, which is about $79. 

A premium plan is also available, the Learning Center plan, which is trending and has so many benefits one should go for it to learn many things for a month. It is about $299.

Podia Pricing 

Podia Pricing - Podia Vs LearnWorlds

The offer starts from a very low price of $39 per month in Podia. The free version is unavailable, but the free trial is there so that you can enhance the courses and things easily.


Pros & Cons Of LearnWorlds

There are various advantages and disadvantages to both. I checked about both and then wrote about the same. Some of them are discussed here.

LearnWorlds Pros 

  • Courses are delivered very systematically.
  • The available resources are very comfortably found and with no foundation of time.
  • The additional advantage of hearing and watching the video and audio instructions again and again is provided.
  • You can educate yourself anytime or anywhere as the internet is accessible 24×7.
  • Independent and active participation is promoted by web-based learning.
  • Web-based learning is equally and abundantly beneficial for part-time students and full-time students.

LearnWorlds Cons 

  • The web-based learning activities do not set you up for real-world situations.
  • To stay on task, online courses have no instructor to propel or push you.

Pros & Cons Of Podia

Podia Pros 

  • Multiple courses are being offered by Podia. You can go into the ones where your interest is and your current needs. 
  • Quizzes are being created so those learning will have a challenge and will love to learn the things.
  • The engagement tools are great for students and are knowledge-based as they have a comprehensive and detailed thing.
  • There is a certificate after the completion of the course.
  • Free and premium plans are available so that one can use them as needed. Which 14 days of free one are there.
  • Podia supports its users in the form of email and by chatting 24/7.

Podia Cons

  • There is a free trial, and a plan for free things is unavailable. The charges are applied to the plan.
  • There is no separate feature for the assignment as things are going without that, and as such, a few times, it will get updated.

FAQs On LearnWorlds Vs Podia

What is Podia?

Podia is a platform that lets you sell online courses, memberships, and digital products. It also has good email marketing features and is a good alternative to its competitors like Teachable and Kajabi.

Does LearnWorlds cost money?

There are no sales fees with Learnworlds' Pro Trainer and Learning Center plans (you only pay the flat monthly or yearly subscription of your choice, regardless of the number of sales you make). The one-time charge for each course enrollment is $5 if you select the Starter plan, which is the least expensive option.

What are the benefits of LearnWorlds?

Fast course creation, simple content monetization, better marketing, premium support, and total customization are LearnWorlds' primary advantages. Users of LearnWorlds can rapidly produce online training materials such as webinars, onboarding lessons, cloud-based training, and courses. Simple coding and scripts are not necessary.

Does Podia offer email marketing?

Yes, Podia has a built-in email marketing tool where you can create advertising campaigns, newsletters, and email marketing. It may also include third-party email marketing applications.

What level of support does LearnWorlds offer?

LearnWorlds offers the following support options: Email, Help Desk, Chat, Phone Support, 24/7 Live Representative, Knowledge Base, FAQ Forum, etc.

Also Read:

Conclusion: LearnWorlds Vs Podia 2024

This in-depth comparison of Learnworlds vs. Podia will help you decide which platform is best for your needs.

As a creator of online courses, you can access a solution in the form of these two widely used platforms for online courses. The ultimate choice will be up to you to make, considering your requirements and the resources you have available.

Podia is an excellent choice for sole proprietors, creators, and those interested in supplementing their income with digital downloads.

If I had to choose, I would say that Learnworlds offers more sophisticated capabilities to help a course builder thrive. The scalability of the system, as well as its premium features, are both excellent.

LearnWorlds is your superb option to ensure your brand is presented in the most favorable light possible.

Linda Craig
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Linda Craig is an experienced professional, boasting more than 10 years of experience in marketing and content creation for local and international ecommerce websites. A talented writer with a wry voice derived from her tenure writing obituaries for the local paper, Leana currently serves as BloggersIdeas' Marketing & Education Columnist specializing in crafty copywriting designed to convert readers into leads. Furthermore, she excels at visual storytelling & digital strategy making her the ideal choice when looking to produce comprehensive how-to guides customized towards equipping fellow freelancers or marketers alike with necessary toolsets.

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